Jews & Templars
The Untold Story
Among my people are wicked men who lie in wait like men who snare birds and like those who set traps to catch men. Like cages full of birds, their houses are full of deceit; they have become rich and powerful and have grown fat and sleek. Their evil deeds have no limit - (Jeremiah 5:26)
The story of the Jewish role in world conspiracy can't possibly be told in a single article or book. It extends over thousands of years and is labyrinthine.
Many authors have attempted to lay bear the facts as they see them, and a significant number emphatically condemn Jews for secretly orchestrating worldwide chaos. Writers and researchers such as Nesta Webster, Lady Queensborough, Leon de Poncins, Arnold Leese, Douglas Reed, Eustace Mullins, Lincoln Rockwell, David Duke, Ted Pike, David Icke, William Pierce, Texe Marrs, C. J. Bjerknes, Deanna Springola, David Irving, Ahmed Rami, Kevin MacDonald, and others, are convinced that a great many of the conspiracies plaguing our planet are part of an overarching nefarious Jewish super-conspiracy. These authors reveal many dirty episodes in Jewish history, and cite passages from the Old Testament, Talmud and Protocols of the Elders of Zion, etc, to reinforce their indictments of Jews.
Actually, there can be little doubt that Jews have frequently been disproportionately energetic fomenters of and participants in subversive plots. But why is this the case? How is it rationally explained? Why would anyone - especially those raised under strict moral codes of behavior (far more explicit and inviolable than those known to Christians) - commit evil acts against other races, foment or participate in assassinations, mass murder, anarchy, socialism and general mayhem? The commandment "Thou Shalt Not Kill," comes from Mosaic Law obeyed by Jews centuries before the advent of Christianity. The absolute necessity of living a scrupulously moral life in order to please God and reach heaven is essential in Judaism not Christianity.
And if Jews are compulsively interested in undermining Western culture, why do so many of them seek its benefits? Why have so many Jews been helpful and friendly toward Gentiles? Why have so many contributed to Western culture in invaluable ways and in so many fields - music, art, comedy, literature, history, religion, law, healthcare, psychology, film-making, drama and media, etc?
Many authors have attempted to lay bear the facts as they see them, and a significant number emphatically condemn Jews for secretly orchestrating worldwide chaos. Writers and researchers such as Nesta Webster, Lady Queensborough, Leon de Poncins, Arnold Leese, Douglas Reed, Eustace Mullins, Lincoln Rockwell, David Duke, Ted Pike, David Icke, William Pierce, Texe Marrs, C. J. Bjerknes, Deanna Springola, David Irving, Ahmed Rami, Kevin MacDonald, and others, are convinced that a great many of the conspiracies plaguing our planet are part of an overarching nefarious Jewish super-conspiracy. These authors reveal many dirty episodes in Jewish history, and cite passages from the Old Testament, Talmud and Protocols of the Elders of Zion, etc, to reinforce their indictments of Jews.
Actually, there can be little doubt that Jews have frequently been disproportionately energetic fomenters of and participants in subversive plots. But why is this the case? How is it rationally explained? Why would anyone - especially those raised under strict moral codes of behavior (far more explicit and inviolable than those known to Christians) - commit evil acts against other races, foment or participate in assassinations, mass murder, anarchy, socialism and general mayhem? The commandment "Thou Shalt Not Kill," comes from Mosaic Law obeyed by Jews centuries before the advent of Christianity. The absolute necessity of living a scrupulously moral life in order to please God and reach heaven is essential in Judaism not Christianity.
And if Jews are compulsively interested in undermining Western culture, why do so many of them seek its benefits? Why have so many Jews been helpful and friendly toward Gentiles? Why have so many contributed to Western culture in invaluable ways and in so many fields - music, art, comedy, literature, history, religion, law, healthcare, psychology, film-making, drama and media, etc?
The Jew is not everywhere a revolutionary. He is everywhere discontented with a society alien to him: that is natural and inevitable. But he does not exercise his power invariably, or even ordinarily, towards the oversetting of an established social order by which, incidentally, he often largely benefits...The Jew is not, in the history of Europe, the prime agent of revolution: quite the contrary - Hilaire Belloc (The Jews)
For all the research out there, we are left with many puzzling questions about the Jewish role in the criminal history of the world. When we read most anti-Jewish researchers, can we verify everything they report? Are their accusations accurate, or are there more plausible explanations for the Jewish penchant for subversion?
While such questions are pondered, we remain aware of some essential points and facts. The first point concerns the very term Jew. It's not a straightforward matter discerning what the word truly denotes in regards race. Is it related to the patronym Judah and synonymous with Israelite, Hebrew and Levite? Does anything change if the "J" is replaced by "Y" or "I?" What is the origin of the term, and has it been used to denote different people from those using the appellation today? Can it be traced to an earlier time and more antique non-Semitic people?
While such questions are pondered, we remain aware of some essential points and facts. The first point concerns the very term Jew. It's not a straightforward matter discerning what the word truly denotes in regards race. Is it related to the patronym Judah and synonymous with Israelite, Hebrew and Levite? Does anything change if the "J" is replaced by "Y" or "I?" What is the origin of the term, and has it been used to denote different people from those using the appellation today? Can it be traced to an earlier time and more antique non-Semitic people?
That Christianity came from Judaism is acknowledged by churchmen, but it never has been truthfully divulged before where Judaism had its origins and home, or who were the Hebrews and the Jews. The terms “Hebrew” and “Jew” for deceptive purposes has been conferred upon a people of Aramaic race, and it is a misnomer to call this people – the modern so-called Jews - Conor MacDari
The first usage of the word Jew (in the traditional accepted sense) occurs in the Book of Esther in the Old Testament. The central protagonist of the book, the Benjaminite Mordecai, is described as a "Jew." Some researchers hold that the term was not used in this form until much later, and that it was not until 1860 when Jews referred to themselves by this appellation. If this be true, it wouldn't be the first time later translators interpolated a word or name into a text that had no legitimate place there. There are hundreds of examples of this chicanery, some of it deliberately deceptive. Biblicists and historians refer to it as "pious fraud."
Despite the doubts of certain historians, conventional logic accepts that the word Jew probably derives from the land of Judea, a place-name which derives from the patronym Judah, denoting the Tribe and Kingdom of Judah, established in southern Israel after the great Exodus (Judah being an early patriarch, son of Jacob, the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham). In this sense a Judite or Jew is a person maternally descended by blood from Judean ancestors. (The name Judah can also be rendered Yahud, Yahuda, Yehudah, and even as Auda.)
The Tribe of Judah was the rival of the Kingdom of Israel, comprised of 10 tribes. Judah had its own kings, priests and rules, and was actually comprised of two tribes - Judah and Benjamin. I explain the importance of the Tribe of Benjamin in Article II.
Despite the doubts of certain historians, conventional logic accepts that the word Jew probably derives from the land of Judea, a place-name which derives from the patronym Judah, denoting the Tribe and Kingdom of Judah, established in southern Israel after the great Exodus (Judah being an early patriarch, son of Jacob, the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham). In this sense a Judite or Jew is a person maternally descended by blood from Judean ancestors. (The name Judah can also be rendered Yahud, Yahuda, Yehudah, and even as Auda.)
The Tribe of Judah was the rival of the Kingdom of Israel, comprised of 10 tribes. Judah had its own kings, priests and rules, and was actually comprised of two tribes - Judah and Benjamin. I explain the importance of the Tribe of Benjamin in Article II.
A Jewish priest wearing the Kohen Breastplate featuring the twelve gems representing the twelve tribes of Israel. Like all the traditions, motifs and terms in Christianity and Judaism, the word Kohen and the symbolism of the breastplate have their origin in Druidism and Amenism. Kohen or Cohen (like Canaan, Cana, Khan, Chan and Chang) derives from the Irish Conn, Cian or Cain, etc, denoting a Serpent Priest. The Sumerian version of the word denotes a "Guardian of Semen." It is a term also used in Masonry to identify a person serving as a priest or instructor. The number 12 still connotes the zodiac. (Here for more...)
The Druids were dressed in white robes, the Bard in blue. The Arch-Druid wore a golden breastplate set with twelve jewels, similar to the breastplate of the high priest of Israel. Such a breastplate has been found on a skeleton in one of the Stonehenge tombs - Fredrick Haberman (Tracing Our Ancestors) When engaged in judicial duties, the arch-judge wore, suspended by a chain from his neck, a small figure ornamented with precious stones. This was a representation of the goddess worshipped under the two-fold character of Truth and Justice, and was called Thmei. It has been supposed with good reason, that this was a corruption of the same patriarchal element, afterward developed in the Hebrew religion as the Thummim of the high priest - George Smith (The Gentile Nations, 1853) |
The Menorah. Or is it A-MEN-RA?
Judah's formation created a schism between the 12 tribes, so from the commencement of Jewish history the two tribes of Judah operated rebelliously and defiantly. It doesn't bode well for those calling themselves Jews, and tells us to not automatically associate Jews with Israelites, a common error. Each group has its own distinct history, part of which is disclosed in the Old Testament. However, do we take it that the Judites worshiped the same god as the Israelites? What if this is not the case? Would it help clear away some puzzles about Jewish history?
And what if the so-called Israelites didn't worship Jehovah, but some earlier deity? What if those bearing the appellation Israelite were actually high-born nobles of Egypt, worshiping deities well known in that land? What if they worshiped female deities? Does this explain anything?
Significantly, an ancient Egyptian tablet - the Merenptah Stele - once reported to contain the first inscription proving the existence of Israel was later discovered to be a flagrant forgery. If the existence of ancient Israelites is historically provable fact, why concoct evidence for it? (See my Irish Origins of Civilization books for more on this.)
And what if the so-called Israelites didn't worship Jehovah, but some earlier deity? What if those bearing the appellation Israelite were actually high-born nobles of Egypt, worshiping deities well known in that land? What if they worshiped female deities? Does this explain anything?
Significantly, an ancient Egyptian tablet - the Merenptah Stele - once reported to contain the first inscription proving the existence of Israel was later discovered to be a flagrant forgery. If the existence of ancient Israelites is historically provable fact, why concoct evidence for it? (See my Irish Origins of Civilization books for more on this.)
Although Josephus asserts that the Hyksos were “Jews,” no word for “Jew” in any language appears in the historical record until a thousand years after the initial Hyksos expulsion and several centuries after the second one...we possess no indication that Herodotus had ever heard of such a tribe, much less the kingdom of Judea - D. M. Murdock (Did Moses Exist?)
The descriptive name Judaism was never heard by the Hebrews or 'Israelites'; it appears only with Christianity. Flavius Josephus was one of the first to use the name in his recital of the war with the Romans to connote a totality of beliefs, moral commandments, religious practices and ceremonial institutions of Galilee which he believed superior to rival Hellenism. When the word Judaism was born, there was no longer a Hebrew-'Israelite' state. The people who embraced the creed of Judaism were already mixed of many races and strains; and this diversification was rapidly growing - Dr. Alfred M. Lilienthal (The Jews Are Not A Race) |
Murdock is correct as far as the word signified a race. Of course in some form or other the appellation Jew (or Yahud, Auda or Iodh, etc) existed in ancient times, signifying spiritual caste and sacerdotal status in one or other of the mystery cults and societies. As I show elsewhere the term originally derives from the worshipers of the Yew tree and is purely Aryan. (Here for more...)
Of course, all this ancient history doesn't prove that people later known as Jews were in any way related to the Biblical Judeans or Judites, especially if the latter were in fact Egyptians. Nevertheless, given that the Judites and Benjaminites were arrogant and defiant, why would anyone openly admit being related to them? One would be more eager to be related to the greater House of Israel, allegedly located in the northern territories of the land of Israel. In any case, just because a person of later times decides to convert to the religion of Judaism, it does not mean he is biologically related to ancient Judites or Israelites. He adopts the patronym Jew even when he is not of the Jewish race. Regrettably this is not a matter we can explore further here.
A second crucial and more controversial concern is what if Jews are not actually the chief movers and shakers in the world's conspiratorial societies. This is not an idea welcomed by anti-Semitic researchers who rarely if ever look to other obvious suspects - the Jesuits, Red Papacy, Masons, Templars, Black Nobility or Dragon Sisterhood (Female Illuminati), etc. Naturally, servants of evil aren't exonerated or forgiven, but the fact remains - they are servants rather than the architects of the universal conspiratorial network. They may be the unicorns, but they are not royal lions.
Throughout history clever Jewish families and individuals have served Moors and Ottoman Turks, Papacy and Black Venetians, Guelphs and Austro-Hungarians, Bolsheviks and Socialists, and most importantly the Templar-Masonic cabal, although in this last case, as we'll see, there's a peculiar and vitally important twist involved.
So as I point out time and again, we must accept that many of the more obvious conspiratorial entities known to us are in fact lower agencies working at the behest of more elusive superiors. In my work I address this architecture of evil and the malignant hierarchy by which evil makes itself manifest. I focus on the "principalities in high places," and the methods used by sorcerers and archons to execute secret malign designs.
Although a significant body of research reveals that certain Jewish families and individuals have served as effective agents of hidden superiors, few writers delve into the reasons why Jews have acted so. It is usually taken for granted that the Jew is a malignant presence through and through, and that it is his nature to commit evil acts and serve evil-doers. But what if this isn't wholly true? After all, without Jews neither Christianity nor Capitalism as we know them would exist. Our concepts of individualism, freedom, nationalism and ethics would be barely formed.
