Power of the Templars
All revolutionaries and murderers since then had been part of a single 'Templar' society - including Cromwell, the murderer of Henry IV of France, conspirators in Portugal, Brazil and Sweden, and of course Robespierre and Danton - Edward Burman (The Assassins: Holy Killers of Islam)
In my program The Female Illuminati I prove that the Knights Templar served as one of the main tentacles of the Sisterhood of Death. I show how the order is tied in with the Egyptian Atonists and Gaonim, and how via the Culdean monks of Ireland they gained access to the troves of wisdom confiscated from the Druids and Bards of the prehistoric West. Their peculiar appearance, long hair, bizarre traditions and suggestive symbolism leads us to the door of the more sinister orders operating behind them, ensconced in Britain a thousand years before the rise of the Templars.
Of course nothing remains static for long in the world of ordinary populations or of secret societies. There have been minor and major disputes, feuds and upheavals on all levels, not to mention short and long-term rivalries between individual members and entire branches of certain shadowy orders. Some internecine squabbles and conflicts become known publicly, while others occur unseen by ordinary people going about their business. Some investigators have written exceptional books on these events to show how the activities of secret societies impact and shape world history. I provide a short list below of suggested titles on the history and rivalries of the Knights Templar, the most malignant and powerful secret society of modern history.
Let's take a brief look at the affluence, influence and control of the Machiavellian Knights Templar, courtesy of authors past and present:
Of course nothing remains static for long in the world of ordinary populations or of secret societies. There have been minor and major disputes, feuds and upheavals on all levels, not to mention short and long-term rivalries between individual members and entire branches of certain shadowy orders. Some internecine squabbles and conflicts become known publicly, while others occur unseen by ordinary people going about their business. Some investigators have written exceptional books on these events to show how the activities of secret societies impact and shape world history. I provide a short list below of suggested titles on the history and rivalries of the Knights Templar, the most malignant and powerful secret society of modern history.
Let's take a brief look at the affluence, influence and control of the Machiavellian Knights Templar, courtesy of authors past and present:
...the Templars became the servants and companions of kings and princes: from the beginning they were trusted familiars in royal courts...The financial dealings of the Templars led them straight to the royal treasuries, of which they were frequently keepers. From the early thirteenth century onwards the Temple in Paris was in effect the French Royal Treasury - Peter Partner (The Murdered Magicians)
Templars came from that section of the lower nobility which supplied the kings with the households servants and officials who did their familiar business. As a result the kings were influential in the affairs of the Temple: both Richard I of England and Saint Louis of France nominated their own candidate to the office of Grand Master of the Temple - ibid Alexander III was the most lavish of all popes in privileges for the Templar Order, perhaps because he borrowed money from them. From this time onwards the Templars were papal chamberlains and almoners: they were also involved in the collection of crusading taxes...Knights of the Order were often among the pope's bodyguards and intimates - ibid Both orders (Templars and Hospitallers) controlled not only the large sums and subventions in kind which came from the west, but also substantial estates in the east which were given them by the governments of the crusading states - ibid ...for a century and a half no important decision was taken in the Holy Land without consulting the Grand Masters of the Military Orders - ibid The estates of the Templars had been conferred after the dissolution to the Order upon the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, whose successors, the Knights of Malta, still enjoyed some of the remaining incomes - ibid They were deeply involved in building a supply network throughout Europe for practical survival and were involved in farming, ship building, horse raising, castle construction, weapons manufacture, and accounting. They eventually developed their own clergy and were rewarded with papal privileges that extended far into the realm of politics and warfare. They became a force of their own right, the pope’s private army, free of external allegiance to European kings and the Palestinian baronage - James Wasserman (The Temple of Solomon) The Order grew extremely wealthy as well, functioning ultimately as bankers for those who traveled the dangerous route from Europe to the Holy Land and sought to protect their wealth by depositing it in trust in European Templar strongholds. The Templars thus developed the modern practice of checking checking accounts. A pilgrim would place funds in Europe and receive a signed certificate of deposit. As he traveled and when he arrived in the Holy Land, he could draw cash from Templar strongholds to meet his needs - ibid ...the Templar order accumulated vast holdings of land in Europe donated by wealthy aristocrats who sought the spiritual benefits of charitable giving - ibid By the beginning of the thirteenth century the Templars had become the international bankers of Europe and were appointed treasurers to the French royal family and the Vatican – Michael Howard (Occult Conspiracy) Almost at once the Templars became bankers to every throne in Europe. They lent money to hard-up monarchs at low interest rates and transferred money for merchant bankers...They became money-changers and powerful capitalists who conducted diplomacy between monarchs. In England the Master of the Temple was soon given precedence over all other priors and abbots – Nicholas Hagger (Secret History of the West) …the Templars held over nine thousand manors all over Europe, plus mills and markets. In addition to these income-producing properties, the Templars had other sources of revenue. Loot taken or shared in by any brother went to the order. During its two hundred years of existence, over twenty thousand initiates brought land or money dowries to the order - John J. Robinson (Born in Blood) The Knights Templar came to own estates of varying size scattered throughout Europe from Denmark, Scotland and the Orkney Islands in the north, to France, Italy and Spain in the south. In England and Wales alone they had over 5,000 properties. They also extended their interests into Africa, establishing a major presence in Ethiopia, where the Essene Book of Enoch was eventually rediscovered many centuries later - Christopher Knight and Alan Butler (The Hiram Key Revisited) ...the Templars were firmly established in England by 1154 and had already obtained lands, privileges and exemptions of importance. This was the foundation on which the Templars were to build their great edifice of power, wealth and influence - Thomas Parker (The Knights Templar in England) In their capacity as financial agents of the crown...they became for a time a direct part of the king's administration...In economic affairs, the Templars played their most important role. Wealthy from their own lands and goods which they managed efficiently, constantly active in trade and commerce which they profited from, and deeply concerned with matters of finance in which they engaged effectively and creatively, the Templars became expert accountants, outstanding administrators, and active promoters of credit...In a very real sense, during the late twelfth and all of the thirteenth centuries, they were the greatest bankers in England, easily overshadowing the Jews, but, but being eventually themselves overshadowed by the Italian merchants - ibid ...the English Templars consistently and quite rapidly expanded their property until they became numbered along the great landlords of the realm - ibid Besides agriculture, which was practiced throughout England and was their major economic concern, the Templars engaged in trade and commerce and in financial operations. Wool, and to a lesser degree,grain sent to Flanders and France, were the chief import. More important than trade and commerce, but less important than agriculture, were the numerous financial activities of the Templars. The exchange of money, the acceptance of cash and valuables for deposit, the transfer of funds, the issuance of cash and credit instruments, the execution of trusts, and the grant of loans were systematically and widely engaged in. Indeed, until superseded by the Italian merchants in the last half of the thirteenth century, the Templars were the foremost bankers in western Europe. In England, their chief clients were the kings - ibid The close relationship of the Templars to the English crown is also to be seen in the grant of privileges to them and in their use as officials and advisers to the kings in matters political and administrative as well as economic. To their religious privileges and exemption from ecclesiastical taxation of all kinds and independence from all ecclesiastical authority save that of the pope, must be added their political privileges - granted to them and repeatedly confirmed by all the kings from Stephan to Edward I - and of exemption from secular taxation and ordinary feudal burdens and of jurisdiction over their lands and persons and over those of their vassals and tenants as well. These privileges made the Templars independent of local ecclesiastical and lay authorities and responsible only to the pope and the king. The kings found the Templars reliable and effective as envoys and advisers and as collectors and keepers of royal revenues - ibid The Templars eventually became so rich that the monarchs of some of the kingdoms within which they operated were wholly dependent on their support. Several kings of England actually lodged the treasury of the realm at the Templar headquarters in London, as surety against the massive debts they ran up with the order. This gave the Templars great power to influence decision-making, and they regularly acted as arbiters for warring monarchs – Alan Butler and Stephen Dafoe (The Knights Templar Revealed) We are entitled to ask: “From where did the financial impetus to even commence the Templar empire come?” The nine knights who attended the Troyes gathering of 1128 were, according to orthodox accounts, “poor.” In fact, this as reflected in the name chosen for the order because they were the “Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon.” Nothing could be further from the truth, for even if the founder knights themselves were not of middle-ranking aristocratic stock...they had extremely rich backers, not the least of whom was the fabulously rich Hugh Count of Champagne. But all the money in Champagne could not have financed the exploits of the Templars on the field of battle alone – ibid The Templars were far from being a bunch of holy soldiers. They became involved on a massive scale in international banking and running the biggest fleet of merchant ships seen up to that time. The Templars owned and controlled entire towns and, even more importantly, because of their money-lending schemes, they also controlled the crowned heads of many states, who became deeply indebted to them - Alan Butler (City of the Goddess) They had entered the scene as "Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ," but no description could have been less accurate. Among their ranks were to be found the wealthiest people of Europe: leading bankers from London and Paris, among whose customers were Blanche of Castile, Alphonso de Poitiers, and Robert of Artois. The finance ministers of James I of Aragon, and Charles I of Naples and the chief advisor of Louis VII of France were all Templars - Harun Yahya (The Knights Templar) ...the Templars possessed nine thousand manors or lordships in Christendom, besides a large revenue and immense riches arising from the constant charitable bequests and donations of sums of money from pious persons. "They were also endowed," says James of Vitry, bishop of Acre, "with farms, towns, and villages, to an immense extent both in the East and in the West, out of the revenues of which they send yearly a certain sum of money for the defense of the Holy Land to their head Master at the chief house of their order in Jerusalem” - Charles G. Addison (History of the Knights Templar, 1842) We have previously given an account of the royal donations of King Henry the First, of King Stephen and his queen, to the order of the Temple. These were far surpassed by the pious benefactions of King Henry the Second. That monarch, for the good of his soul and the welfare of his kingdom, granted the Templars a place situate on the river Fleet, near Bainard's Castle, with the whole current of that river at London, for erecting a mill; also a messuage near Fleet-street; the church of St. Clement - ibid The Templars, in addition to their amazing wealth, enjoyed vast privileges and immunities within this realm. In the reign of King John they were freed from all amerciaments in the Exchequer, and obtained the privilege of not being compelled to plead except before the king or his chief justice. King Henry the Third granted them free warren in all their demesne lands; and by his famous charter, dated the 9th of February, in the eleventh year of his reign, he confirmed to them all the donations of his predecessors and of their other benefactors - ibid In addition to these particular privileges, the Templars enjoyed, under the authority of the Papal bulls, various immunities and advantages...They were freed...from the obligation of paying tithes, and might, with the consent of the bishop, receive them. No brother of the Temple could be excommunicated by any bishop or priest, nor could any of the churches of the order be laid under interdict except by virtue of a special mandate from the holy see - ibid When any brother of the Temple, appointed to make charitable collections for the succor of the Holy Land, should arrive at a city, castle, or village, which had been laid under interdict, the churches, on their welcome coming, were to be thrown open, (once within the year,) and divine service was to be performed in honor of the Temple, and in reverence for the holy soldiers thereof. The privilege of sanctuary was thrown around their dwellings; and by various papal bulls it is solemnly enjoined that no person shall lay violent hands either upon the persons or the property of those flying for refuge to the Temple houses - ibid In 1139, a papal bull was issued by Pope Innocent II - a former Cistercian monk at Clairvaux and protégé of Saint Bernard. According to this bull the Templars would owe allegiance to no secular or ecclesiastical power other than the Pope himself. In other words, they were rendered totally independent of all kings, princes, and prelates, and of all interference from both political and religious authorities. They had become, in effect, a law unto themselves, an autonomous international empire - Baigent, Lincoln & Leigh (Holy Blood, Holy Grail) In England...the master of the Temple was regularly called to the king’s Parliament and was regarded as head of all religious orders, taking precedence over all priors and abbots in the land. Maintaining close ties with both Henry II and Thomas a Becket, the Templars were instrumental in trying to reconcile the sovereign and his estranged archbishop. Successive English kings, including King John, often resided in the Temple’s London preceptory, and the master of the order stood by the monarch’s side at the signing of the Magna Carta - ibid All religious orders were used by lay people as a safe deposit for valuables, and were asked to lend money when lay people needed cash. The Templars in particular became well known for providing these sorts of financial services for the same reason that they were used by kings as almoners, treasurers, and money carriers: the Order had developed systems for collection, safe storage and transport of large sums of cash and other valuables in the West for carrying to the East. The New Temples in London and in Paris were both much used by merchants for depositing valuables...There are remarkably few accounts complaining about the Templars mishandling money deposited with them - Helen Nicholson (The Knights Templar) ...the Templars would collectively become the richest order in Europe, surpassing even the incalculable coffers of the church - Freddy Silva (First Templar Nation) ...the Templars remained absolutely central to everything that was happening in Europe, and what is more they were partly instrumental in the formation of the Western World as we know it today - Alan Butler and Stephen Dafoe (The Warriors and the Bankers) By 1250, the Templars had become a largely secret and closed society. Their initiation rites were hidden from view, as were their operations and internal rules majority of persons associated with the order were now estate managers, laborers and international traders and bankers. Even criminals were permitted to join, if they brought some skill or resource of value…the order had become the primary banking enterprise enterprise in the European world. Kings and nobles borrowed money from the Temple treasury; the order also offered financial investments, as well as annuities and pensions - Hirschman and Yates (When Scotland Was Jewish) |
Many misinformed and duplicitous writers state that the Templars eventually lost their awesome wealth and permanently disbanded. This is absolutely false. The public and private records giving this impression were composed and doctored by their own agents, the legion of appointed Clerics or Exxons (the squires, marshals, sergeants, seneschals, stewards, chaplains, etc) who served their masters loyally throughout the centuries until the present.
The largely anonymous bureaucratic Clerics, who ran the Templar empire, constitute a universal suborder of immense wealth, power, knowledge and influence. They and their hirelings operate above the law. Altering a few historical documents was a walk in the park for them. After the great purge and dispersion of the order, in the early fourteenth century, it was their duty to conceal the identities and whereabouts of their employers, the senior Templars, as well as the evidence of their considerable world holdings. (See Article III for more on the wily Clerics.)
Estimates of their colossal wealth do not include the holdings of closely related orders such as the Cistercians, Hospitallers (Knights of Malta), Order of Sion, Order of Christ, Order of Montessa, Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, etc. At the height of their power it is possible the Templars were worth over 1.1 trillion dollars, making them richer than the Papacy or any other organization.
The stupendous wealth of the Templars also came from their secret business dealings with the Cilician Pirates (of Persian extraction), and wealthy Italian merchants who supplied them during their stay in the Holy Land. Many Italian merchants and men of great wealth made up the Order of Knights Hospitallers, a group closely associated with the Templars. The former order still exists under the title Knights of Malta. Their headquarters is in Rome, near Vatican City. They also operate under a Protestant guise - The Order of St. John of Jerusalem - with their head and patron, Queen Elizabeth II, being blood-related to Andrew Bertie, deceased head of the Knights of Malta. What a coincidence!
The wealth of the Templars also came from their collusion with the Edessan nobility, whose head was none other than the Biblical Jesus, now revealed as the ambitious King Izas of Edessa. His mother was the powerful matriarch Queen Helena of Adiabene, who was in my opinion the supreme head of the Eastern Illuminati. I believe this Edessan nobility to be an illustrious branch of the most ancient Order of Sion.
The Edessan royals were fabulously wealthy, and in the first century AD they were claimants to the entire Roman Empire. It is possible that their descendants commissioned the first nine Templar Knights to procure lost relics and treasures for them, at or near Temple Mount in Jerusalem. This collusion was probably the reason for the Templar's persecution by the Papacy, and their eventual renunciation of Papal Christianity. If their leaders aligned with the Nazarene Fourth Sect, headed by King Izas and his mother, it accounts for why Templaresque masonry became so politically liberal. (See Article IV for more...)
The accounts of Templar wealth don't usually mention the elusive Babylonian Gaonim who aligned themselves with the Sionists and Templars during the First Crusade, gaining a necessary cover as they relocated their headquarters and theater of operation to Europe, Britain and America. Recent evidence from the Essene "Copper Scroll" uncovered under the sands of Qumran corroborates this contention:
The largely anonymous bureaucratic Clerics, who ran the Templar empire, constitute a universal suborder of immense wealth, power, knowledge and influence. They and their hirelings operate above the law. Altering a few historical documents was a walk in the park for them. After the great purge and dispersion of the order, in the early fourteenth century, it was their duty to conceal the identities and whereabouts of their employers, the senior Templars, as well as the evidence of their considerable world holdings. (See Article III for more on the wily Clerics.)