Another important fact concerns the relatively small number of Jews that exist in any Western nation. For all their considerable influence, Jews make up a minute demographic in any European town or city. Additionally, we must always weigh the positive influence of Jews against the accusation of detractors and anti-Semites. We must always consider who accuses, and what their reasons may be. After all, don't Jews have enemies? And might these enemies not stoop quite low in their campaigns of defamation to lead attention away from other guilty perpetrators? Are the accusers Moslems, Christians, atheists, conservatives or liberals? How much of what they say is scurriously biased and how much is substantiated by hard evidence?
Furthermore, when we read works exposing the "Jewish Conspiracy" we rarely find accurate accounts of Jewish history. Despite the conspicuous morality of Old Testament prophets and elders, we find detractors condemning everyone with Jewish ancestry for the crimes and misdemeanors of a few renegade or demented types. We must ask if this is right. Is it right and sensible to lay the blame for the assassinations of Tzar Nicholas II and his family at the doors of all Jews? If so, then we must also blame the "Bloody Sunday" massacre (in Londonderry Ireland) on all Englishmen, and the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre on all Italians.
Given that some Jews undermined countries through stock market manipulation, given that they played a significant role in undermining certain nations (such as Tzarist Russia), and that some Jews have been exposed as adroit fifth-columnists and agent provocateurs, have we noted that the foremost impetus for this was the obsessive, sometimes rabid quest among Zionist-Jews for the establishment of their so-called "Promised Land" - the State of Israel? With this crucial fact in mind, can we make a case for the continuation of Jewish intrigue after Israel was established? Personally, I don't think so, not for the majority of Jews.
I think the Jewish role in world conspiracy significantly melted away after 1948. This is not to say it has abated completely. But things have dramatically changed, and yet hardly any anti-Semitic writers concede this fact. Actually it makes better sense to see bone fide Zionist and Ne0-Conservative Jews as friends and supporters of Western culture, after Western leaders came through for them, providing what they sought in vain for centuries.
What remains of a Jewish conspiracy is now largely focused on protecting the State of Israel from external enemies. There can be little doubt that the foremost enemy of Jews today is Islam. It is also the lethal combine of Islam and Communism, a demonic hybrid rarely if ever discussed by conspiracy theorists. Indeed Islamo-Communism threatens the entire Western world, not just the tiny State of Israel. Recent gargantuan levels of immigration are not orchestrated by Jewish interests. Any Jew involved is more than likely an Atheist-Communist, not a Jew in the true sense of the word, and are therefore enemies of Jews and Gentiles alike.
Clearly, although they were minorities, some Jews made it to the top in countries such as Turkey, Iraq and Syria. Does this in itself mean they all served evil? Does it mean they are to be resented for their successes? Would it not be more logical to assume that as a vulnerable and oft persecuted group, Jews learned to act in less than commendable ways to protect themselves and simply survive under difficult situations. Given that this is the case, was their behavior different from any other small group in the same situation? Are Jews the only vulnerable people to act in unethical ways when attempting to survive? Acting immorally when impossibly dire circumstances press down does not mean one is evil at heart. The condemnation of others taking a higher moral stance is therefore myopic, niggardly and irrational.
And if one finds themselves needing to urgently receive humane treatment from the leaders of a host nation or province, or from one's hostile prejudiced neighbors, might one not be compelled to secure favor by, for instance, lending money to those able to reciprocate by changing laws, lifting bans and offering opportunities for advancement? Might one not be justified in committing less significant immoral acts to secure greater ends for oneself and one's people? Such behavior is universal. There are hundreds of instances of this among all sorts of groups. The Jews are not unique in this regard. We all do it.
Obviously, the sane person realizes that within any group or society, evil people lurk and conspire. There are innumerable Catholics who sin - committing fraud, adultery, abortion and even mass murder. They are still considered Catholics. There are many Moslems who act in complete opposition to their scriptures. No one considers them anything other than Moslem. Time and again evil Jews have been excommunicated by their elders and communities, but are still considered Jews because of their surnames. In all these cases the few evil Christians, Moslems or Jews should never be said to be proper representatives of their wider communities. It leads us nowhere, and only obscures the truth of the matter.
Let us not forget, as so many anti-Semitic writers do, what monstrous atrocities Jewish populations suffered throughout millennia from host nations. What foul deeds may have been done by Jews in the past is more than made up for by the innumerable heinous pogroms, slaughters, confiscations, displacements, betrayals and professional bars meted out to them by envious Gentiles. Can we fault Jews for their justifiable contempt and superiority? An objective study of the facts leads unbiased persons to see that the privileges awarded to a few Jewish families have been well and truly earned.
Of course, all this ancient history doesn't prove that people later known as Jews were in any way related to the Biblical Judeans or Judites, especially if the latter were in fact Egyptians. Nevertheless, given that the Judites and Benjaminites were arrogant and defiant, why would anyone openly admit being related to them? One would be more eager to be related to the greater House of Israel, allegedly located in the northern territories of the land of Israel. In any case, just because a person of later times decides to convert to the religion of Judaism, it does not mean he is biologically related to ancient Judites or Israelites. He adopts the patronym Jew even when he is not of the Jewish race. Regrettably this is not a matter we can explore further here.
A second crucial and more controversial concern is what if Jews are not actually the chief movers and shakers in the world's conspiratorial societies. This is not an idea welcomed by anti-Semitic researchers who rarely if ever look to other obvious suspects - the Jesuits, Red Papacy, Masons, Templars, Black Nobility or Dragon Sisterhood (Female Illuminati), etc. Naturally, servants of evil aren't exonerated or forgiven, but the fact remains - they are servants rather than the architects of the universal conspiratorial network. They may be the unicorns, but they are not royal lions.
Throughout history clever Jewish families and individuals have served Moors and Ottoman Turks, Papacy and Black Venetians, Guelphs and Austro-Hungarians, Bolsheviks and Socialists, and most importantly the Templar-Masonic cabal, although in this last case, as we'll see, there's a peculiar and vitally important twist involved.
So as I point out time and again, we must accept that many of the more obvious conspiratorial entities known to us are in fact lower agencies working at the behest of more elusive superiors. In my work I address this architecture of evil and the malignant hierarchy by which evil makes itself manifest. I focus on the "principalities in high places," and the methods used by sorcerers and archons to execute secret malign designs.
Although a significant body of research reveals that certain Jewish families and individuals have served as effective agents of hidden superiors, few writers delve into the reasons why Jews have acted so. It is usually taken for granted that the Jew is a malignant presence through and through, and that it is his nature to commit evil acts and serve evil-doers. But what if this isn't wholly true? After all, without Jews neither Christianity nor Capitalism as we know them would exist. Our concepts of individualism, freedom, nationalism and ethics would be barely formed.
Another important fact concerns the relatively small number of Jews that exist in any Western nation. For all their considerable influence, Jews make up a minute demographic in any European town or city. Additionally, we must always weigh the positive influence of Jews against the accusation of detractors and anti-Semites. We must always consider who accuses, and what their reasons may be. After all, don't Jews have enemies? And might these enemies not stoop quite low in their campaigns of defamation to lead attention away from other guilty perpetrators? Are the accusers Moslems, Christians, atheists, conservatives or liberals? How much of what they say is scurriously biased and how much is substantiated by hard evidence?
Furthermore, when we read works exposing the "Jewish Conspiracy" we rarely find accurate accounts of Jewish history. Despite the conspicuous morality of Old Testament prophets and elders, we find detractors condemning everyone with Jewish ancestry for the crimes and misdemeanors of a few renegade or demented types. We must ask if this is right. Is it right and sensible to lay the blame for the assassinations of Tzar Nicholas II and his family at the doors of all Jews? If so, then we must also blame the "Bloody Sunday" massacre (in Londonderry Ireland) on all Englishmen, and the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre on all Italians.
Given that some Jews undermined countries through stock market manipulation, given that they played a significant role in undermining certain nations (such as Tzarist Russia), and that some Jews have been exposed as adroit fifth-columnists and agent provocateurs, have we noted that the foremost impetus for this was the obsessive, sometimes rabid quest among Zionist-Jews for the establishment of their so-called "Promised Land" - the State of Israel? With this crucial fact in mind, can we make a case for the continuation of Jewish intrigue after Israel was established? Personally, I don't think so, not for the majority of Jews.
I think the Jewish role in world conspiracy significantly melted away after 1948. This is not to say it has abated completely. But things have dramatically changed, and yet hardly any anti-Semitic writers concede this fact. Actually it makes better sense to see bone fide Zionist and Ne0-Conservative Jews as friends and supporters of Western culture, after Western leaders came through for them, providing what they sought in vain for centuries.
What remains of a Jewish conspiracy is now largely focused on protecting the State of Israel from external enemies. There can be little doubt that the foremost enemy of Jews today is Islam. It is also the lethal combine of Islam and Communism, a demonic hybrid rarely if ever discussed by conspiracy theorists. Indeed Islamo-Communism threatens the entire Western world, not just the tiny State of Israel. Recent gargantuan levels of immigration are not orchestrated by Jewish interests. Any Jew involved is more than likely an Atheist-Communist, not a Jew in the true sense of the word, and are therefore enemies of Jews and Gentiles alike.
Clearly, although they were minorities, some Jews made it to the top in countries such as Turkey, Iraq and Syria. Does this in itself mean they all served evil? Does it mean they are to be resented for their successes? Would it not be more logical to assume that as a vulnerable and oft persecuted group, Jews learned to act in less than commendable ways to protect themselves and simply survive under difficult situations. Given that this is the case, was their behavior different from any other small group in the same situation? Are Jews the only vulnerable people to act in unethical ways when attempting to survive? Acting immorally when impossibly dire circumstances press down does not mean one is evil at heart. The condemnation of others taking a higher moral stance is therefore myopic, niggardly and irrational.
And if one finds themselves needing to urgently receive humane treatment from the leaders of a host nation or province, or from one's hostile prejudiced neighbors, might one not be compelled to secure favor by, for instance, lending money to those able to reciprocate by changing laws, lifting bans and offering opportunities for advancement? Might one not be justified in committing less significant immoral acts to secure greater ends for oneself and one's people? Such behavior is universal. There are hundreds of instances of this among all sorts of groups. The Jews are not unique in this regard. We all do it.
Obviously, the sane person realizes that within any group or society, evil people lurk and conspire. There are innumerable Catholics who sin - committing fraud, adultery, abortion and even mass murder. They are still considered Catholics. There are many Moslems who act in complete opposition to their scriptures. No one considers them anything other than Moslem. Time and again evil Jews have been excommunicated by their elders and communities, but are still considered Jews because of their surnames. In all these cases the few evil Christians, Moslems or Jews should never be said to be proper representatives of their wider communities. It leads us nowhere, and only obscures the truth of the matter.
Let us not forget, as so many anti-Semitic writers do, what monstrous atrocities Jewish populations suffered throughout millennia from host nations. What foul deeds may have been done by Jews in the past is more than made up for by the innumerable heinous pogroms, slaughters, confiscations, displacements, betrayals and professional bars meted out to them by envious Gentiles. Can we fault Jews for their justifiable contempt and superiority? An objective study of the facts leads unbiased persons to see that the privileges awarded to a few Jewish families have been well and truly earned.
...the Jews were ever disappointed of their hopes, and had to submit to the successive overlordship of Greece and Rome - G. R. S. Mead
...Mein Kampf is a tireless recitation of libels and calumnies against the Jews. The Jews are accused of everything from being capitalists to being Bolsheviks, from being impotent to lusting after Nordic women, from being culturally insignificant to being seekers of world domination. The charges are contradictory; they cannot simultaneously be true - Dinesh D'Souza |
Ironically, the points I make here are substantiated in full by Karl Marx. His scurrilous attack on Judaism found in his little known book On the Jewish Question reveals all. Marx, the profligate and flunky, reveals his petticoats in his open condemnation of Jews for being successful capitalists. He inadvertently confirms that there are indeed subversive pseudo-Jews, like himself and his cronies, with no time for normal liberal or conservative Jews. This means that normal Jews exist, and that they are not given to political subversion. Marx's hatred for decency compelled him to betray his vicious contempt for hard-working, God-loving Jews. His anti-Semitism makes it clear that the vast majority of Jews mean no harm to anyone, and that their dire enemies were and are Luciferian pseudo-Jews like himself. (Here for more...)
Of course, we must still address the central paradox. Moral Jews can't be confused with conspiratorial and murderous Jews. Okay, but why do the latter exist, and why their devilish behavior and outlook? No writer or researcher provides consistent insight into this problem. Nevertheless, delving into the occult history of Judaism reveals the answer.
Atonists & Setians
And Moses was instructed in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and he was mighty in his words and deeds - Acts (7:22)
As said above, the story of the Jewish hand in conspiracy is labyrinthine, and most commenters on it know little about actual Jewish history. They are certainly not aware that the Jews first appear on the scene as nobles in ancient Egypt.
Most Jews aren't aware of this, and have been slyly programmed to believe their ancestors were slaves in Egypt. Nothing could be more disingenuous and erroneous.
The so-called Israelites date back to Egypt's 18th dynasty and the reign of heretic king Akhenaton (Amenhotep IV). Although most scholars admire and praise him as a proto-monotheist and sun worshiper, there is more to the story. He was actually a disciple of the dark side of the sun. He was a "Judite" and a "David" in the true original senses of the terms. As a monarch he was absolutely tyrannical. His sect suppressed every other priesthood and belief, and finally brought total ruin to the civilization of the Nile.