Estimates of their colossal wealth do not include the holdings of closely related orders such as the Cistercians, Hospitallers (Knights of Malta), Order of Sion, Order of Christ, Order of Montessa, Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, etc. At the height of their power it is possible the Templars were worth over 1.1 trillion dollars, making them richer than the Papacy or any other organization.
The stupendous wealth of the Templars also came from their secret business dealings with the Cilician Pirates (of Persian extraction), and wealthy Italian merchants who supplied them during their stay in the Holy Land. Many Italian merchants and men of great wealth made up the Order of Knights Hospitallers, a group closely associated with the Templars. The former order still exists under the title Knights of Malta. Their headquarters is in Rome, near Vatican City. They also operate under a Protestant guise - The Order of St. John of Jerusalem - with their head and patron, Queen Elizabeth II, being blood-related to Andrew Bertie, deceased head of the Knights of Malta. What a coincidence!
The wealth of the Templars also came from their collusion with the Edessan nobility, whose head was none other than the Biblical Jesus, now revealed as the ambitious King Izas of Edessa. His mother was the powerful matriarch Queen Helena of Adiabene, who was in my opinion the supreme head of the Eastern Illuminati. I believe this Edessan nobility to be an illustrious branch of the most ancient Order of Sion.
The Edessan royals were fabulously wealthy, and in the first century AD they were claimants to the entire Roman Empire. It is possible that their descendants commissioned the first nine Templar Knights to procure lost relics and treasures for them, at or near Temple Mount in Jerusalem. This collusion was probably the reason for the Templar's persecution by the Papacy, and their eventual renunciation of Papal Christianity. If their leaders aligned with the Nazarene Fourth Sect, headed by King Izas and his mother, it accounts for why Templaresque masonry became so politically liberal. (See Article IV for more...)
The accounts of Templar wealth don't usually mention the elusive Babylonian Gaonim who aligned themselves with the Sionists and Templars during the First Crusade, gaining a necessary cover as they relocated their headquarters and theater of operation to Europe, Britain and America. Recent evidence from the Essene "Copper Scroll" uncovered under the sands of Qumran corroborates this contention:
Feather’s argument very adequately describes why and how this migration of Israelites from Egypt during the Exodus happened to be carrying with them treasure and a treasure map. The possibility exists that part of this treasure was the actual wealth of Moses himself as the prince of Egypt, probably also the wealth of the monotheistic priest caste that still existed at the time of Moses and with which he identified - Prof. Ellens (Introduction to Robert Feather's The Mystery of the Copper Scroll of Qumran: The Essene Record of the Treasure of Akhenaten)
The Copper Scroll alone provides details showing that the Essenes (Nazareans) possessed colossal wealth traced to the Atonists of Egypt. Professor Feather estimates the amount of gold and silver, in modern currency, amounts to over 1.5 billion dollars. This wealth, allegedly secreted in several locations in Israel after the Roman destruction of the second temple of Jerusalem, in AD 70, has never been located. I believe the Gaonim worked with the Sionists and Templars to relocate the horde, and that the Templars were paid well for their assistance in its recovery. The Sionists awarded them with riches, land and castles all over the world. Many European royal families - the so-called Black Nobility - are descendants of the Sionists or Edessan monarchy.
The Templar's wealth also came from another source - money-lending. It was adopted from Italian bankers who preceded the rise of the Templars. Although as Christians the Templars were not able to openly lend money at interest, they overcame this problem by secretly conscripting certain French, Spanish and Portuguese Jews who profited from usury.
The vast wealth accumulated by Jewish bankers is not, therefore, their own. Jewish oligarchs have long been in a "tassel to purse" relationship with their Templar superiors, a fact still to be widely acknowledged. Their acts of money-lending and banking offer clear proof that the Templars are Christian in name only. The religions of Christianity, Islam and Judaism have long served as useful fronts for secret societies of this elite level.
The Templar's wealth also came from another source - money-lending. It was adopted from Italian bankers who preceded the rise of the Templars. Although as Christians the Templars were not able to openly lend money at interest, they overcame this problem by secretly conscripting certain French, Spanish and Portuguese Jews who profited from usury.
The vast wealth accumulated by Jewish bankers is not, therefore, their own. Jewish oligarchs have long been in a "tassel to purse" relationship with their Templar superiors, a fact still to be widely acknowledged. Their acts of money-lending and banking offer clear proof that the Templars are Christian in name only. The religions of Christianity, Islam and Judaism have long served as useful fronts for secret societies of this elite level.
Deeper research into the origins of the Templars reveals that the Merovingian dynasty of France was apparently descended from the Sicambrian Franks, a Germanic tribe. They were not only efficient warriors but were mainly farmers. They later became goldsmiths and gold merchants. and not surprisingly nobles and regents. Their expertize with gold and precious metals accounts for a great deal of the Templar's wealth. As we see from the quotes above, the Merovingian-Templars subsequently became Europe's premier money-lenders and bankers. Historians recognize that from early on the reputation of the Merovingians was less than wholesome. Historian Hutton Webster tells us:
The descendants of Clovis are called Merovingians. They occupied the throne of the Franks for nearly two hundred and fifty years. The annals of their reigns form an unpleasant catalogue of bloody wars, horrible murders, and deeds of treachery without number. Nevertheless, the earlier Merovingians were strong men, under whose direction the Frankish territory continued to expand, until it included nearly all of what is now France, Belgium, and Holland, besides a considerable part of Germany - (Early European History)
A few scholars have noted similarities between the Templars and the ancient Essenes, and there can be little doubt that both the Templars and Cistercians borrowed some customs and beliefs from this obscure sect apparently descended from the priestly Israelite Order of Zadok (or Melchizedek). All is revealed when we realize that the Essenes were a branch of the Nazarean Fourth Sect, and that the latter were directed by the Order of Sion, the Edessan monarchy, led by Queen Helena of Adiabene.
A very few scholars may have guessed the truth. For instance, in the 12th century writer John of Salisbury compared the Templar Knights to the Judite warriors who followed and fought with the heroic and messianic Judas (Judah) Maccabeus against his Seleucid enemies in the second century BC. The Maccabean family was allegedly descended from prominent Levite priests (or Kohens) of old. More likely, they were a branch of the Setian-Atonist nobility or Order of Melchizedek (Akhenaton).
Ralph Ellis believes the Templars and related orders were descendants and servants of the Parthian-Edessan nobility, whose quest for world power was foiled by the Papacy who took the reins of world power from their hands. This accounts, says Ellis, for a prolonged antipathy and conflict between the two groups. The Edessan nobility never gave up their quest for power and eventually managed to undermine the Papacy. This accounts for the liberal turn of the normally ultra-conservative Roman Church. The Parthian-Edessan dynasty was a Matriarchy, which means it was a branch of the Dragon Sisterhood. In my opinion, they are none other than the mysterious Order of Sion, also known as the Priory de Sion. As shown in my Female Illuminati program, Sionist symbolism is patently female.
The descendants of the Edessans still exist as the so-called Black Nobility. (See Article IV for more on this...)
The alleged connection between the Templars and ancient Judites isn't fictitious or fanciful. If the Templars were descended from the Parthian-Edessans, they would regard themselves as legitimate recipients of the colossal wealth mentioned in the Copper Scroll. This explains their peculiar antics in the Holy Land during the Crusades, digging like moles for years in Solomon's Stables, and elsewhere.
Delving into their origins we find that these Frankish (German) Merovingians may have descended from, or at least be related to, the infamous Tribe of Benjamin. Their history directly bears on the existence of the Templars. Like the Templars, the Benjaminites, descended from the eponymous son of the patriarch Jacob, were a warrior class. Curiously and suggestively, Freemasons often refer to themselves as Benjaminites. Even more crucially, it was the Benjaminite tribe whose members were the first rulers of the holy city of Jerusalem, after the erection of the first temple. Indeed, the Benjaminites think of Jerusalem as their personal property. Interesting that the later Templar leaders founded their order there, on the site of the Benjaminite's coveted Temple of Solomon. Allegedly, Mary Magdalene herself - icon of the Templars - was a Benjaminite. I find this to be of central importance.
The dark side of the Tribe of Benjamin is well recorded. They are, in fact, a renegade tribe, and Judite women were once forbidden to marry men of the tribe, in an attempt by other tribes to obliterate the Benjaminites. Their crime involved rape and murder. Members of the tribe assaulted and gang-raped the concubine of a Levite priest as he and his entourage passed through Benjamite lands. After the concubine died from her wounds, battles broke out, and the number of Benjaminites was drastically reduced. The remainder were thereafter officially and rightly vilified and expelled from the region. According to legend they made their way West to Greece. One of their kings there was known as Danus. They may have had a settlement in Troy, Turkey, which is why they named their later Burgundian city Troyes. Interestingly, before their crime, punishment and exile, their first king was Saul. Despite the priestly mythmongering, we see that Saul is nothing less than Sol the sun. In other words, the name Saul (like Danus) is a pseudonym for Akhenaton, king of the sun (Aton). As far as I am concerned, this reveals the Benjaminite-Setian-Atonist-Merovingian connection. (Here for more...)
A very few scholars may have guessed the truth. For instance, in the 12th century writer John of Salisbury compared the Templar Knights to the Judite warriors who followed and fought with the heroic and messianic Judas (Judah) Maccabeus against his Seleucid enemies in the second century BC. The Maccabean family was allegedly descended from prominent Levite priests (or Kohens) of old. More likely, they were a branch of the Setian-Atonist nobility or Order of Melchizedek (Akhenaton).
Ralph Ellis believes the Templars and related orders were descendants and servants of the Parthian-Edessan nobility, whose quest for world power was foiled by the Papacy who took the reins of world power from their hands. This accounts, says Ellis, for a prolonged antipathy and conflict between the two groups. The Edessan nobility never gave up their quest for power and eventually managed to undermine the Papacy. This accounts for the liberal turn of the normally ultra-conservative Roman Church. The Parthian-Edessan dynasty was a Matriarchy, which means it was a branch of the Dragon Sisterhood. In my opinion, they are none other than the mysterious Order of Sion, also known as the Priory de Sion. As shown in my Female Illuminati program, Sionist symbolism is patently female.
The descendants of the Edessans still exist as the so-called Black Nobility. (See Article IV for more on this...)
The alleged connection between the Templars and ancient Judites isn't fictitious or fanciful. If the Templars were descended from the Parthian-Edessans, they would regard themselves as legitimate recipients of the colossal wealth mentioned in the Copper Scroll. This explains their peculiar antics in the Holy Land during the Crusades, digging like moles for years in Solomon's Stables, and elsewhere.
Delving into their origins we find that these Frankish (German) Merovingians may have descended from, or at least be related to, the infamous Tribe of Benjamin. Their history directly bears on the existence of the Templars. Like the Templars, the Benjaminites, descended from the eponymous son of the patriarch Jacob, were a warrior class. Curiously and suggestively, Freemasons often refer to themselves as Benjaminites. Even more crucially, it was the Benjaminite tribe whose members were the first rulers of the holy city of Jerusalem, after the erection of the first temple. Indeed, the Benjaminites think of Jerusalem as their personal property. Interesting that the later Templar leaders founded their order there, on the site of the Benjaminite's coveted Temple of Solomon. Allegedly, Mary Magdalene herself - icon of the Templars - was a Benjaminite. I find this to be of central importance.
The dark side of the Tribe of Benjamin is well recorded. They are, in fact, a renegade tribe, and Judite women were once forbidden to marry men of the tribe, in an attempt by other tribes to obliterate the Benjaminites. Their crime involved rape and murder. Members of the tribe assaulted and gang-raped the concubine of a Levite priest as he and his entourage passed through Benjamite lands. After the concubine died from her wounds, battles broke out, and the number of Benjaminites was drastically reduced. The remainder were thereafter officially and rightly vilified and expelled from the region. According to legend they made their way West to Greece. One of their kings there was known as Danus. They may have had a settlement in Troy, Turkey, which is why they named their later Burgundian city Troyes. Interestingly, before their crime, punishment and exile, their first king was Saul. Despite the priestly mythmongering, we see that Saul is nothing less than Sol the sun. In other words, the name Saul (like Danus) is a pseudonym for Akhenaton, king of the sun (Aton). As far as I am concerned, this reveals the Benjaminite-Setian-Atonist-Merovingian connection. (Here for more...)
…by 1250, the Templars had altered their religious creed. Though established established initially as Christian soldiers, they now read from the Book of Judges in the Hebrew Bible, or Torah, and had formed a new identity binding themselves to the ancient Israelites - Hirschman & Yates (When Scotland Was Jewish)
Speaking of mythmongering, it is possible that their take of the fate of the Benjaminites is really a clever re-telling of the earlier saga of the renegade Atonists and/or Parthians (Sionists).
In any case, according to the official story, because the Benjaminites were rejected and exiled by the other Israelite tribes, they were the first to marry in with non-Israelite families. I think we can guess what this implies. It is also possible that after their arrival in Arcadia (Greece), the Benjaminites returned to polytheistic worship. This is logical because the Sicambrian Franks were themselves matriarchal. The change may have occurred due to intermarriage with obscure families in the West. It may also be due to the fact that the Benjaminites were identical to the Parthian-Edessans. At this time we can only speculate.
In 481 AD, under King Clovis, the Merovingians became Christians. However, this was merely done to gain territory in France. It was also to hide the fact that they were in fact Nazarean disciples of the Fourth Sect. The infiltration of Papal Christianity had begun.
This accounts for why the insignia of the great Merovingian leader, William de Gellone, was a pentagram on a blue field, symbolizing Mary Magdalene, daughter of Queen Helena of Adiabene, and head of the Edessan monarchy. Mary's bloodline gave rise to the House of Orange, which crossed from France to Holland and eventually England.
The bizarre story which tells of the origin of the Merovingians is not to be taken literally. It is heavily symbolic. When we realize that the private form of worship favored by this ancient Egyptian bloodline involved the god Set, the story starts making sense.
Set was androgynous, and could therefore be worshiped in both male and female form. We see that the fantastical story of King Merovech's birth - from a queen and sea-monster - makes skin-crawling sense. (Here and Here for more...)
In any case, according to the official story, because the Benjaminites were rejected and exiled by the other Israelite tribes, they were the first to marry in with non-Israelite families. I think we can guess what this implies. It is also possible that after their arrival in Arcadia (Greece), the Benjaminites returned to polytheistic worship. This is logical because the Sicambrian Franks were themselves matriarchal. The change may have occurred due to intermarriage with obscure families in the West. It may also be due to the fact that the Benjaminites were identical to the Parthian-Edessans. At this time we can only speculate.
In 481 AD, under King Clovis, the Merovingians became Christians. However, this was merely done to gain territory in France. It was also to hide the fact that they were in fact Nazarean disciples of the Fourth Sect. The infiltration of Papal Christianity had begun.
This accounts for why the insignia of the great Merovingian leader, William de Gellone, was a pentagram on a blue field, symbolizing Mary Magdalene, daughter of Queen Helena of Adiabene, and head of the Edessan monarchy. Mary's bloodline gave rise to the House of Orange, which crossed from France to Holland and eventually England.
The bizarre story which tells of the origin of the Merovingians is not to be taken literally. It is heavily symbolic. When we realize that the private form of worship favored by this ancient Egyptian bloodline involved the god Set, the story starts making sense.
Set was androgynous, and could therefore be worshiped in both male and female form. We see that the fantastical story of King Merovech's birth - from a queen and sea-monster - makes skin-crawling sense. (Here and Here for more...)
The fantastical story of King Merovech's conception, from a bathing queen and amorous sea-monster is most revealing. The conflation of a female and sea-serpent subtextually connotes Apophis. As the Egyptian god of the underworld, Apophis (or Apep) was actually female, and is associated with Set. This is the likely origin of the so-called Mermaid - a sea-creature half fish, half female. It is no accident that we see this deity used today by the world's top corporations. It is also suggestive that the symbol for Christianity is the fish. The fish or sea-monster is simply a colorful metaphor for the sinister Dragon Court or Serpentine Sisterhood, understood by initiates. (Here and Here for more...)
The Virgin Mary, Our Lady, Mother of God - the preeminent female icon of Christianity. The trouble is she's one hundred percent pagan in origin. She stands upon the serpent, but is she really crushing it as we have been led to believe? She might be arising from it, or be a manifestation of it. Is it her foundation and talisman as the symbolism subtextually denotes? To the cultists behind Christianity and Judaism, Apophis is the original great mother. The apple in the serpent's mouth connotes Eve, the earlier Old Testament Lady of the Serpent. In the Female Illuminati program I show how many goddesses of the ancient world, on whom Eve and Mary are based, were associated with serpents. Mary is often seen with 12 stars around her head and a crescent at her feet, the crescent of Venus. She was Mary Lucifera, Queen of the mysterious Order of Sion that isn't supposed to exist. (Here for more...)