His penchant for destruction was born from his desire for revenge against Egypt and its dominant Amenist priesthood. Akhenaton and his parents were members of the Hyksos nobility (the so-called Shasu or Shepherd Kings) who colonized Egypt during the 13th dynasty. This group were hated by ordinary Egyptians who considered them invaders, tyrants and looters. In fact their ancestors had previously been expelled from the land. Akhenaton's family were among some Hyksos nobles permitted to remain in Egypt by the Amenists. Some of the more trusting Amenists probably believed these few families and individuals to be relatively moderate and harmless.
The story of the conflict between Amenists and Atonists is told in my Irish Origins of Civilization books and website.
In the Old Testament we find the story of Akhenaton told in cryptic fashion. He appears in the guises of Moses, Aaron and the mysterious Melchizedek (or Zadok). This means, of course, that the god of Moses (the god of Sinai) is the god of Akhenaton, the true king of the "Jews." (Here for more.)
One of the first scholars to inquire into the similarities between Moses and Akhenaton was the great Viennese psychologistSigmund Freud. His colleague Immanuel Velikovsky was also fascinated by this era of Egyptian history, and particularly with the Moses-Akhenaton connection. Freud was particularly near the mark with his assessments and conclusions. (Here for more...)
Akhenaton's cult has been known as Atonist, after their tutelary deity Aton or Aten. This deity did not originate with Akhenaton, as we are often led to believe. More honest scholars suspect that Aton was a version of the Phoenician Adon or even the Nordic Donar or Odin.
Most Jews aren't aware of this, and have been slyly programmed to believe their ancestors were slaves in Egypt. Nothing could be more disingenuous and erroneous.
The so-called Israelites date back to Egypt's 18th dynasty and the reign of heretic king Akhenaton (Amenhotep IV). Although most scholars admire and praise him as a proto-monotheist and sun worshiper, there is more to the story. He was actually a disciple of the dark side of the sun. He was a "Judite" and a "David" in the true original senses of the terms. As a monarch he was absolutely tyrannical. His sect suppressed every other priesthood and belief, and finally brought total ruin to the civilization of the Nile.
His penchant for destruction was born from his desire for revenge against Egypt and its dominant Amenist priesthood. Akhenaton and his parents were members of the Hyksos nobility (the so-called Shasu or Shepherd Kings) who colonized Egypt during the 13th dynasty. This group were hated by ordinary Egyptians who considered them invaders, tyrants and looters. In fact their ancestors had previously been expelled from the land. Akhenaton's family were among some Hyksos nobles permitted to remain in Egypt by the Amenists. Some of the more trusting Amenists probably believed these few families and individuals to be relatively moderate and harmless.
The story of the conflict between Amenists and Atonists is told in my Irish Origins of Civilization books and website.
In the Old Testament we find the story of Akhenaton told in cryptic fashion. He appears in the guises of Moses, Aaron and the mysterious Melchizedek (or Zadok). This means, of course, that the god of Moses (the god of Sinai) is the god of Akhenaton, the true king of the "Jews." (Here for more.)
One of the first scholars to inquire into the similarities between Moses and Akhenaton was the great Viennese psychologistSigmund Freud. His colleague Immanuel Velikovsky was also fascinated by this era of Egyptian history, and particularly with the Moses-Akhenaton connection. Freud was particularly near the mark with his assessments and conclusions. (Here for more...)
Akhenaton's cult has been known as Atonist, after their tutelary deity Aton or Aten. This deity did not originate with Akhenaton, as we are often led to believe. More honest scholars suspect that Aton was a version of the Phoenician Adon or even the Nordic Donar or Odin.
Enough exists to show that the Nordic gods were the same as the gods of the Levant. The gardens, halls, warfare, altars, sacrifices, marriage and family life were the same - Anonymous (Priesthood of the Illes)
The Druidical religion prevailed not only in Britain, but likewise all over the East - E. V. Kenealy (Book of God) Hyperborea was unquestionably the lands of the Druid and Bard, whose religion was identical with that of the later Hebrews - Anna Wilkes (Ur of the Chaldees) |
Aton was, therefore, just one more import from the West, like Yahweh or Jehovah, and a hundred other deities wrongly said to be of eastern origins.
In academia an insidious machinery of lies and deception exists to disguise these fascinating connections. Experts who discerned the truth have been silenced, demoted and ridiculed. Those who guessed something was doubtful about Judaism's official history, like Sigmund Freud, were ridiculed and ignored.
In academia an insidious machinery of lies and deception exists to disguise these fascinating connections. Experts who discerned the truth have been silenced, demoted and ridiculed. Those who guessed something was doubtful about Judaism's official history, like Sigmund Freud, were ridiculed and ignored.
The great Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) author of Moses and Monotheism, was fascinated with the Moses-Akhenaton connection. I devote several chapters in the Irish Origins of Civilization to his brilliant assessment of the Atonist period.
Unbiased scholars, however, know full well that the Phoenician Adon, Adonai, Don or Dion, etc, was worshiped throughout Mesopotamia and Palestine from the earliest times, long before the rise of the Jews. They also know that his other names were Set, Seth, Sith and Seb, etc.
Over all this region Adonis (Saturn) was adored under various names by the fire-worshipers; for they called Dionysus-Adon (Adonis) in the Lebanon, Adoni and Adonai in Jerusalem, Sat, Set, in Philistia and Seb or Sabi in Arabia. Euripides, Herodotus, and Movers leave no doubt upon the point - S. F. Dunlop (The Ghebers of Hebron, 1894)
The Jewish religion is a form of the Dionysus-worship; and Adonis, Adonai, Osiris, Dionysus, all are the sun – ibid |
In the Old Testament the Atonist exiles are mentioned cryptically as the Israelites. This word has in turn been falsely considered synonymous with Jew and Hebrew. As I show, terms such as Israelite, Jew, Levite, Hebrew, David, Solomon, etc, were sacerdotal titles employed by Egyptian (Amenist) and Aryan members of the Stellar Cult to denote caste rather than race or personality. Terms of this kind (like the word Aryan itself) were later appropriated and deliberately misconstrued by mythmongers.
Hebrew, Israelite, and Jew, are Syrian, Phoenician and Egyptian terms used in the mysterious degrees – Richard Carlile (Manual of Freemasonry)
As Ralph Ellis and other scholars conclusively show, the "Israelite" patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah and Joseph, etc, were high-born nobles and even pharaohs in the land of Egypt. This fact is concealed in Biblical descriptions, but there can be no doubt that the exile of the Israelites was that of a powerful but corrupt Egyptian dynasty.
Whether these Israelites were identical with the Jews is an important question. Jews tell us they are related, but recent research doesn't confirm this. It may be that the term Jew has been misappropriated and misdesignated by those wanting their true identities concealed. By their own testimony the ten tribes of Israel eventually dispersed to the four corners of the globe, assimilating with Gentile nations the world over. There's little chance of proving descent from any one of the Israelite tribes. The best a few Jews are able to do is date their ancestry back to the 17th and 18 centuries.
In any case, as I show in my books, after the great expulsion, the descendants of the Atonists (or Biblical Israelites) set up a new imperial command center in Ireland, and from there set about colonizing the entire world in a supreme act of vengeance. They sought to dominate the world to replace the thrones lost to them in Egypt.
Whether these Israelites were identical with the Jews is an important question. Jews tell us they are related, but recent research doesn't confirm this. It may be that the term Jew has been misappropriated and misdesignated by those wanting their true identities concealed. By their own testimony the ten tribes of Israel eventually dispersed to the four corners of the globe, assimilating with Gentile nations the world over. There's little chance of proving descent from any one of the Israelite tribes. The best a few Jews are able to do is date their ancestry back to the 17th and 18 centuries.
In any case, as I show in my books, after the great expulsion, the descendants of the Atonists (or Biblical Israelites) set up a new imperial command center in Ireland, and from there set about colonizing the entire world in a supreme act of vengeance. They sought to dominate the world to replace the thrones lost to them in Egypt.
Pharaoh Amenhotep IV is better known as Akhenaton. He reigned from approximately 1353 to 1336 BC. He had six daughters, four of whom perished from disease after a long famine. One of his surviving daughters, Meritaten, became the supreme head of his solar order of Atonists after his exile and death. Known by her nickname Scota, meaning "dark one." Significantly, Scota herself (or a descendant with her name) is buried in County Kerry, Ireland. Scota (or Scotia) is the ancient name of Ireland, and when Irish tribes settled in Scotland they gave the country her name. She was undoubtedly the most powerful woman who ever existed. The world we know has been shaped by her biological and ideological descendants and servants. (Here for more...)
Despite the appellation Atonist, Akhenaton's special type of theology did not originate in his time, as duplicitous Egyptologists commonly report. It arose from the earlier worship of the ancient god Set. Much of the symbolism employed by the Sisterhood, and other secret societies under their control, features Setian as well as Atonist symbolism.
Set was a deity associated with particular stars and constellations, and more likely with destructive comets. It was based on stars that, over time, had fallen below the horizon. Hidden from view, they were considered to be in the domain of Set, Sut Suth or South. He was especially associated with constellations situated around the southern pole. The Setian priesthood worshiped these "lost stars." Later masonic terms such as "the Lost Light" refer to this stellar phenomenon and zone.
The inverted pentagram used by Masons and occult societies represents the southern pole star, the emblem of Set, god of the underworld.
Set was a deity associated with particular stars and constellations, and more likely with destructive comets. It was based on stars that, over time, had fallen below the horizon. Hidden from view, they were considered to be in the domain of Set, Sut Suth or South. He was especially associated with constellations situated around the southern pole. The Setian priesthood worshiped these "lost stars." Later masonic terms such as "the Lost Light" refer to this stellar phenomenon and zone.
The inverted pentagram used by Masons and occult societies represents the southern pole star, the emblem of Set, god of the underworld.
The Hyksos or Amorites (Jebusites of Jerusalem) were pre-Israelite Western Semites or Canaanites who worshiped Semitic, Sumero-Babylonian and Egyptian deities, such as Baal-Seth - D. M. Murdock (Did Moses Exist?)
Sada meant "fire." From Asad (or Asat) we derive Asatel, Setel, Sat, Set, Seth God of fire of Tyrians, Kananites, Kenites, Philistians and Egyptians, the God of the Hyksos-kings that the Egyptians feared as the Devil - S. F. Dunlop (The Ghebers of Hebron) The Hyksos entered Egypt as Setites (Sethians), but came out from Egypt as Asirians (Osirians) - ibid Set was worshiped in Philistia and the Delta. Set was Typhon; and Avaris was a Typhonian city. The ancients and chiefly the Egyptians held that the Jews worshiped Saturnus-Typhon (Set) - ibid In lower Egypt the worship of Seth was only in the Eastern Delta and perhaps in Memphis. Tanis and Avaris (at or near Pelusium) were two chief seats of his worship. In Tanis he had a great temple - ibid According to Wiedemann Set was adored in Egypt. The word Setim (Sheto) is the same as Sethim; and the Jews are Sethites. The Sabians derived their religion from Seth. Set (Seth) was worshiped in the land of the Sethim and all the way from the Nile to the Lebanon, by Hyksos, Jews, Philistines and Transjordans - ibid |
Like most gods of Egypt, Set was in one mode connected to the sun, although not as a positive but a negative, destructive manifestation:
Set is evidently the sun-god even if connected with destructive heat. He was also regarded as flame (or fire) - S. F. Dunlop (The Ghebers of Hebron)
Images of Set date back to twelfth dynasty. He is dog-headed because he was associated with Sirius, the Dog Star, from the earliest times, before Anubis and Isis, etc. Here we see the fusion of Set and Horus, representing life and death, darkness and light, ignorance and knowledge. We see that it was not difficult for any group to associate the gods of light with those of darkness, and perhaps even worship both in different ways. Metaphysically and astro-theologically speaking, the ancients understood that for all the sun's radiance and splendor it must enter the underworld and endure absolute darkness. The gods of darkness, therefore, preside over those of light. (Note the two left hands.)
In the esoteric tradition of Egypt, Set and his followers (the Sheto, Sadites or Setians) were regarded as corrupt, hedonistic and amoral. The Setians were without Ma'at, that is without rectitude and honor. They did not better themselves by way of spiritual initiation, and lived entirely for the pursuit of worldly power and wealth. Spiritually awakened men and women - those who aligned themselves with the Supreme Being (Neberdjer) - were, to the Egyptians, those who had escaped the fetters of Set.
Set is the basis for the Christian Satan. The word Satan means "opposer," the original meaning of which was astrological. Satan is considered the "Fallen One." Again this simply refers to the southern zone of the heavens and the stars that fall below the horizon into the so-called underworld of Amenta or Hades. Set was the equivalent of Kronos, Saturn, Ahriman and Apophis - lords of the underworld. It is possible that the worship of the planet Saturn is a degraded variant of Set worship. It is interesting that the Jewish Sabbath refers to Saturday or Saturn's Day.
We still speak of waning stars and luminaries setting on the horizon, and use terms such as sabean when referring to astronomy and astrology.
Set is the basis for the Christian Satan. The word Satan means "opposer," the original meaning of which was astrological. Satan is considered the "Fallen One." Again this simply refers to the southern zone of the heavens and the stars that fall below the horizon into the so-called underworld of Amenta or Hades. Set was the equivalent of Kronos, Saturn, Ahriman and Apophis - lords of the underworld. It is possible that the worship of the planet Saturn is a degraded variant of Set worship. It is interesting that the Jewish Sabbath refers to Saturday or Saturn's Day.
We still speak of waning stars and luminaries setting on the horizon, and use terms such as sabean when referring to astronomy and astrology.
Satan's fall. A cryptic allusion to the appearance of a deadly comet, and also of once venerated stars and constellations that eventually fell below the horizon hidden from sight. It's a relic of ancient stellar cosmology, a central precept of Set worship. The premise was - worship the fallen ones, because as sure as the sun returns every morning, they will "rise again" in a coming age to rule the world of men. It was a common astro-theological motif utterly misconstrued by later mythmongers. The circular encompassing horizon line was the "Ring of Set," later of Horus. Planets or stars that daily or annually wane were (and still are) referred to as "setting," that is descending to the zone of Set. The finger or ear ring, the monk's tonsure, rabbi's yarmulke, and other designs represent this demarcation or limen separating the two worlds of darkness and light. The Templar-Masonic checkered floor also alludes to this phenomenon (the Knights Templar flag displays white and black squares). In Egyptian the word for star is seb, sheb, sab or saba, hence the word sabean. (Here for more...)
Those Egyptian priests, says Lepsius, were versed in astronomy, but mysterious and far from communicative; it was only after the lapse of time, and by polite attentions, that they allowed themselves to be induced to communicate some of their doctrines: but still the most part was kept concealed - S. F. Dunlop |
The Setians were later known as Atonists, and later still, in the scriptures, as Israelites and Judites, with the mysterious Levites being the supreme echelon ruling the rest. These "tribes" were related to many later cults, societies and dynasties, including the Babylonian Gaonim, who later reappear as the Freemasons and Black Nobility.
Speaking of obfuscation and misdirection, eventually the Levite nobility had a brainstorm. They decided to give Set a makeover. He was transmogrified into Yahweh or Jehovah. From this point official Jewish history begins. (Here for more...)
Outside the borders of Egypt, Set was known as El Shaddai. The root Shad being a variant of Shat, Shet, Sut, Set, Seth or Sith meaning "destroyer," most likely alluding to a poisonous comet. Suggestively, the theonym El Shaddai (or El Sadi) comes from a root meaning "breast," indicating that the deity was originally female in aspect - a goddess rather than a god. In masculine form he was the god of fire, destruction, plague and wastelands. This fits perfectly with the imagery of Yahweh presented in Mosaic texts, brooding atop Sinai, a god of deserts, thunder, lightning and wrath, sender of plagues, famine and genocide - a perfect god to terrify and edify the ignorant masses. The Setian imagery is unmistakable despite the camouflage. (Here for more...)
Speaking of obfuscation and misdirection, eventually the Levite nobility had a brainstorm. They decided to give Set a makeover. He was transmogrified into Yahweh or Jehovah. From this point official Jewish history begins. (Here for more...)
Outside the borders of Egypt, Set was known as El Shaddai. The root Shad being a variant of Shat, Shet, Sut, Set, Seth or Sith meaning "destroyer," most likely alluding to a poisonous comet. Suggestively, the theonym El Shaddai (or El Sadi) comes from a root meaning "breast," indicating that the deity was originally female in aspect - a goddess rather than a god. In masculine form he was the god of fire, destruction, plague and wastelands. This fits perfectly with the imagery of Yahweh presented in Mosaic texts, brooding atop Sinai, a god of deserts, thunder, lightning and wrath, sender of plagues, famine and genocide - a perfect god to terrify and edify the ignorant masses. The Setian imagery is unmistakable despite the camouflage. (Here for more...)
The Hebrew God bore the name El Sadi, Sadi, Set, Seth - S. F. Dunlop
We are informed by various writers that Typhon-Seth was feminine. She was the early God of the Jews. In other words, the Jews were formerly worshippers of a female Deity. Jehovah or Iav was originally female - Eliza Burt Gamble (The God-Idea of the Ancients or Sex in Religion) |
It is possible that Set was imported into Egypt and was not original to the land. He may originally have been a prehistoric horned stag god venerated by the ancient Scythians, who went by the names Saca or Scuts. The name Scythian may be a poor rendering of Shetian, Shethian or Sithian. Ancient annals report that the intrepid horseback riding Scythians entered Egypt at an early date. The city of Scythopolis in Palestine is named after them. The name Isaac means "Man of the Saca" or "Wise Man." The Saxons were known throughout the globe as the wisest and noblest of men. In my opinion, the Setians were a knowledgeable but corrupt branch of this illustrious race. This is backed up by Scythian legend.
...have all deep blue eyes, and bright red hair - Herodotus (on the appearance of the Scythians)
The Sakai were among the most distinguished people of Scythia, who settled in Armenia, and were called Sacae-Sani - Pliny the Elder (Roman Historian) The Saxons were descended from the ancient Sacae of Asia - Albinus (Tutor of Charlemagne) The Nordic Sacae arrived later in India and introduced the Vedas, religious poems, which were at first transmitted orally but which were reduced to written form in Old Sanskrit by the Brahmans at the comparatively late date of 300 AD - Madison Grant ...many of the officials, courtiers, and priests, representing the upper class of Egyptian society but not the royalty, looked strikingly like modern Europeans, especially long-headed ones - Professor Carleton Coon (The Races of Europe) And the other ancient civilizations of Asia Minor, Elam, Persia, the Indus Valley and Mediterranean are shown likewise to be of Sumerian or Aryan origin - L. A. Waddell Nobody knows just who these blue-eyed, fair-skinned people were, or even where they came from...Anthropologically, they were termed Caucasians…These people, Elliot Smith concluded, were more than intelligent enough to accomplish the amazing building feats that the modern world marvels at on the banks of the Nile – Gerald O’Farrell (The Tutankhamen Deception) |
The famous tribe of female bow- and sword-wielding Amazons were actually a branch of the Scythian race.
Certain traditions of Egypt may actually derive from the Scythians and their pantheon. Sadly, because the Scythians originally came from Western Europe, you won't hear much about their presence and influence in the Levant, Egypt and further afield. In many ways the Scythian warriors of prehistory were similar to the later Knights Templar.
Eventually, at the end of the 17th dynasty the Setians (the Hyksos nobility) were overthrown and expelled by Pharaoh Ahmose I (1539-1514 BC). This event was the first of two great exoduses, both conflated by mythographers and recorded in the Old Testament book of the same name. To the mythographers the expulsions were construed as a fall from power of epic proportions. This accounts for why in Masonry we see strange symbols such as skulls, coffins, fallen crowns, broken columns and buildings, missing capstones, blind or wounded kings and prophets, plagues, wilderness sojourns, exiles, and so on.
To this day, Masonic third degree rituals preserve the Atonist-Amenist conflict in symbolic form, replaying the murder of a monarch by three assassins, themselves condemned and brutally punished. In modern courts, when a judge bangs his gavel three times, it also recalls this heinous ancient crime. Suggestively, in Masonic lore the three assassins are known collectively as Jewes or Juwes. Does this mean that the moniker for the murderers of royalty later came to denote an entire race? It would be more than ominous.
The second exile of the Setians occurred at the end of the reign of Akhenaton. Pharaoh Heremheb gave them their marching orders, and when they attempted to return yet again, Pharaohs Seti II and Merenptah rode their chariots over them, forcing them from the land. The Atonists were never to return. They retreated to Lower Egypt, to the Giza Plateau, city of Tanis, and cities beyond the borders of Egypt where they were welcomed by wealthy descendants of the first mass of exiles banished by Pharaoh Ahmose at the end of the 17th dynasty. Both exiled groups harbored immense hatred for the native Egyptians and the Amenists who expelled them.
After the second exodus a vitally important change occurred. Set was made over and given a public face. The deity was presented to the horde under the pseudonym Jehovah or Yahweh. Genesis and the following few books in the Old Testament tell us the story of this makeover in garbled and cryptic manner.
Certain traditions of Egypt may actually derive from the Scythians and their pantheon. Sadly, because the Scythians originally came from Western Europe, you won't hear much about their presence and influence in the Levant, Egypt and further afield. In many ways the Scythian warriors of prehistory were similar to the later Knights Templar.
Eventually, at the end of the 17th dynasty the Setians (the Hyksos nobility) were overthrown and expelled by Pharaoh Ahmose I (1539-1514 BC). This event was the first of two great exoduses, both conflated by mythographers and recorded in the Old Testament book of the same name. To the mythographers the expulsions were construed as a fall from power of epic proportions. This accounts for why in Masonry we see strange symbols such as skulls, coffins, fallen crowns, broken columns and buildings, missing capstones, blind or wounded kings and prophets, plagues, wilderness sojourns, exiles, and so on.
To this day, Masonic third degree rituals preserve the Atonist-Amenist conflict in symbolic form, replaying the murder of a monarch by three assassins, themselves condemned and brutally punished. In modern courts, when a judge bangs his gavel three times, it also recalls this heinous ancient crime. Suggestively, in Masonic lore the three assassins are known collectively as Jewes or Juwes. Does this mean that the moniker for the murderers of royalty later came to denote an entire race? It would be more than ominous.
The second exile of the Setians occurred at the end of the reign of Akhenaton. Pharaoh Heremheb gave them their marching orders, and when they attempted to return yet again, Pharaohs Seti II and Merenptah rode their chariots over them, forcing them from the land. The Atonists were never to return. They retreated to Lower Egypt, to the Giza Plateau, city of Tanis, and cities beyond the borders of Egypt where they were welcomed by wealthy descendants of the first mass of exiles banished by Pharaoh Ahmose at the end of the 17th dynasty. Both exiled groups harbored immense hatred for the native Egyptians and the Amenists who expelled them.
After the second exodus a vitally important change occurred. Set was made over and given a public face. The deity was presented to the horde under the pseudonym Jehovah or Yahweh. Genesis and the following few books in the Old Testament tell us the story of this makeover in garbled and cryptic manner.
The name Yahweh was probably appropriated from an earlier Canaanite (Aryan) tribal deity who might originally have been worshiped in female form under the name Jahl or Jael. This accounts for why, when Yahweh originally appeared to Abraham, the patriarch set up his altar to his god beside and oak tree at Shechem (see Genesis 12:6-7).
The goddess Anat-Yahu/Yahweh is mentioned in a Jewish papyrus from Elephantine from the fifth century that claims the deity was “worshiped in the temple to Yahweh originally built by Jewish refugees from the Babylonian conquest of Judah” - D. M. Murdock (Did Moses Exist?)
In the Sumerian and Babylonian pantheons Anu was the original ancient patriarch of the gods, and his wife was Ashratum, a variant of Asherah, consort of the West Semitic patriarch god EL - Tim Callahan (Origins of the Bible) |
Suggestively, research reveals that Set appears in female form as Apophis or Apep, the great serpentine deity of the underworld (southern hemisphere). In some traditions Set and Apep are consorts. The last Set-worshiping Hyksos king was called Apophis.
Abtit-Unti was a form of Apap who was evil, and a type of negation in the natural phenomena, which was opposed to good. In the Eschatology, Set or Sut represents negation as non-existence - Albert Churchward (The Origin and Evolution of Freemasonry)
Genesis modeled the clever serpent after the Egyptian God Set, who took the serpent form of Apophis, enemy of Re – Gary Greenberg (101 Myths of the Bible) The Egyptians often identified Apophis with the god Set, a clever and ambitious deity who wanted to seize the Egyptian throne from his brother Osiris. Towards this purpose, he conspired with allies to assassinate Osiris and usurp the monarchy - ibid |
Set is definitely aligned with the female not the male, given that during his combat with Horus over rulership, he claimed to be the true son of Isis and that Horus was illegitimate. This was because, in ancient Egypt, kingship descended through the maternal line, that is from the mother. The followers of Set can, therefore, be rightly considered a matriarchal cult.
The incorruptible savior of Egypt, Pharaoh Ahmose I, toppled the tyrannical Hyksos nobility or Shepherd Kings, expelling them from the land. This was partly to do with avenging his father Pharaoh Sequenenre who had been viciously murdered by the Hyksos. This expulsion is recorded in the Old Testament as the Exodus. In fact the mythmongers conflated two separate expulsions of the Hyksos into a single confusing narrative. The second expulsion occurred around 1520 BC, after the fall of Akhenaton and his dynasty. Akhenaton was related to the Hyksos and his Atonists served their vengeful designs. (Here, Here and Here for more...)
Egyptologist Lorraine Evans tells us of Ahmose's reign:
The Eighteenth Dynasty was a period when Egypt was experiencing its greatest era of prosperity. The countries success lay in the activities of its first ruler and founder, the great military leader Ahmose who, in around 1550 BC, successfully rid the land of the loathed Hyksos rulers, and united Egypt once more – (Kingdom of the Ark)
Historian Richard Darlow provides a description of the Hyksos conquest of Egypt:
…the Hyksos swooped down first upon Memphis in the north, then they assaulted the Egyptian heart, the city of Thebes, besieging there an outnumbered and outclassed army. The Hyksos infantry wielded far more deadly weapons and wore solid bronze armour. Their archers were equipped with vastly superior composite bows, whose increased range, power and accuracy far exceeded other bows of the period. In the open field of battle, the Hyksos scattered the terrified Egyptians, charging at them with waves of horse-drawn war-chariots, which the defending army had never before encountered - (Moses in Ancient Egypt)
His description supports the controversial idea that the Hyksos were originally Scythians, or at least at corrupt renegade branch related to them.
After their second mass expulsion by Heremheb (1319-1292 BC) the Atonist-Setians were cursed as outcasts, foreigners, bandits and lepers (the Apiru or Hapiru). At some point they divided according to class. Among their number were high-born priests who privately worshiped Set-Apophis in her original form. This relatively small contingent were distinct from their fellow exiles - the horde of low-born wanderers and plunderers (the yahus or yahoos) - worshiping the outer solarized form of Set as Yahweh, Yehew, Yahu or Javeh, etc, perfectly content with their hybrid made up of earlier Scythian and Phoenician-Canaanite deities and traditions.