The symbolism reveals all. Officially, the lion represents England and the unicorn Scotland. However, esoterically the golden lion represents the Akhenaton, king of the Atonists (Judites). It also represents his bloodline, which continued controlling world events from Britain.
The white unicorn represents their loyal, efficient lieutenants who work from behind the many secret societies mentioned in these articles. Note the chain around the neck of the unicorn. It's a reminder of the pecking order, the status quo, and punishment expected for disloyalty and disobedience. The unicorn represents the passive moon which reflects the light of the sun, or more correctly of the Sun Lords, the Princes of Light. Occasionally, the lion is stylized to appear dragon-like. In this instance the animal represents the female Dragon Court or Order of Sion. In the Talmud Mary is referred to as the Lion of God. The triple lion motif can be found on the crests of the Black Nobility. (Here for more...) |
The Illuminati were once known in Europe as the "Order of the Bees." Why? The Templars had already adopted the symbol of the beehive after their tiresome work of digging in the stables of Temple Mount came to an end. Prior to this time the bee was revered by the Merovingian nobility and the ancient Judites (Benjaminites). It is also employed as a key symbol of hierarchy and order by Templars and Freemasons. Suggestively, at the center of the beehive lives the Queen Bee. Again, the symbolism speaks volumes. In this context, the bee represents the Order of Sion, the sect of royal priestesses presiding over higher grade initiations partaken in by kings, princes and nobles who thereafter serve them and the "hive."
According to historians on the Templars, Merovingian King Baldwin IV and his cousin Philip of Flanders (Philip I) were visited by a mysterious band of monks (from Orval, Lorraine) led by a strange character known as Ursus. The group were received and protected by Philip and his wife Mathilde, Duchess of Lorraine - also known as Infanta Theresa of Portugal - aunt of head Templar Godfrey de Bouillon. By the year 1108 the elusive group had vanished from the area and scene. One known member of the company was Peter the Hermit, who along with Philip is believed by some commenters to be the chief architect of the First Crusade which encouraged western knights to travel east, seize Jerusalem and destroy the Saracens. Interestingly and suggestively, the term Ursus connotes a bear, a seminal symbol of the goddess from time immemorial. Suggestively, the infamous Order of Sion was established on Mount Sion, by Godfroi de Bouillon, almost immediately after the strange band of monks left Mathilde's court in France and vanished into smoke.
For the Sicambrian Franks, from whom the Merovingians issued, the bear enjoyed a similar exalted status...they worshiped the bear in the form of Artemis - or...Arduina, patron goddess of the Ardennes...Given the magical, mythic, and totemic status of the bear in the Merovingian heartland of the Ardennes, it is not surprising that the name "Ursus" - Latin for "bear" - should be associated in the "Prieuré documents" and the Merovingian royal line - Baigent, Leigh, Lincoln (Holy Blood, Holy Grail)
Mathilde of Flanders (1157-1218) was also known as Theresa of Portugal. She was the daughter of King Afonso, one of the most ardent and loyal Templar patrons. She became the Duchess of Lorraine and Flanders after her first marriage to the super-wealthy Count Philip of Flanders (modern Belgium). She later became the Duchess of Burgundy after her second marriage to Otto, Duke of Burgundy. According to legend, she was the first noblewomen in the West to lay eyes on the Holy Grail. Suggestively, the Order of Sion was created on Mount Sion, outside Jerusalem, in her name by her powerful nephew Godfroi de Bouillon, based on instructions from his tutor Peter the Hermit and his elusive monks of Orval. The full name of the temple site was the Abbey of Notre Dame de Sion. Godfroi's original group was named the Knights of the Notre Dame de Sion (Knights of Our Lady of Sion). The site was also referred to as the "Mother of all Churches." One chamber within the abbey was called the "Chamber of the Mysteries."
In reality, Mathilde was probably head and patron of the ancient Order of Sion. The males were simply executing her will. Before her the order was probably led by Eleanor of Aquitaine. Later, during the fifteenth century, the probable head was either Margaret of Anjou or her sister Yolande of Lorraine. From them leadership may have passed to the House of Tudor in England, although in the seventeenth century the likely head was Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia, ancestor of the present Queen of England, Elizabeth II. The Order of Sion was known as the Priory de Sion after 1188. I refer to it as the Cult of Venus. |
Suggestively, it was at the behest of Mathilde that the first "Holy Grail" epic was composed by Chretian de Troyes, who received his commission from the Duchess. The Grail was brought from Jerusalem to France by Hugh de Payens who, after allegedly finding it beneath Temple Mount, gave it and other treasures into her keeping. Of course the Grail is simply a clever metaphor for the Cult of Venus, or Female Illuminati, and the transmission of their power from East to West. (Here for more...)
The most detailed Grail legend comes from Parzifal, by medieval writer Wolfram von Eschenbach. According to Eschenbach, the details of the story came originally from a Spanish Jew called Flegetanis. This character was more than likely a descendant of the Benjaminite branch of the Merovingian dynasty, and as such was almost certainly an acolyte of the Female Dragon Court.
The cauldron, cup, chalice, graal or grail is a seminal female symbol representing the sacerdotal priestess cults of antiquity. It turns up in the form of a flat salver or plate in the Biblical account of Salome and John the Baptist. That story subtextually reveals the supremacy of female priestesses over male subordinates, be they kings, princes or dukes. We cannot pause to further extrapolate the story's symbolism here.
The word grail comes from gradus, meaning "by degrees," "stages" or "steps." This alludes to the grades of a masonic-type society. This is the society headed by Mathilde and many others before and after the era of Chretian de Troyes. A secondary meaning of the word is Sang Rael or "Holy Blood," again a reference to the Sisterhood. The word gradus was later wrongly rendered cratis meaning basket or container, hence the connection with a cup. Suggestively, on the architecture of the north porch of Chartres Cathedral (dedicated to the female), we see the figure of the Old Testament demigod Melchizedek holding a chalice. Melchizedek is a cryptic reference to Akhenaton and the order descended from his progeny. We see then that the true significance of the so-called Holy Grail is to be primarily understood in terms of a hierarchical secret society, and secondarily as a container of blood. We also see the significance of the Templars as supposed keepers of the "Grail." It doesn't pertain to Jesus, as so many falsely believe. It is simply the vessel containing the severed "head" or castrated penis of the son-lover-knight-champion in his mother-goddess's service.
In history, among these occult societies, physical rites of castration were commenced at special astrological times, particularly in the month of August. Astro-Theologically, the Grail symbolizes the movement of the sun, moon and planet venus into Virgo - sign of the Virgin. A constellation known as Crater (Chalice) is found in the sign of Virgo, which was and is ritually significant to the Sisterhood and related orders. Therefore when the sun passed into Virgo, auspicious and bizarre rituals and layings were performed. The marriage of Cana refers to this astrological period, and many of the imposing structures in Washington DC and Philadelphia were laid during this period. Documents such as the Declaration of Independence were also either commissioned, signed or made public when the sun or venus moved into Virgo, thereby signifying them as being under the auspices of the goddess.
The most detailed Grail legend comes from Parzifal, by medieval writer Wolfram von Eschenbach. According to Eschenbach, the details of the story came originally from a Spanish Jew called Flegetanis. This character was more than likely a descendant of the Benjaminite branch of the Merovingian dynasty, and as such was almost certainly an acolyte of the Female Dragon Court.
The cauldron, cup, chalice, graal or grail is a seminal female symbol representing the sacerdotal priestess cults of antiquity. It turns up in the form of a flat salver or plate in the Biblical account of Salome and John the Baptist. That story subtextually reveals the supremacy of female priestesses over male subordinates, be they kings, princes or dukes. We cannot pause to further extrapolate the story's symbolism here.
The word grail comes from gradus, meaning "by degrees," "stages" or "steps." This alludes to the grades of a masonic-type society. This is the society headed by Mathilde and many others before and after the era of Chretian de Troyes. A secondary meaning of the word is Sang Rael or "Holy Blood," again a reference to the Sisterhood. The word gradus was later wrongly rendered cratis meaning basket or container, hence the connection with a cup. Suggestively, on the architecture of the north porch of Chartres Cathedral (dedicated to the female), we see the figure of the Old Testament demigod Melchizedek holding a chalice. Melchizedek is a cryptic reference to Akhenaton and the order descended from his progeny. We see then that the true significance of the so-called Holy Grail is to be primarily understood in terms of a hierarchical secret society, and secondarily as a container of blood. We also see the significance of the Templars as supposed keepers of the "Grail." It doesn't pertain to Jesus, as so many falsely believe. It is simply the vessel containing the severed "head" or castrated penis of the son-lover-knight-champion in his mother-goddess's service.