The fiasco continues to the present day. Senior rabbis and scholars know what is what. Their black robes, yarmulkes, day of worship, and other motifs and tropes all indicate Set worship. Their obsession with large astronomical cycles also confirms it. (See program for more on this...)
After their second mass expulsion by Heremheb (1319-1292 BC) the Atonist-Setians were cursed as outcasts, foreigners, bandits and lepers (the Apiru or Hapiru). At some point they divided according to class. Among their number were high-born priests who privately worshiped Set-Apophis in her original form. This relatively small contingent were distinct from their fellow exiles - the horde of low-born wanderers and plunderers (the yahus or yahoos) - worshiping the outer solarized form of Set as Yahweh, Yehew, Yahu or Javeh, etc, perfectly content with their hybrid made up of earlier Scythian and Phoenician-Canaanite deities and traditions.
The fiasco continues to the present day. Senior rabbis and scholars know what is what. Their black robes, yarmulkes, day of worship, and other motifs and tropes all indicate Set worship. Their obsession with large astronomical cycles also confirms it. (See program for more on this...)
Among the Hyksos may have been ancestors of various peoples who came together to create the nation of Israel centuries later - D. M. Murdock (Did Moses Exist?)
Strabo says that, being a mixed population of Egyptians, Arabs and Phoenicians, the most correct report of those who are trusted in regard to the temple at Jerusalem exhibits the Egyptians as the ancestors of those now called Ioudeans (Jews) - S. F. Dunlop |
According to the rabbis and priests, the name of Jehovah was never to be uttered. It was too sacred. The pseudonym to be uttered was Adon or Adonai. This was of course a terrible mistake, since it directly denotes Akhenaton's Aton, the solarized version of Set. Despite all the denials and obfuscation by so-called "experts," the etymology alerts us to the true connections between Israelites, Jews and Atonist Egyptians.
The superior group of Atonist-Setians went on to form the Levites and later still the Gaonim or Princes of Light. Their colleges and institutions are a branch of the Order of Melchizedek (a pseudonym for Akhenaton). From this cult we get the elite Pharisees and Sadducees of later periods.
The Gaonim later entered the West under the appellation Freemason (from Phre Massen or "Brother of the Sun"). It is this ancient Atonist-Setian group that controls the world's many secret societies. Their connection to the Knights Templar will be explained as we go.
It is the Gaonim who, while still ensconced in the Levant, conceived and established what we know today as the religion of Judaism. The religious tenets customized for the common man were and are based on the Ten Commandments and Mosaic Law. However, as the Exilarchs of the Gaonate knew, there was a secret Oral Tradition transmitted from Jehovah (Set-Aton) on Mount Sinai (Great Pyramid) to the seventy elders. This Oral Law has nothing to do with ordinary religious Jews. It is the secret "Levitical" doctrine disclosed by the Setian-Atonist sorcerers to their closest disciples, and has been executed through the centuries by Gaonim, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Sabbateans, Illuminists, and many other sects and societies established by those same servants. (Here and Here for more...)
The superior group of Atonist-Setians went on to form the Levites and later still the Gaonim or Princes of Light. Their colleges and institutions are a branch of the Order of Melchizedek (a pseudonym for Akhenaton). From this cult we get the elite Pharisees and Sadducees of later periods.
The Gaonim later entered the West under the appellation Freemason (from Phre Massen or "Brother of the Sun"). It is this ancient Atonist-Setian group that controls the world's many secret societies. Their connection to the Knights Templar will be explained as we go.
It is the Gaonim who, while still ensconced in the Levant, conceived and established what we know today as the religion of Judaism. The religious tenets customized for the common man were and are based on the Ten Commandments and Mosaic Law. However, as the Exilarchs of the Gaonate knew, there was a secret Oral Tradition transmitted from Jehovah (Set-Aton) on Mount Sinai (Great Pyramid) to the seventy elders. This Oral Law has nothing to do with ordinary religious Jews. It is the secret "Levitical" doctrine disclosed by the Setian-Atonist sorcerers to their closest disciples, and has been executed through the centuries by Gaonim, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Sabbateans, Illuminists, and many other sects and societies established by those same servants. (Here and Here for more...)
The enigmatic Masonic insignia "G" stands for the Gaonim who later disguised their order under the name Freemason. The Jewish Gaonim were the descendants of the Setian-Atonists of old, expelled from Egypt. The Gaonate was also comprised of elite, wealthy Sadducees who fled to Babylon after the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD. These Sadducees were not Jews in the ordinary sense. On the contrary, in total breach of Jewish traditions, they reverted to the worship of female deities such as Asherah (Ashtoreth/Astarte/Ishtar/Isis, etc).
The lower case "g" symbolizes the serpent, showing us that the Gaonim were and are servants of the female Dragon Court or Order of Sion. The same goes for Masonry. While in Babylon (Sura & Pumbedita, etc) they absorbed many of the occult traditions of the Chaldeans, Persians, Parthians and Greeks. As shown in Article I, the Gaonim formed close alliances with the Edessan monarchy which led the Fourth Sect of Judaism. This cabal, displaced by Papal Christianity, saw to it that their message and ideology spread through a network of secret societies. They saw to the establishment not only of Masonry, but of the Rosicrucians, Martinists and Frankists, etc. It is by their intrigue that we see the advent of Protestantism. However, behind the facade of Judaism and Christianity, the private forms of worship continue unbeknownst to the public. Extremely wealthy members of the secretive Gaonim probably found it easy to seduce Catholic priests and bishops (as well as Cardinals) away from Papal Christianity. Such converts found it attractive to begin worshiping Asherah, the female consort of Jehovah. All priesthoods are, in fact, branches of the Female Illuminati, even if individual priests don't know it. |
The motto "New Order of the World," inscribed below the pyramid on the US one dollar bill, refers to the restoration of the lost empire of the Setian-Atonists. By hook or by crook they intend winning their revenge. The detached capstone alludes to the fact that the elite worship different gods than the masses they control. It has been this way for millennia. Aton was primarily a privately worshiped deity, as was Set, Amen Ra, etc. The masses were contented with their hybrid public gods that suited their level of understanding. (This explains why we are told that Jehovah was not recognized either by Moses or the Israelites. This is most revealing. After all, this was supposed to be the God of Abraham. How could he be a mystery to Moses and the whole horde of "slaves" in Egypt? Which god had they been praying to throughout their years as slaves? See Exodus 3:13).
Around the pyramid, forming a perfect hexagram, one can isolate five letters making the word MASON. What a coincidence! An apparently Jewish Star of David, and the word it subtly reveals. Better watch the Symbolism! Given that a Mason is a "Widow's Son," we ask who is this mysterious female? |
So let's be clear: in regards the Jewish race and religion we are dealing with two separate classes, castes and traditions - one exoteric and one esoteric. Indeed, Aton (or more correctly Set-Apophis) was primarily and originally a privately worshiped god. (One god for the elect, one for the unwashed masses.)
The Setians realized at some point that light - and the gods of light - can be used to blind the masses. Hence the dark side of solar worship favored by Akhenaton and crew. The Luciferian carries on his private worship behind a curtain of light, as it were, achieving a great deal by doing so. As the symbolism reveals, nothing has changed. The bedazzling continues unabated without a single person being aware of it or any other teacher addressing it.
The Setians realized at some point that light - and the gods of light - can be used to blind the masses. Hence the dark side of solar worship favored by Akhenaton and crew. The Luciferian carries on his private worship behind a curtain of light, as it were, achieving a great deal by doing so. As the symbolism reveals, nothing has changed. The bedazzling continues unabated without a single person being aware of it or any other teacher addressing it.
The early Israelites were mostly sun worshipers. And even in later times, the sun god, Baal, divided with Jehovah the worship of the Jews. Saul, Jonathan and David named their children in honor of this god - John E. Remsberg
Akhenaton portrayed as the Lion of Judah worshiping Aton, the solarized form or Set. Senior rabbis know their Adonai is, like Aton, the solarized version of Set (El Sadi or El Shaddai), something the rank and file are never to guess. Images like this are impossible to decode as long as we irrationally cling to the definitions of Judah, Judite and Jew dictated by the establishment.
The term Adonai is used by Jewish rabbis as a synonym for Jehovah, the name which must never be uttered. However, this simply confirms my point, that like Aton, Adon and Adonai, etc, Jehovah or Yahweh are makeovers for a much darker presence. It's all a contrivance of the Priesthood of Set, headed by Akhenaton, Meritaten and their followers. The ministers of Set adore the light of the sun not for what it reveals, but for what it conceals. They worship the dark side of the sun, a crucial concept unaddressed by Egyptologists, historians and conspiracy authors. Nevertheless, it is one of the foremost doctrines and principles in occult circles. (Here for more...) |
The notorious Apiru or Hapiru (the expelled Hyksos) were widely known as lepers, thieves and vagabonds.
In Sumerian, Egyptian, Akkadian, Hittite, Mitanni and Ugaritic texts dating from around 1800 to 1100 BCE, the Hapiru are portrayed as “nomadic or semi-nomadic, rebels, outlaws, raiders, mercenaries, and bowmen, servants, slaves, migrant laborers” and so on - D. M. Murdock (Did Moses Exist?)
...the ‘Apiru,' as their name suggests (“dust makers,” i.e. people who vacate the premises with speed), display a gypsy-like quality, and proved difficult for the state authorities to bring under effective control. Their heterogeneous nature is vividly illustrated by the census lists from Alalakh, wherein one ‘Apiru band includes an armed thief, two charioteers, two beggars and even a priest of Ishtar' - Donald B. Redford (Aspects of Monotheism) The Hapiru are identified in Sumerian by the logogram SA.GAZ and in Akkadian sources as ḫabbātu, meaning “robber, bandit, raider” - D. M. Murdock They looked on the Jews as being worth only the most menial of tasks. Leprosy was rampant among the Jewish people and the disease was considered to be displeasing to the Egyptian gods. So, the Oracle of Ammon ordered the Pharaoh to purify the land by driving the Jews out into the wilderness - Stephen Knapp (Proofs of Vedic Culture’s Global Existence) |
This unfortunate etymological similarity to the wholly unrelated words Ibri, Ibaru or Hebrew has been flagrantly exploited by the ideological or biological descendants of the former group who continue to perpetuate and benefit from the ignorance of the world on these important historical matters. (Here for more.)
In short, the Hyksos and Atonist-Setians are not to be confused with the ancient Ibaru or Arya. These members of the ancient Stellar Cult designed the pyramids, tutored and advised pharaohs, kings and nobles, and were the world's true aristocracy - the Servants of Truth.
In short, the Hyksos and Atonist-Setians are not to be confused with the ancient Ibaru or Arya. These members of the ancient Stellar Cult designed the pyramids, tutored and advised pharaohs, kings and nobles, and were the world's true aristocracy - the Servants of Truth.
The word "Ibri" or "Hebrew" occurs some thirty times in the Bible, a small number compared with the 2,500 appearances of "Israel." The two terms are not synonymous - Joseph M. Modrzejewski (The Jews of Egypt)
…not a single inscription has been found in Palestine which can be identified with the Hebrew kingdom - H. D. Daunt (The Center of Ancient Civilization) |
Informed Masonic authors tell us what the infamous hexagram means for them. The upward triangle symbolizes the mountain of the gods, the downward triangle is the sign of the priesthood which transmits the will of the gods (or Els) to the world. Hence the Jews assign themselves the six-pointed star as an insignia to indicate their special theocratic status.
The Jews as we know them are the inheritors of archaic occult traditions. The more obvious motifs and tropes of their religion serve as window-dressing concealing ancient traditions preserved and understood by the highest cadre within Judaism and Freemasonry. After a lifelong study one becomes aware of these secret traditions and their meaning, and how all religious motifs were appropriated and cannibalized by later parties. The Star of David has little to do with orthodox Jews and Israel. It was adopted as a Jewish emblem in recent times but is actually a part of the esoteric archive, symbolizing Masonic (or Atonist) factions and hearkening back to the cults of ancient Egypt and periods even more remote. The two interlocking triangles not only symbolize the relationship between Els and their Priesthood, but on a secondary level the rivalry between the cults, typified by the conflict between the gods of light (Horus) and darkness (Set). |
The flag of Ulster (Northern Ireland) features the red hand, Star of David and Templar Cross. That would seem rather contradictory until one is clued in to the esoteric reasons for the symbolism. The red hand is actually the personal symbol of the great Atonist king Aya, who briefly ruled Egypt after the time of Akhenaton by pretending to have converted back to Amenism. The star around the hand signifies the Davids, plural. It was a title used by Atonist commanders. My studies into occult symbolism began in Ulster in the early '80s after observing the welter of peculiar and distinctive Masonic symbols around me. At the time I had no idea the symbolism derived from ancient Egypt, and that the high chieftains of Ireland claimed themselves kin of the pharaohs.
There's a good chance that Aya and others of his company are buried in Northern Ireland, the secret of his tomb kept by Ireland's Templaresque secret societies. |
The present-day Atonist center of control is advertized loudly enough, but in symbolic manner. The number 10 (Ten) connotes Aten or Aton, and the lion's head (also found on the door of America's Council on Foreign Relations headquarters) was Akhenaton's chief symbol after the solar disk. He was himself styled as the Lion of Judah. (Here for more...)
Heraldry holds the key. The golden solar lion represents the world's nobility, originally the Atonist-Setians of ancient Egypt, descendants of Pharaoh Akhenaton; whereas the white lunar unicorn represents their devoted servants - the Gaonim, Levites, Rosicrucians, Masons, Templars, etc. Note the chain of servitude and obedience around the neck of the unicorn. Suggestively, one of the Pope's titles is Servant of the Servants of God. The very word Vicar (as in Vicars of Christ) means "stand in." The royals of Britain describe themselves as Servants, Stewards and Maintainers of the crown. Prince Charles' personal heraldic motto is "I Serve." The name Stuart (as in the Masonic Stuart dynasty) means Steward. Again the emphasis is serving a higher more elusive power. We'll see how this master-deputy relationship served the Templars as we go. Note the blue belt or garter surrounding the shield. This is a seminal female symbol representing all knightly or chivalric orders. The Fleur-de-lis on the belt and crown (representing occult gynocracy) also alludes to this overseeing female branch, which under the name "Order of Sion," isn't supposed to exist.
In Britain, and during their later exile, the Stuart kings were at the very forefront of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, which was founded on the most ancient of all arcane knowledge and Universal Law. Their Breton heritage was closely allied to the noble families of Boulogne and Jerusalem, and their background was largely Templar-inspired - Laurence Gardner (Bloodline of the Holy Grail) |
As I have repeatedly pointed out, symbolism holds the key to the past and the presence of occult societies. It is a forensic fingerprint that leads us straight to the doors of the Architects of Control. Here we see the Crest of Scotland. Note the fierce ruddy lion. It is purely Atonist. Note also the female symbols of the Fleur-di-lis symbolizing the Serpent Sisterhood or Order of Sion. The astrological symbol for the planet and Cult of Venus covers the lion's genital region. The unsheathed sword represents the Setian-Atonist quest for vengeance over their enemies. The sign of the clenched fist, known to Masons as the Lion's Paw, stands for the Judites or Atonists. (Here for more...)
A close study of secret societies shows that at the top level of the architecture of control there are no "Jews" or "Jesuits." The supreme Setian-Atonist cabal divide their deputized legions into two or more factions, as many as are required for the geopolitical and psychological great game of divide and rule to proceed and succeed.
Jew or Christian, Protestant or Catholic, Capitalist or Communist, Republican or Democrat, Conservative or Labor, Right Wing or Left Wing - it is primarily a case of Opposames working toward a common objective. It is vital that seasoned researchers realize and confirm this fact.
Jew or Christian, Protestant or Catholic, Capitalist or Communist, Republican or Democrat, Conservative or Labor, Right Wing or Left Wing - it is primarily a case of Opposames working toward a common objective. It is vital that seasoned researchers realize and confirm this fact.
The great serpentine goddess of the underworld Apophis or Apep. Although confronted and subdued by the lords of light, she cannot be permanently overcome. Her dark secret nature remains eternally. This is the basis of her cult which disguises itself behind ostensibly solar fronts, such as Atonism, Judaism, Christianity and Masonry, etc. Since the deity is female it stands to reason that the senior ministers of her cult are females. This serpentine symbolism appears (in stylized form) on numerous emblems as well as on corporate and product logos (Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, Pepsid, etc. Here for more...)
…in the New Kingdom after the first kings of the 18th Dynasty had rid the country of the hated Hyksos, the serpent takes on an evil character. It becomes an evil object to be exorcised at rituals. Called Apep or Apop (Greek Apophis), it is the manifestation of the foreign barbaric Hyksos who had invaded and occupied Egypt for hundreds of years – R. A. Boulay |
To understand the history of our world is to understand the origin of destructiveness. Chaos and social upheaval occur by design. The origin of sociopolitical havoc can be traced, as we see here, to the reign of Akhenaton and his ancestors. The Setians are destroyers through and through. Destruction is their hallmark and footprint. We need to recognize it historically and prehistorically. Once we correctly identify the true agents and fomenters of world chaos, we cease placing the blame where it does not belong.
The Order of Eve
One thread in the greater story of the Setians and Gaonim leads us to the 17th century and appearance of renegade Jews posing as reformists and messiahs.
Sabbatai Zevi was the leader of a Luciferian sect which originally hid itself behind the veil of Judaism. After Zevi himself was arrested and brought before Sultan Mehmed IV, he saved his miserable life by converting to Islam. This fact is mentioned by most writers on Zevi.
What is not mentioned is the fact that his many wealthy Jewish disciples throughout the Levant and Europe followed suit, converting en masse to Islam. These converts are known as the Domneh.
From their new hiding place, acting as bone fide Moslems, they were able to continue their subversive activities. In other words, many sects, families and individuals in the Middle East and Europe who appear Islamic on the surface are in actuality Sabbateans committed to the overthrow of established institutions. This should provide us with great insight given the recent rise of radical Islam. (Here for more...)
Sabbatai Zevi was the leader of a Luciferian sect which originally hid itself behind the veil of Judaism. After Zevi himself was arrested and brought before Sultan Mehmed IV, he saved his miserable life by converting to Islam. This fact is mentioned by most writers on Zevi.
What is not mentioned is the fact that his many wealthy Jewish disciples throughout the Levant and Europe followed suit, converting en masse to Islam. These converts are known as the Domneh.
From their new hiding place, acting as bone fide Moslems, they were able to continue their subversive activities. In other words, many sects, families and individuals in the Middle East and Europe who appear Islamic on the surface are in actuality Sabbateans committed to the overthrow of established institutions. This should provide us with great insight given the recent rise of radical Islam. (Here for more...)
The corrupt arch-deceiver Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676). Although he was a rabbi and proclaimed himself the Messiah, he plotted the obliteration of Judaism and all civilized institutions. His followers were behind the rise of the Illuminati and other diabolical societies. Was he an agent of the Templar-Clerics, a descendant of wealthy Jews long protected and employed by the Knights Templar? Was he a member of the ancient Gaonim? (Here for more...)
Zevi's successor was the infamous Jacob Frank. After he died, the Sabbateans were led by Eve Frank, his daughter. After her time, we believe the Sabbatean-Frankists have been continually led by females, creatures such as Ghislaine Maxwell and Marina Abramović, etc.
The secret society symbolism that abounds leaves us in little doubt of this. It is this female-led order which is served by lower groups such as the Bavarian Illuminati, Rosicrucians and Masons. The dates of Eve's reign correspond with the rise of the Illuminati. Her order is also associated with the Templars who recognize and support it. More on this as we go.
The secret society symbolism that abounds leaves us in little doubt of this. It is this female-led order which is served by lower groups such as the Bavarian Illuminati, Rosicrucians and Masons. The dates of Eve's reign correspond with the rise of the Illuminati. Her order is also associated with the Templars who recognize and support it. More on this as we go.
Jacob Frank (172z–1791) whose daughter Eve became head of the Sabbateans. Her order was a branch of the more ancient Dragon Court, Cult of Venus or Female Illuminati. (See Program.)
As I show in the program, Illuminati symbolism is primarily female. In any case, despite the symbolism, the female leadership of the Sabbatean-Illuminati has never been broached by researchers and writers interested in these controversial subjects.
Kabalistic symbolism also abounds, because Sabbatai Zevi's bizarre teachings were a corruption of the philosophy of Isaac Luria and other sincere Kabalists. Although the Kabala is originally an esoteric doctrine of the high Arya, it had already been corrupted long before Zevi's time by the Atonist-Setians of Parthia, Syria, and other lands in the Levant.
Most likely Zevi and Frank were agents of the ancient Gaonim. Perhaps they were agents of the Edessan monarchy (The Fourth-Sect) which constantly sought ways to subvert their old enemy, Papal Christianity.
This explains why celebrities such as Madonna (initiated under the name Esther) appear in public espousing their interest in Judaism and Kabala. Their insider-smiles reveal the game they play with us. Celebrities of this degenerate kind, as well as many female politicians and business executives, are members of the Sabbatean sect or one of its branches. They often symbolically flaunt themselves in the guise of Eve Frank and other illustrious female predecessors - initiates of the super-secret Dragon Court.
Kabalistic symbolism also abounds, because Sabbatai Zevi's bizarre teachings were a corruption of the philosophy of Isaac Luria and other sincere Kabalists. Although the Kabala is originally an esoteric doctrine of the high Arya, it had already been corrupted long before Zevi's time by the Atonist-Setians of Parthia, Syria, and other lands in the Levant.
Most likely Zevi and Frank were agents of the ancient Gaonim. Perhaps they were agents of the Edessan monarchy (The Fourth-Sect) which constantly sought ways to subvert their old enemy, Papal Christianity.
This explains why celebrities such as Madonna (initiated under the name Esther) appear in public espousing their interest in Judaism and Kabala. Their insider-smiles reveal the game they play with us. Celebrities of this degenerate kind, as well as many female politicians and business executives, are members of the Sabbatean sect or one of its branches. They often symbolically flaunt themselves in the guise of Eve Frank and other illustrious female predecessors - initiates of the super-secret Dragon Court.
Eve was referred to by her disciples as The Shekinah. The true meaning of this term is explained in my Female Illuminati program. At this point we need only remind readers of how repulsive and heretical this attribution of the sacred Shekinah to any single personality is to moral orthodox Jews. Again, we are dealing with a cult expert at misconstruing Kabalistic philosophy as conceived and taught by true mystics such as Isaac Luria.
The great sage and mystic Isaac Luria (1534-1572)
One of the symbols favored by the Sabbatean-Illuminists was that of Sabbatai Zevi himself in the form of a great lion with a seven-headed dragon in its jaws. The great lion symbol shows up repeatedly on royal crests, national insignias, commercials, media ad-copy and public extravaganzas. Other symbols indicative of the Sisterhood are described and analyzed in the Female Illuminati program. (Here for more...)
Interestingly, in 1759 (after Jacob Frank found himself hounded by the authorities) he converted to Catholicism and received the assistance of the Church. Thousands of his followers, most of them servants of evil, followed his lead and also became Catholics. It was these pseudo-Catholics who thereafter secretly served the Templars, Clerics and related orders, protecting their members and finally restoring their sovereignty, tax-exempt status and other privileges.
Interestingly, in 1759 (after Jacob Frank found himself hounded by the authorities) he converted to Catholicism and received the assistance of the Church. Thousands of his followers, most of them servants of evil, followed his lead and also became Catholics. It was these pseudo-Catholics who thereafter secretly served the Templars, Clerics and related orders, protecting their members and finally restoring their sovereignty, tax-exempt status and other privileges.
In 1786, Marquis de Mirabeau founded an Illuminati lodge in a Jacobin monastery in Paris. These Illuminati members soon called themselves “Jacobins.” Another Illuminati group was founded the same year in Frankfurt under the name the “All Seeing Eye.” This group was later to be infamous as the Frankists. The lodge was led by the extremist Jews Jakob Frank and Michael Hess, the latter employed by Meyer Amschel Rothschild - Juri Lina
There can be little doubt that these pseudo-Christians assisted in the overthrow of Papal Christianity by the Black Nobility and Templar-Clerics. (See Article IV.)
After being unseated from their original domain, Jacob Frank and his daughter first found refuge in Catholic Austria, but eventually settled in Hesse, Germany. Eve Frank died in 1816. Author and researcher Charles Moscowitz is convinced that senior members of the American political world, such as Judge Louis Brandeis, were initiates of her order. Sinister European subversives - such as the notorious Moses Hess (mentor of Karl Marx) - and Marx himself were also members of this Frankist cabal.
The city of Lyon in France was most likely chosen as the headquarters of the Frankists, but undoubtedly they had major lodges elsewhere, particularly in Switzerland, Belgium and Austria. Most Masonic lodges and centers throughout the world feature pentagrams and other female symbols. Like the crescent, the pentagram signifies the planet Venus, known in esoteric circles as "Lucifer" and also as "Shekinah."
After being unseated from their original domain, Jacob Frank and his daughter first found refuge in Catholic Austria, but eventually settled in Hesse, Germany. Eve Frank died in 1816. Author and researcher Charles Moscowitz is convinced that senior members of the American political world, such as Judge Louis Brandeis, were initiates of her order. Sinister European subversives - such as the notorious Moses Hess (mentor of Karl Marx) - and Marx himself were also members of this Frankist cabal.
The city of Lyon in France was most likely chosen as the headquarters of the Frankists, but undoubtedly they had major lodges elsewhere, particularly in Switzerland, Belgium and Austria. Most Masonic lodges and centers throughout the world feature pentagrams and other female symbols. Like the crescent, the pentagram signifies the planet Venus, known in esoteric circles as "Lucifer" and also as "Shekinah."
The notorious radical and subversive Moses Hess (1812-1875) was the mentor of Karl Marx. These men, although born Jewish, sought the complete destruction of Judaism. Karl Marx expressed his thoughts on the Jews in his anti-Semitic book On the Jewish Question. It was men of this sort who conceived and publicized documents such as the Protcols of the Elders of Zion, in their attempt to undermine moral Jews throughout the world for whom they have absolute contempt. It is men of this sort who, consumed with hatred for the West, today orchestrate the rise of radical Islam. (Here & Here for more...)
Eve Frank's original name was Rebecca. Interestingly this suggests the Masonic society known as the Daughters of Rebekah, to which many prominent men belong. It is a branch of the Odd Fellows Society. The order is said to be named after the Biblical Rebecca, but we remain suspicious about the attribution. More likely it is a front organization for the Sabbatean-Frankists, and was appropriately named after Eve Frank herself. Bear in mind that Masonic degrees and lodges such as the Order of the Eastern Star, Daughters of the Nile, Job's Daughters, Rainbow Girls, Daughters of Isabella, Colonial Dames, Shriners, De Molay, Scottish Rite, and so on, are replete with female symbolism. (Here for more...)