In history, among these occult societies, physical rites of castration were commenced at special astrological times, particularly in the month of August. Astro-Theologically, the Grail symbolizes the movement of the sun, moon and planet venus into Virgo - sign of the Virgin. A constellation known as Crater (Chalice) is found in the sign of Virgo, which was and is ritually significant to the Sisterhood and related orders. Therefore when the sun passed into Virgo, auspicious and bizarre rituals and layings were performed. The marriage of Cana refers to this astrological period, and many of the imposing structures in Washington DC and Philadelphia were laid during this period. Documents such as the Declaration of Independence were also either commissioned, signed or made public when the sun or venus moved into Virgo, thereby signifying them as being under the auspices of the goddess.
The keepers of the Grail were female, for good reason. As I show in the Female Illuminati program, in ancient Egypt and other lands, women were initiated into, and commanded, the highest levels of the most illustrious secret societies, not men. To rise within the female order, a male acolyte had to offer up his phallus, hence the symbolism of a cup containing "blood."
Although there is little written about the women behind and beside the great thrones of Europe and Britain, and even less said to be believed, it is time to pay greater attention to the role of the mothers, wives, daughters, sisters and female patrons who helped shape history as much as the men they bore, nurtured and inspired. On a symbolic level we've been told loudly enough that Queen Helena was the true founder of Christianity. Her Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem stood on the site of a temple of Venus. It was Margaret of Scotland who took a shine to William St. Clair and gave his family the land on which Rosslyn Chapel was built. It was Mathilde of Saxony who patronized the Cistercians. Eleanor of Aquitaine and her daughter Marie de Champagne patronized the Templars and grail author Chretien de Troyes. Mathilde of Portugal allegedly lay eyes on the Grail. On and on it goes. The Templars venerated Mary Magdalene and St. Euphemia. The patron saint of the Knights Hospitaller was the Lady Philermos. Bernard de Clairvaux was devoted to the Virgin Mary and bore the personal title ”Knight of the Virgin.” The skull worshiped by the Templars was that of an unknown female not a male. Even the long hair of the Templars connotes the female. Godfrey de Bouillon was crowned monarch of Jerusalem in the oldest Templar abbey in Jerusalem, known as the Mother of all Churches. The full name of the Order of Sion was "Order of Our Lady of the Mount of Sion." Old paintings of King Fulk of Jerusalem show him at his crowning and marriage holding the Fleur-di-lis, the symbol of the female Dragon Court. Not including Mathilde herself, there were six queens of Jerusalem during the period of the crusades. They include Morphia of Edessa (wife of Baldwin II), Sibyllia (mother of Baldwin II), Isabella (daughter of Sibyllia), Maria of Montferrat (daughter of Isabella) and Melisende de Anjou (eldest daughter of Baldwin II). At least three of these reigning queens were Aleramici Franks or Merovingians. Isabella I was a scion of the Ibelin dynasty, which like the related Anjou family, were blood-related to the Houses of Lorraine, Habsburg, Valois, Savoy, Bourbon, Saluzzo and Guelf, etc. The Anjou dynasty, like the House of Ibelin, were major patrons of the Templars. (Here and Here for more...) Two other important female patrons were Eleanor of Aquitaine and Marie de Champagne. There have been many others. (Here for more...) …a great head of gilded silver, most beautiful, and constituting the image of a woman. Inside were two head-bones, wrapped in a cloth of white linen, with another red cloth around it…The bones inside were those of a rather small woman - (Inquisition Records describing the Templar's chief icon) Brother William of Arreblay...testified that he had often seen on the altar in the Temple of Paris a silver head, and the leading officials of the Order worshiping it - Helen Nicholson (The Knights Templar) ...grants of land, both royal and private, were made to the Templars in England during the reign of King Stephen...being made by his wife Matilda...Stephen of England was a member of the distinguished crusading family, being the son of Stephen of Blois, his wife was a member of the Boulogne family closely associated with the crusading movement...Hugh de Payens was from Champagne, an area controlled by Stephen's family...and Godfrey of St. Omer, another of the original founders of the Templars was a vassal of the Boulogne family - Thomas Parker (The Knights Templar in England) |
Count Fulk of Anjou was King of Jerusalem from 1131 to 1143. Here he is seen marrying Melisende (daughter of Baldwin II) who ruled Jerusalem alongside him. Note how she wears the crown and how the pope's head is toward her, not the king, indicating her bloodline or occult supremacy. Her mother Morphia was wife of Templar Baldwin II, the previous King of Jerusalem. Morphia ruled beside him as queen. Melisende's son was Baldwin III, King of Jerusalem. (Here for more...)
Matilda of Boulogne, wife of British King Stephen I, grandson of William the Conqueror. Both Mathilda and Stephen were French and possessed lands in France as well as in England. The leading Templars, such as Hugh de Payens and Godfrey St. Olmer, were their vassals. Hugh himself was born in Champagne, a district owned by Stephen's family, the Blois, while St. Olmer was a vassal of the Count of Boulogne. Stephen and Mathilda donated large sums of money and acres of land to the Templars. Matilda was probably their first officially known royal female patron. Most writers on Templar history never mention any of the high-born, super-wealthy females who supported their cause. (Here for more...)
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Recommended Books on the Templars
What Do the Symbols Tell?
Even common sense dictates that the story of nine knights patrolling 33 miles of road between Jaffa and Jerusalem to protect thousands of pilgrims from brigands, thieves, Saracens, and mountain lions is a preposterous idea - Freddy Silva (First Templar Nation)
The chicanery concerning the Templars begins with their full name: The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon. It would be comical if it were not so despicable. The only things the knights were poor in was humanity and morality. Their seal depicts two knights riding a single horse. The word "horse" doubles as the pun "Whores," an insider reference to the Sisterhood of Death (probably adopted due to the false legend in which Mary Magdalen is purported to have been a prostitute). Of course, in reality Mary was a high-born member of the Edessan monarchy. Like her female ancestors, she was a senior member of the Cult of Venus or Order of Sion.
On another symbolic level, the two knights on a single steed probably hearkens back to the time when the Knights Templar and Order of Sion (Sisterhood) were united comrades in arms serving the same causes. Their break in the 12th century, and subsequent alleged rivalry, changed the history of the world. The continued rise of what we know as Protestantism possibly being one outcome of the rivalry.
In any case, the Order of Sion is not, as many allege, a mythical group. Disinformationalists in the media have gone to great lengths to make it appear that way, although a careful study of the symbolism employed by the order confirms their authenticity, antiquity and true identity. It is crucial when we study secret societies that we distinguish between the way they are presented to us in the media and the way they actually are. The first way is certainly to be regarded as largely fraudulent.
Some disinformationalists attempted to deny any legitimate historical connection between Freemasonry and Templarism, preferring to have people believe that the connection was made in the eighteenth century by conservative mythmakers (such as Chevalier Ramsay, Charles Radcliffe, Samuel Rosa, Karl von Hund and others) who supposedly wished to attract upper classes to masonry by creating the impression that the fraternity was historically linked with noble romantic crusading knights. Some believe masonry was linked with the Templars in order to attract Catholic members. Others believe Templar imagery was incorporated into the higher "mysterious" degrees of masonry to lure those of an esoteric bent. More astute observers and insiders (such as Nicolas de Bonneville, Samuel Pritchard, Augustine de Barruel, Christoph Bode, Marquis de Luchet, Louis de Gassicourt, Joseph Hammer, Eliphas Levi, and others) correctly knew and warned that masonry had been gradually but systematically infiltrated by Templars whose ancestors had been forced underground during the fourteenth century. This fact was cleverly obscured by mythmakers whose writings made it possible for later commenters to present the connections between Templars and Masons as falsities espoused by incorrigible romantics or cunning self-serving pranksters and mythomaniacs.
On another symbolic level, the two knights on a single steed probably hearkens back to the time when the Knights Templar and Order of Sion (Sisterhood) were united comrades in arms serving the same causes. Their break in the 12th century, and subsequent alleged rivalry, changed the history of the world. The continued rise of what we know as Protestantism possibly being one outcome of the rivalry.