Pendants of the Daughters of Rebekah featuring the all-important symbol of the beehive. Used by many Masonic orders it symbolizes the Female Illuminati. As shown in my program, the symbol stands for the Masonic hierarchy, which like all physical beehives is structured around a central Queen Bee. Around her we find the hive's soldiers and servants. Note also the crescent and star cluster in the shape of a hexagon. The crescent represents Venus as does the pentagram seen on the right pendant. The dove is a direct reference to the ancient Atonist pharaohs, known as the Davids. Note the three interlocking chain links, symbol for the Odd Fellows (a term alluding to females). The chain has long been a seminal symbol of the archaic Matriarchy, or in this case the Sisterhood of which Eve (Rebecca) Frank was most likely an initiate. The capitalized letter R is also a sigil of the Order of Rebekah. It can be seen in stylized form on many logos, emblems, businesses and institutions. The colors of Templar robes were red and white. The robes of their Clerics were traditionally green and brown (or gold). Observe the colors of the cord holding the left pendant. Note also the crescent with stars, similar to the insignia of Islam. (Here for more...)
Note the pentagram on the apron of the central mason (speaking the dedication), symbolizing the Cult of Venus. The olive sprigs on the sashes represent Akhenaton and daughter. The black and white squares represent the Templars and their ability to play one side against another and disguise themselves behind whatever mask they choose. When women wear aprons it makes sense. When men wear aprons, they are clearly feminizing themselves. This peculiarity explains why Odd Fellows bear this title, why all Masons are known as "Widows" (or "Sons of the Widow") and why male members of the Daughters of Rebekah are known as "Daughters." We find this most significant. (See program for the complete story on ancient female secret societies...)
The Mask of Judaism
The Mask of Judaism
There is some evidence that one of the Flavian emperors may have converted to Judaism even as Constantine later converted to Christianity - Richard A. Gabriel
In previous articles we saw how significant and pervasive was and is the power of the Knights Templar, one of the main orgs controlled by the Atonist-Setians of old.
We also noted the major and minor rivalries that ensued between the Templars and other groups (the papacy, nobility, Order of Sion and Knights Hospitaller, etc). We saw that the Templars were aligned with eastern sects and cults, and that they were the world's first bankers and money-lenders. We saw that a Jewish community was always to be found in close proximity to a prominent Templar town or province, and that some Jewish families were protected and even favored by Templar elites. These wealthy Jews are the Sabbateans who later assisted the Templar-Clerics to infiltrate Judaism, Christianity and Masonry.
I also explained the manner in which the Templars survived attacks upon them from the papacy and European nobility, continuing to attain greater power through the centuries after their supposed demise.
This was achieved, as said, by their largely anonymous bureaucratic Clerics who demographically outnumbered the actual knights, probably about twenty to one. They constitute an entire suborder of the Templar network and it was they who, after the purges of the fourteenth century, preserved the secret of the locations of the Templar treasure horde and of the identity and whereabouts of their surviving superiors. They are the ones who, to aid their cause, solicited the help of certain Jewish families and individuals.
This widespread suborder of Clerics is rarely dealt with by most writers on the Templars. They have, however, worked to change history. The world we daily experience is a world of their making.
Why is this important?
We also noted the major and minor rivalries that ensued between the Templars and other groups (the papacy, nobility, Order of Sion and Knights Hospitaller, etc). We saw that the Templars were aligned with eastern sects and cults, and that they were the world's first bankers and money-lenders. We saw that a Jewish community was always to be found in close proximity to a prominent Templar town or province, and that some Jewish families were protected and even favored by Templar elites. These wealthy Jews are the Sabbateans who later assisted the Templar-Clerics to infiltrate Judaism, Christianity and Masonry.
I also explained the manner in which the Templars survived attacks upon them from the papacy and European nobility, continuing to attain greater power through the centuries after their supposed demise.
This was achieved, as said, by their largely anonymous bureaucratic Clerics who demographically outnumbered the actual knights, probably about twenty to one. They constitute an entire suborder of the Templar network and it was they who, after the purges of the fourteenth century, preserved the secret of the locations of the Templar treasure horde and of the identity and whereabouts of their surviving superiors. They are the ones who, to aid their cause, solicited the help of certain Jewish families and individuals.
This widespread suborder of Clerics is rarely dealt with by most writers on the Templars. They have, however, worked to change history. The world we daily experience is a world of their making.
Why is this important?
Masonic authors Robert Lomas and Christopher Knight believe Hugh de Payens and his Templar knights discovered ancient scrolls beneath the ruins of their HQ in Jerusalem, site of the original Temple of Solomon. These documents had been secreted there by the Essenes, allegedly the authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Apparently the scrolls spoke of Jesus and James as messianic, but non-divine, leaders of the sect and vehement opponents of the Romans and Jerusalem Church. They had been members of the Jewish sect known as Essenes, which also had John the Baptist, the cousin of Jesus, as a leader. The Essenes had, however, been infiltrated by Saul (St. Paul) who subverted and repackaged the authentic version of Christianity into the solarized form it became under direction of the emperors and bishops of Rome. To the Templars this was a profound and disturbing discovery. Thereafter they saw themselves as inheritors of the true Christianity as espoused by the persecuted Essenes. Lomas and Knight believe it was due to the content of these scrolls that the papacy brought the hammer down on the Templars. Without going into all the details, I simply ask, if the Templar leaders were illiterate, unable to read or write, who translated and read these scrolls for them? It had to be their highly erudite Clerics. Obviously, it was the Clerics who found themselves benefited by these and other revelations. They had the power to dislodge and destroy the official Church, or to blackmail the prelates, bishops, cardinals and popes, to secure themselves.
Ralph Ellis improves on these theories throughout his works on the Parthian-Edessan nobility, whose leader in the first century AD was the Biblical Jesus. In this case, the Templar knights discovered the existence of this Nazarean Sect which had been erased from history by the architects of Papal Christianity. At this point they renounced the Papal version of Christianity, which as we know brought them into disrepute with Rome. The Papacy succeeded in crushing the Templars, as they had previously crushed the Nazarenes. However, from that time onward, the Templars and their industrious agents worked behind the scenes to overthrow the Papacy and regain control of the world. |
Well, as we saw, evil Jews - such as Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank - found it expedient to convert to Islam and Catholicism. Their numerous disciples took the cue and followed suit, converting en masse to these same religions. This was done disingenuously, as a means to sinister ends. Instead of being hunted, arrested and constantly thwarted, they could act incognito.
Warnings went out from rabbis and elders of the Jewish communities to look out for such infiltrators and fifth-columnists, and as some informed Jewish researchers state, the first enemy of the Luciferian Jew was Judaism itself. Long before such subterranean groups were known to Christians and Gentiles, Jewish leaders warned of their presence in their own communities and realized that these subversive individuals and underground organizations sought the downfall of Judaism and other religions. These facts are never conceded or mentioned by the majority of anti-Semitic writers obsessed with exposing the "Jewish Conspiracy." A great deal of their work, for all its merits, must be amended.
This leads us back to the year 1314 and the official persecution of the head Templars and the universal suppression of their infamous order.
Despite the mayhem, the Clerics were not arrested or penalized. They kept the secrets of the various locations of the Templar wealth (not revealed to this day) and the identity of their exiled leaders. Those Templar leaders who fled and went underground were completely dependent on their servants to see to their needs. And indeed the Clerics remained loyal. This is the reason why the Templars have remained in control of world affairs until today.
Warnings went out from rabbis and elders of the Jewish communities to look out for such infiltrators and fifth-columnists, and as some informed Jewish researchers state, the first enemy of the Luciferian Jew was Judaism itself. Long before such subterranean groups were known to Christians and Gentiles, Jewish leaders warned of their presence in their own communities and realized that these subversive individuals and underground organizations sought the downfall of Judaism and other religions. These facts are never conceded or mentioned by the majority of anti-Semitic writers obsessed with exposing the "Jewish Conspiracy." A great deal of their work, for all its merits, must be amended.
This leads us back to the year 1314 and the official persecution of the head Templars and the universal suppression of their infamous order.
Despite the mayhem, the Clerics were not arrested or penalized. They kept the secrets of the various locations of the Templar wealth (not revealed to this day) and the identity of their exiled leaders. Those Templar leaders who fled and went underground were completely dependent on their servants to see to their needs. And indeed the Clerics remained loyal. This is the reason why the Templars have remained in control of world affairs until today.
The Order disappeared...Nevertheless it lived under other names and was governed by Unknown Chiefs, revealing itself only to those who in passing through a series of degrees had proven themselves worthy to be entrusted with the dangerous secret - Albert Pike (Morals and Dogma)
Why two horsemen? Is one the knight and the other his Cleric, the former being utterly incapacitated without the latter? The knights were illiterate whereas the Clerics were extremely versed, informed and efficient. They ran the Templar empire, overseeing on a daily basis their stables, kitchens, preceptories, chapels, lands, businesses, money-lending and tax-collecting enterprises. Every aspect of a Templar's routine, schedule and lifestyle was arranged and recorded by the anonymous Clerics. After the hammer came down on the Templars, the mantle of power and responsibility fell on their shoulders. Although carefully hidden from sight, business continued as usual, even more assiduously and effectively than before. After all, a fallen empire had to be secretly rebuilt, stronger and more invulnerable than ever. The story of the Clerics must come to light. (As to the striking and suggestive equestrian symbolism of their own emblem, remember that the rampant horse represents the Female Dragon Court - the Whores.)
The story of the Clerics is an interesting one, especially since their descendants took to the legal profession. The prestigious law complex in London - the Inns of Court - are located in Templar Bar and named after the Templars who once owned extensive areas of London and other major centers - and perhaps still do. (Here for more...)
Many Clerics became leading accountants, physicians, pharmacists, civil servants, royal staff members, genealogists, publishers, bankers, brewers, architects, city planners, estate agents, politicians and ministers. As we saw, they had effectively infiltrated British Masonry of the Protestant variety and many other chivalric orders and livery companies. They also infest and manipulate the British and European media. Their symbolism abounds in media company insignias and graphics (such as The Express, The Star, The Sun, Anglia TV, Granada TV, etc), ad-copy and movie company logos. It is also found abundantly in civic architecture. Their agents fund many of the more esoterically toned books and movies. (See The Da Vinci Code and National Treasure, for example.)
Many Clerics became leading accountants, physicians, pharmacists, civil servants, royal staff members, genealogists, publishers, bankers, brewers, architects, city planners, estate agents, politicians and ministers. As we saw, they had effectively infiltrated British Masonry of the Protestant variety and many other chivalric orders and livery companies. They also infest and manipulate the British and European media. Their symbolism abounds in media company insignias and graphics (such as The Express, The Star, The Sun, Anglia TV, Granada TV, etc), ad-copy and movie company logos. It is also found abundantly in civic architecture. Their agents fund many of the more esoterically toned books and movies. (See The Da Vinci Code and National Treasure, for example.)
The Order of St. John of Jerusalem is but one ostensibly Protestant society established by the devious Clerics. Queen Elizabeth and other members of the British nobility are members. The order is a branch of the Knights of Malta, the direct descendant of the original Knights Templar and supposed recipients of their colossal wealth. The Queen is blood-related (fourth cousin) to Andrew Bertie, former head of the Knights of Malta, headquartered in Rome. (Interestingly, the patron of both the Knights of Malta and Templars was John the Baptist.) The Queen is also the head of the Knights of the Garter and Order of St. Michael and St. George, the two most illustrious British chivalric orders, both featuring the red Templar cross as their chief insignia. Her cousin, Prince Michael of Kent, is head of the powerful secret order of Mark Masons. Members of these Alpha Lodges of Freemasonry decide the destiny of the world. Queen Beatrix of Holland, matriarch of the so-called Black Nobility, is also a prime-mover in world affairs. She is a Knight of the Garter. The term "Garter" alludes cryptically to the Female Dragon Court. Despite attempts at camouflage, these motifs can be traced to the Templars. These are Templar pendants and insignias featuring the same white Maltese Cross seen on the Queen's cloak, leaving us in no doubt about the affiliation between the two orders.
All is explained once we understand the strategy for world control adopted and perfected by the Templar-Clerics. From the fourteenth century onward, this suborder infiltrated many orders. Some orders and societies have a Protestant complexion, others a Catholic complexion. It's a well-known winning strategy for those playing the Great Game, the game of Opposames. (Here & Here for more...) |
A less known but crucial fact concerning the Clerics and their obsession for camouflage includes their conversion to Islam and Judaism. Their interest in Islamic secret societies has been explained in the previous articles. It goes back to the Crusades and their time in the Middle East. While there, the Templars and Clerics also made alliances with the powerful, even more shadowy Gaonim, Nazarenes, and what might be accurately described as the Eastern Illuminati. As said above, these eastern cabals were actively seeding groups such as the Sabbateans. (Here for more...)
In the late 14th century, after the suppression of the Templars, it is my belief that the Clerics chose to convert to Judaism in order to survive and continue clandestine enterprises for their masters. In other words, Judaism has served as one of their best disguises. Hence the secret confederation of "Jews" and Templars.
More importantly, the Clerics soon aligned with non-orthodox sinister sects secreted behind the cloak of Judaism - namely the Gaonim, Nazarenes and Sabbateans. Birds of a feather flock together, as the saying goes.
In the late 14th century, after the suppression of the Templars, it is my belief that the Clerics chose to convert to Judaism in order to survive and continue clandestine enterprises for their masters. In other words, Judaism has served as one of their best disguises. Hence the secret confederation of "Jews" and Templars.