In any case, the Order of Sion is not, as many allege, a mythical group. Disinformationalists in the media have gone to great lengths to make it appear that way, although a careful study of the symbolism employed by the order confirms their authenticity, antiquity and true identity. It is crucial when we study secret societies that we distinguish between the way they are presented to us in the media and the way they actually are. The first way is certainly to be regarded as largely fraudulent.
Some disinformationalists attempted to deny any legitimate historical connection between Freemasonry and Templarism, preferring to have people believe that the connection was made in the eighteenth century by conservative mythmakers (such as Chevalier Ramsay, Charles Radcliffe, Samuel Rosa, Karl von Hund and others) who supposedly wished to attract upper classes to masonry by creating the impression that the fraternity was historically linked with noble romantic crusading knights. Some believe masonry was linked with the Templars in order to attract Catholic members. Others believe Templar imagery was incorporated into the higher "mysterious" degrees of masonry to lure those of an esoteric bent. More astute observers and insiders (such as Nicolas de Bonneville, Samuel Pritchard, Augustine de Barruel, Christoph Bode, Marquis de Luchet, Louis de Gassicourt, Joseph Hammer, Eliphas Levi, and others) correctly knew and warned that masonry had been gradually but systematically infiltrated by Templars whose ancestors had been forced underground during the fourteenth century. This fact was cleverly obscured by mythmakers whose writings made it possible for later commenters to present the connections between Templars and Masons as falsities espoused by incorrigible romantics or cunning self-serving pranksters and mythomaniacs.
Another clue that the symbol proudly displayed by the Templars did not denote poverty was that the Templars were one of the richest societies that ever existed. Their wealth and properties extended from the Middle East to Western Europe. Individual knights could not own personal property of any value...But as members of their Order they had castles, armor, horses and the like in great profusion, and wanted for nothing. Poverty was not what made them special - Sanford Holst
William, archbishop of Tyre, had regarded the Templars and Hospitallers as a force for disintegration and lawlessness in the kingdom...he saw that by his day they had become too rich and proud, refusing to do obey the authorities over them by God: the patriarch of Jerusalem and the king - Helen Nicholson (The Knights Templar: A New History) |
The title "Poor Knights of Christ" is probably a reference to the original Christians - followers of Jesus who went by the titles Jesseans, Ebionites, Nazarenes, Nazoreans and Naassenes. The Ebionites referred to themselves as the "Poor Men," a reference to their intellectual simplicity and ascetic practices. The Templars adopted the term because of its less recognized meaning, hearkening to the fact that the Ebionites (Nazareans) considered the teachings of Jesus an extension of Old Testament Judaism. The term "Poor Knights" is therefore a cryptic concession to Judaism, or more correctly to the Nazarean Fourth Sect, once led by illustrious Edessan queens.
As well see later, many modern monarchies of Europe (the so-called Black Nobility) are descended from the Edessans. In this sense, they deem themselves descendants of Jesus himself.
As well see later, many modern monarchies of Europe (the so-called Black Nobility) are descended from the Edessans. In this sense, they deem themselves descendants of Jesus himself.
The Knights Templar are wrongly considered a Catholic organization. Although they appeared so on the surface, some scholars believe them to have been devotees of St. John the Baptist. This is one reason why the Papacy wanted them destroyed. It is also the reason why their leaders were entitled John or Jean.
Of course, we must see through the symbolism attached to the mad prophet John the Baptist. There probably was no such person. The character is a fictive rendering of King Izas, head of the Fourth Sect of Christianity eclipsed by Papal Christianity. John is Izas or Jesus in vagabond mode, the king who lost his empire and whose destiny was not actualized. This famous image of the wild man simply illustrates in symbolic form the fate of King Izas. In other words, the Biblical John the Baptist and Jesus are to be considered one and the same person.
According to arcane lore, John was first married to Mary the mother of Jesus. They had their own son, Josephes, adopted by Jesus after John's arrest and execution.
On a secondary level, the image of the severed head connotes the passing of power from one male deputy to another. The transfer of power is, however, executed at the behest of the female matriarch, the true but unseen head and patron. Suggestively, a large painting of Salome with the head of the Baptist hangs in the main hall of the headquarters of the Knights of Malta, in Rome.
The symbolism also covers the fate of the great King of Light himself, Akhenaton. He too was "beheaded." His descendants - which include the Edessans - worked assiduously through the centuries to restore Akhenaton's New World Order.
Of course, we must see through the symbolism attached to the mad prophet John the Baptist. There probably was no such person. The character is a fictive rendering of King Izas, head of the Fourth Sect of Christianity eclipsed by Papal Christianity. John is Izas or Jesus in vagabond mode, the king who lost his empire and whose destiny was not actualized. This famous image of the wild man simply illustrates in symbolic form the fate of King Izas. In other words, the Biblical John the Baptist and Jesus are to be considered one and the same person.
According to arcane lore, John was first married to Mary the mother of Jesus. They had their own son, Josephes, adopted by Jesus after John's arrest and execution.
On a secondary level, the image of the severed head connotes the passing of power from one male deputy to another. The transfer of power is, however, executed at the behest of the female matriarch, the true but unseen head and patron. Suggestively, a large painting of Salome with the head of the Baptist hangs in the main hall of the headquarters of the Knights of Malta, in Rome.
The symbolism also covers the fate of the great King of Light himself, Akhenaton. He too was "beheaded." His descendants - which include the Edessans - worked assiduously through the centuries to restore Akhenaton's New World Order.
Godfrey de Bouillon, Duke of Lorraine and Monarch of Jerusalem (1060-1100). His orange-colored robes and orange fruited coronet allude to Mary Magdalene and the cult in her service - the Order of Sion.
The actual origin of the Templars is shrouded in mystery. The order's early biographers were not eye-witnesses and lived after the order was established. It was probably Godfrey de Bouillon who, after the first crusade, formed his Templars as an extension of his smaller group, the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre. He probably patterned his order on the earlier established Knights Hospitallers headquartered nearby (at Amalfi). Godfrey's new order seemed to have some difficulty deciding whether they were a military or monastic society. Originally there were nine knights: Hugh de Payens, Geoffrey de Saint-Omer, Rossal, Gondamer, Geoffrey Bisol, Payen de Montdidier, Archambaud de St. Agnat, Andre de Montbard, and the Hugh Count de Champagne. Hugh was an incredibly wealthy nobleman. His fellow knight Hugh de Payens (Paganus or Pagan) led the order after de Bouillon died. He and Bernard de Clairvaux helped increase the recognition and reputation of the Templars in the early years.
We have romantic ideas about knights and their chivalry and valor. However, Bernard de Clairvaux himself remarked openly on the perfidy of most of the crusading knights setting out for the Holy Land under the flag of Christianity. He wrote: It is really rather convenient that you will find very few men in the vast multitude which throngs to the Holy Land who have not been unbelieving scoundrels, sacrilegious plunderers, homicides, perjurers, adulterers, whose departure from Europe is certainly a double benefit, seeing that people in Europe are glad to see the back of them...It is certainly beneficial to those who live on both sides of the sea, since they protect one side and desist from molesting the other. So much for the virtue of the Templars. It is for good reason that both the Church and the people regarded the knights as bloodthirsty opportunistic churls. As far as I am concerned, their character and motives did not become any holier through the years. Clairvaux and de Payens had merely to indulge in sophistry to sugar-coat and sanctify the vile deeds of their troop of knights, making their outrages appear moral and Godly. Until their disbanding in the fourteenth century the Templars were known for admitting brigands in flagrant breach of clerical law.
The present-day royals of the Netherlands and Great Britain are directly related by blood to the French House of Orange and line descended from Godfrey de Bouillon. One of their most important ancestors, William de Gellone, was known as "Hook Nose." This "Jewish" (Nazarean) branch is undoubtedly descended from the Atonists exiled from Egypt after the fall of Akhenaton.
The main reason why the Papacy sought the destruction of the Templars, as explained by Ralph Ellis, is that they favored the true Christianity of King Izas and the Nazarene Fourth Sect. Instead of this tradition, the world got Papal Christianity, courtesy of corrupt arch-deceiver Josephus Flavius and his backers.