More importantly, the Clerics soon aligned with non-orthodox sinister sects secreted behind the cloak of Judaism - namely the Gaonim, Nazarenes and Sabbateans. Birds of a feather flock together, as the saying goes.
Given these statements, we are able to detect a few of the subversive activities carried out by the Clerics on behalf of their masters. Some of their agents have acted in ways that have changed the fate of the world. After all, who were the Bolsheviks who assassinated Tzar Nicholas and his family in Russia? Who were the Amsterdam Jews who financed the takeover of Britain by the Dutch House of Orange? Who are the notorious Rothschilds? It does not suffice to proclaim them "Jews." Do we do so even when such as these do the proclaiming? Must we not be on guard and at least entertain doubt? Might we not cry out: "Pseudo-Jew! deceive us no longer!"
If I am correct, we find ourselves able to re-examine the career of someone like Benjamin Disraeli, allegedly the first Jewish prime-minister of Great Britain. Favorite of the British royal family, treated like a beloved son by Queen Victoria herself, a man who proudly and vocally declared his connection to the patriarchs of Israel, what was he actually? Are we to believe that as an authentic Jew he could ever have found himself under his own steam ascending to such high office? I don't think so. Not for a second. But as a Jewish cleric, from a family of clerics, with secret Templar backing, might he not ascend and become prime-minister of the greatest empire on earth?
If I am correct, we find ourselves able to re-examine the career of someone like Benjamin Disraeli, allegedly the first Jewish prime-minister of Great Britain. Favorite of the British royal family, treated like a beloved son by Queen Victoria herself, a man who proudly and vocally declared his connection to the patriarchs of Israel, what was he actually? Are we to believe that as an authentic Jew he could ever have found himself under his own steam ascending to such high office? I don't think so. Not for a second. But as a Jewish cleric, from a family of clerics, with secret Templar backing, might he not ascend and become prime-minister of the greatest empire on earth?
Benjamin Disraeli was Britain's first Jewish prime-minister. He held the position between February and December of 1868. This evil warmonger openly wrote and spoke about the international presence of exceptionally powerful secret societies and drew attention to their Jewish membership. A strange tactic to be so candid, until the penny drops and the reasons stand clear. He simply addressed the subterranean order of which he was a member, the Sabbateans who don't mind casting ordinary Jews as scapegoats for ignorant Gentiles to habitually accuse and brutalize. The same rotten game goes on today. The Sabbateans worked for centuries to shape Europe in their own vile image.
Menasseh Ben Israel (1604–1657) was a Portuguese rabbi who directed funds to Protestant leader Oliver Cromwell, thereby helping him seize England from the Papacy. Could Ben Israel and his Portuguese and Dutch cohorts have been crypto-Templars in plain sight, seeking to undermine the Catholic stranglehold on Europe, using power-hungry despots to do so? Where they masonic Sabbateans busy establishing a rival religion behind which they could more easily operate? And is that religion Protestantism?
Jewish money-lenders from Amsterdam went on to bankroll the Dutch Protestant House of Orange, helping them defeat James II, assume the British throne and establish the Bank of England. The House of Orange was itself Catholic before arriving in Holland from France, where they were a branch of the all-powerful Merovingian nobility. The dynastic struggles between royal houses becomes humanity's official history, with the occult movements going largely unnoticed by the common flag-waving citizen. I believe that many famous world leaders have been under the control of the Templar-Clerics and their "Jewish" agents. These potentates and demagogues include Oliver Cromwell, Lord Shaftesbury, Frederick V, Napoleon, Charles de Lorraine, Adam Weishaupt, Benjamin Disraeli, Friedrich Engels, Karl Marx and Benjamin Franklin. See Article IV for more on this. (Here for more...) |
Johann Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830). The Templars were officially crushed after 1314. The Jesuits appear in the year 1540, after a bull passed by Pope Paul III. The Jesuits were established by ostensibly Catholic nobles, such as Charles de Lorraine, Baron von Knigge, General Lorenzo Ricci, and other members of the Stuart and Habsburg dynasties. Adam Weishaupt was chosen as the order's official frontman. The Order of the Illuminati was patterned on the Spanish Alumbrados, to which the young Ignatius Loyola belonged, before he went on to found the Jesuits. In my opinion, the Jesuits (and Illuminati) were formed by these prominent "Clerics" as per the instructions of Templar Grand Master Jacques de Molay who, during his arrest, vowed that his order would one day be reinstated. Before establishing the Jesuits and Illuminati, the Templar-Clerics infiltrated British and European Freemasonry under the guise of Rosicrucianism, Grand Orient, Scottish Rite, Strict Observance, and other societies, lodges and rites. Suggestively, the Rosicrucian Order arose just after the Templars were suppressed by the Papacy. (See Article I)
I have shown from authentic documents that, from its introduction into France by monks until the advent of the reign of James I of England, British Masonry was purely Roman Catholic, and that its Grand Masters, of whom I have provided the official list, were drawn exclusively from the Court, the Nobility or the Prelacy…Despite the birth of the distinctive Masonry of William of Orange in 1694, the ancient British Masonry preserved its ancient statutes under the Protestant King and remained Roman Catholic: proof of this is to be found in the precious Masonic documents which I propose to publish, and which escaped the mad orgy of destruction at the hands of the innovators of modern Masonry in 1747 – Brother Teder (L’irregularite du Grand Orient de France, 1909) |
The Martinist Order, started by the Portuguese Jewish occultist Martines de Pasqually, was another branch of the Templar order, used as a cover, like Rosicrucianism and Masonry, etc. Christian on the surface, its lodges provided a perfect nursery for the Sabbateans, allowing them to recruit new members, eventually placed in senior positions in society. Their senior members were known as Cohens, recalling the ancient Kohanim or Gaonim (Setian-Atonists). (Here fore more...)
LEFT: The emblem of the Knights Templar. RIGHT: The emblem of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. The latter order is descended from the older Knights Hospitallers, the older order closely related to the Templars. I believe the Hospitallers were eventually taken over by the wily Clerics, and that later this order was instrumental in overthrowing the Papal branch of Christianity. This happy event was cryptically commemorated on the day when, in 1869, the Hospitallers established their sovereign HQ in Rome, around the corner from the Vatican. (Here for more...)
The symbolism employed is of paramount importance. Note that the colors of the Malta flag are the transposition or inverse of those of the Templars. This clues us in to the presence of the Clerics and their duties as deputies for the parent order. The colors of the Knights of Malta are also those of Switzerland, where the Templars hid their colossal fortunes and via their. Red and white were originally colors associated with the Cult of Mithras, with whom the Templars and Clerics were/are secretly associated. The Clerics established their vast influential banking and financial empire that not only oversees world debt but orchestrates many crashes, confiscations, upheavals and wars. They bankroll the US Federal Reserve and Bank of England. ...the Templars remained absolutely central to everything that was happening in Europe, and what is more they were partly instrumental in the formation of the Western World as we know it today. The Templar state was and is Switzerland - Bulter and Dafoe (The Warriors and the Bankers) Many authors have shown the very strong association between Templar history and ideals and a particular French dynasty - the Merovingians. Clovis I, the first Christian French monarch, had been born of this is almost certain that Merovingians, and what they had represented, lay at the heart of Templarism and the Merovingians had been especially strong in the area we today call Switzerland. Chief among their strongholds in the Alps had been the town that today is known as Sion, the very name of which shouts Templarism, and lives as a testimony to the virtual obsession regarding Sion - Jerusalem - that lay at the heart of the First Crusade - ibid |
London is another major bastion of Templar power. The entire world is controlled from the city of London, and in the center of the city stands Temple Church, English headquarters of the Knights Templar. It's just a coincidence, nothing to worry about.
The circular design, dome and turreted tower represent the Great Goddess. Templar symbols and motifs are to be found all over the city of London, not to mention other cities in Scotland. The very emblem of London is a red Templar (St. George's) cross. Heraldic dragons are to be found at the gates of the financial district. Again, it's pure coincidence. The river Thames that runs nearby is named after Tammuz, the sacrificed (castrated) son-lover of the goddess Ishtar or Venus. (Here & Here for more...) That same year de Payens visited Henry I of England, and was given a royal welcome. The following year, 1129, the first Templar site in England was founded in London on the site of what is now Holborn Underground station - Colin Wilson |
As revealed in Article IV, the Templar-Clerics also aligned themselves with the Black Nobility, and have served them for centuries. This is because the Templars were aligned with the Nazarene Fourth Sect, headed by Queen Helena and her son King Izas, the Jesus of the Bible. This monarchy was distinctly liberal-minded, and it is their descendants who have funded modern-day Socialism. The architects of Socialism, in all its forms, are not to be considered bone fide Jews or Christians. Nor is their interest the liberation of lower classes. It's strictly about mind-control and universal enslavement.
Although the Clerics adopted the convenient cover of Judaism, they have seen to it that ordinary religious Jews come to harm time and again. Hence the many atrocities perpetrated against Jews by this or that gang, government or state. The rise of radical Islam is the latest orchestrated danger, not only to moral religious Jews, but the entire Western world.
The Hofjuden (Court Jews) should not be confused with the Jewish people. In much the same way that one would not condemn an entire nation for the crimes committed by its most deranged citizens, one cannot condemn the entire Jewish people for the centuries of crime committed by the Hofjuden. The only relationship the Hofjuden have had to Jewry is that of persecutors and tormentors - Dope Inc
The Clerics harbor enormous hatred for orthodox Christians and Jews. Betrayed and persecuted by the former, and dependent on the latter for cover, the relationship with both groups is purely expedient, pragmatic and one-sided. The Clerics get a major thrill when hurt and harm befall Christians and Jews. Indeed, with their agents ensconced within both groups, the conniving Clerics see to it that both sides frequently experience conflict, animosity and accusation.
So when we speak of the conspiratorial machinations of Moses Hess, Karl Marx, Alexander Parvus, Talaat Pasha, Moses Mendelssohn or the Rothschilds, etc, we now understand that these "Jews" are in fact nothing less than Templar-Sabbateans. Remember that the Rothschilds are keepers of the Vatican's treasury and senior members of the Knights of Malta, the order that morphed out of the original Templars. Clearly stated, members of these "Jewish" families are imposters. They are crypto-Templars whose senior members went on to establish both the Jesuits and the Illuminati.
So when we speak of the conspiratorial machinations of Moses Hess, Karl Marx, Alexander Parvus, Talaat Pasha, Moses Mendelssohn or the Rothschilds, etc, we now understand that these "Jews" are in fact nothing less than Templar-Sabbateans. Remember that the Rothschilds are keepers of the Vatican's treasury and senior members of the Knights of Malta, the order that morphed out of the original Templars. Clearly stated, members of these "Jewish" families are imposters. They are crypto-Templars whose senior members went on to establish both the Jesuits and the Illuminati.
In his "Secret Sects of Syria," Springett traces the influence of the Jewish philosophers to the celebrated Alexandrian School of Gnostics and Manicheans and through them to the Templars - (Trail of the Serpent)
To recap the essential points: the Domneh were Jews who converted, for whatever reason, to Islam. A Marrano was a Jew who, often under penalty of expulsion or death, converted to Christianity. This is well known and accepted by historians and academics. But the conversion of Templars to Judaism, after the suppression of their order in the fourteenth century, is a story that hasn't been openly publicized.
We must conclude from these statements that it is quite wrong to implicate ordinary religious Jews for the sociopolitical machinations and atrocities of the Templars and their agents using Judaism as a cover. This is not to exonerate the improprieties of individual Jews in business, banking and politics. It is not to exonerate the rants of certain extremist Jews about their racial and theological superiority, or any other bigoted protestations. We simply remember that bluster and criminality is universal and that Gentiles are just as a capable of making obnoxious nuisances of themselves as a few Jews sometimes do.
I am also certainly not exonerating occult "Jews" whose allegiance lay with ancient secret orders, be they Atonists, Setians, Nazarenes, Gaonim, Frankists, Illuminists, Jesuits or Communists. When accusing immoral and criminal groups and individuals, we do so realizing that they come from both Jewish and Gentile backgrounds and that in many cases they have transcended familiar religious and sociopolitical divisions and allegiances.
In short, figuratively speaking, wolves hunt best and do well wearing sheep's clothing. It's a principle well known to and exploited by sorcerers. If any conspiratorial group lasts long enough to undermine Western civilization it will be one expert in adopting camouflage to thereby conceal its vile acts of confiscation, extortion and subversion.
Truth Against the World
We must conclude from these statements that it is quite wrong to implicate ordinary religious Jews for the sociopolitical machinations and atrocities of the Templars and their agents using Judaism as a cover. This is not to exonerate the improprieties of individual Jews in business, banking and politics. It is not to exonerate the rants of certain extremist Jews about their racial and theological superiority, or any other bigoted protestations. We simply remember that bluster and criminality is universal and that Gentiles are just as a capable of making obnoxious nuisances of themselves as a few Jews sometimes do.
I am also certainly not exonerating occult "Jews" whose allegiance lay with ancient secret orders, be they Atonists, Setians, Nazarenes, Gaonim, Frankists, Illuminists, Jesuits or Communists. When accusing immoral and criminal groups and individuals, we do so realizing that they come from both Jewish and Gentile backgrounds and that in many cases they have transcended familiar religious and sociopolitical divisions and allegiances.
In short, figuratively speaking, wolves hunt best and do well wearing sheep's clothing. It's a principle well known to and exploited by sorcerers. If any conspiratorial group lasts long enough to undermine Western civilization it will be one expert in adopting camouflage to thereby conceal its vile acts of confiscation, extortion and subversion.
Truth Against the World