The actual origin of the Templars is shrouded in mystery. The order's early biographers were not eye-witnesses and lived after the order was established. It was probably Godfrey de Bouillon who, after the first crusade, formed his Templars as an extension of his smaller group, the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre. He probably patterned his order on the earlier established Knights Hospitallers headquartered nearby (at Amalfi). Godfrey's new order seemed to have some difficulty deciding whether they were a military or monastic society. Originally there were nine knights: Hugh de Payens, Geoffrey de Saint-Omer, Rossal, Gondamer, Geoffrey Bisol, Payen de Montdidier, Archambaud de St. Agnat, Andre de Montbard, and the Hugh Count de Champagne. Hugh was an incredibly wealthy nobleman. His fellow knight Hugh de Payens (Paganus or Pagan) led the order after de Bouillon died. He and Bernard de Clairvaux helped increase the recognition and reputation of the Templars in the early years.
We have romantic ideas about knights and their chivalry and valor. However, Bernard de Clairvaux himself remarked openly on the perfidy of most of the crusading knights setting out for the Holy Land under the flag of Christianity. He wrote: It is really rather convenient that you will find very few men in the vast multitude which throngs to the Holy Land who have not been unbelieving scoundrels, sacrilegious plunderers, homicides, perjurers, adulterers, whose departure from Europe is certainly a double benefit, seeing that people in Europe are glad to see the back of them...It is certainly beneficial to those who live on both sides of the sea, since they protect one side and desist from molesting the other. So much for the virtue of the Templars. It is for good reason that both the Church and the people regarded the knights as bloodthirsty opportunistic churls. As far as I am concerned, their character and motives did not become any holier through the years. Clairvaux and de Payens had merely to indulge in sophistry to sugar-coat and sanctify the vile deeds of their troop of knights, making their outrages appear moral and Godly. Until their disbanding in the fourteenth century the Templars were known for admitting brigands in flagrant breach of clerical law.
The present-day royals of the Netherlands and Great Britain are directly related by blood to the French House of Orange and line descended from Godfrey de Bouillon. One of their most important ancestors, William de Gellone, was known as "Hook Nose." This "Jewish" (Nazarean) branch is undoubtedly descended from the Atonists exiled from Egypt after the fall of Akhenaton.
The main reason why the Papacy sought the destruction of the Templars, as explained by Ralph Ellis, is that they favored the true Christianity of King Izas and the Nazarene Fourth Sect. Instead of this tradition, the world got Papal Christianity, courtesy of corrupt arch-deceiver Josephus Flavius and his backers.
This picture shows buildings on Mount Sion (or Zion) in Jerusalem most important to the Templars.
1. Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem
2. Temple Mount 3. The third site beneath Temple Mount was Solomon's Stables |
During the First Crusade, Godfrey and his knights lived in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre (beside the Dome of the Rock). The church was allegedly the spot where Jesus was crucified, interred and resurrected.
Temple Mount was allegedly the site of the second Temple of Solomon. The stables underneath originally served as a large storage area for the rebuilt Temple. The earlier site of the original Temple of Solomon (destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BC) is nearby. It is known as the Dome of the Rock. Some believe it was also the site of Herod's temple.
The Templars began digging in Solomon's Stables and allegedly unearthed "treasures." Some scholars believe this included valuable coinage and also a cache of ancient Essene scrolls revealing that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and that a holy Davidic bloodline existed in secret rivaling the Papacy. The ancient Essenes were believed to have practiced secret rites on Temple Mount. Some scholars believe this was the reason the Templar leaders made a bee-line for it, spending years digging there. Apparently, they knew what they were looking for.
Suggestively, according to legend, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre was actually constructed on the orders of Queen Helena, the daughter of King Cole of Britain and mother of Emperor Constantine the Great. She is said to have discovered the site of Christ's crucifixion and ordered the construction of a church over the spot. Her pilgrimage to the east (approximately 325 AD) is most interesting, given that the site for her new Christian church was actually over a temple dedicated to Venus.
In any case, the Templars who frequented the "Church of Helena," and named their order after it (her), were related to the Edessan monarchy. In this case, it was a different and more ancient Queen Helena they were honoring, none other than Mary Magdalene herself, wife and sister of King Izas of Edessa, the Biblical Jesus. Queen Helena and her female forebears were the matriarchs of the super-secretive Cult of Venus.
Is this the reason why a domed temple appears on Templar coins and insignia, along with the orb and cross which make the symbol for the planet and goddess Venus?
In some traditions, Venus was depicted with a beard. So when we hear of the bearded deity allegedly revered by the Templars, again we understand what is what. (Here and Here for more...)
Temple Mount was allegedly the site of the second Temple of Solomon. The stables underneath originally served as a large storage area for the rebuilt Temple. The earlier site of the original Temple of Solomon (destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BC) is nearby. It is known as the Dome of the Rock. Some believe it was also the site of Herod's temple.
The Templars began digging in Solomon's Stables and allegedly unearthed "treasures." Some scholars believe this included valuable coinage and also a cache of ancient Essene scrolls revealing that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and that a holy Davidic bloodline existed in secret rivaling the Papacy. The ancient Essenes were believed to have practiced secret rites on Temple Mount. Some scholars believe this was the reason the Templar leaders made a bee-line for it, spending years digging there. Apparently, they knew what they were looking for.
Suggestively, according to legend, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre was actually constructed on the orders of Queen Helena, the daughter of King Cole of Britain and mother of Emperor Constantine the Great. She is said to have discovered the site of Christ's crucifixion and ordered the construction of a church over the spot. Her pilgrimage to the east (approximately 325 AD) is most interesting, given that the site for her new Christian church was actually over a temple dedicated to Venus.
In any case, the Templars who frequented the "Church of Helena," and named their order after it (her), were related to the Edessan monarchy. In this case, it was a different and more ancient Queen Helena they were honoring, none other than Mary Magdalene herself, wife and sister of King Izas of Edessa, the Biblical Jesus. Queen Helena and her female forebears were the matriarchs of the super-secretive Cult of Venus.
Is this the reason why a domed temple appears on Templar coins and insignia, along with the orb and cross which make the symbol for the planet and goddess Venus?
In some traditions, Venus was depicted with a beard. So when we hear of the bearded deity allegedly revered by the Templars, again we understand what is what. (Here and Here for more...)
The survey so far has shown that contemporaries and near-contemporaries were not sure when the Order of the Temple began, or why it began, or who was responsible for its beginning - Helen Nicholson (The Knights Templar: A New History)
It was at Tomar (Portugal) that the Templars built their mother church, and as was their custom, they dedicated it to Mary Magdalene - Freddy Silva (The Lost Art of Resurrection) |
The Cistercian Order, formed by Bernard de Clairvaux, was the monastic wing of the Templar Order. The Cistercians still exist today. The Templaresque Rite of Strict Observance, formed in Germany by Baron Karl von Hund, after the expulsion of the Stuarts from Britain, takes its name from the earlier Templar-Cistercian Order of Strict Observance. It is difficult to find a masonic tradition not permeated with Templar motifs, and even more difficult to find a male symbol employed by Templars and Masons. (Here for more...)
The system of Freemasonry to which Hund was introduced - a further extension of the Scottish Rite - was subsequently called Strict Observance. Its name derived from the oath it demanded, an oath of unswerving, unquestioning obedience to the mysterious "unknown superiors." And the basic tenet of the Strict Observance was that it had descended directly from the Knights Templar, some of whom had purportedly survived the purge of 1307-14 and perpetuated their order in Scotland - Baigent, Leigh, Lincoln (Holy Blood, Holy Grail)
The Cistercians and Templars were preceded by the elusive and less known Tironensian Order, ensconced in Scotland and elsewhere as early as the eleventh century. The bulk of the Templar's liquid wealth was probably entrusted to members of this order after the great purge in the early fourteenth century. According to researchers the treasure was subsequently moved and hidden underneath Rosslyn Chapel, and later quietly shipped over to Washington DC, where it remains to this day, as whistleblown by movies such as "National Treasure." (Here for more...)
In fact, the horde was probably buried on the Canary Islands which had been rediscovered and properly charted in the early fourteenth century by the Templars.
The Cistercian-Templars also funded the comparatively less known secret society known as The Grange, which operates behind religion and government in the United States. The Grange is an elusive order headed by members of the Female Illuminati, known to insiders as the "Venus Families" or "Venus Bloodline." (Here for more...)
In fact, the horde was probably buried on the Canary Islands which had been rediscovered and properly charted in the early fourteenth century by the Templars.
The Cistercian-Templars also funded the comparatively less known secret society known as The Grange, which operates behind religion and government in the United States. The Grange is an elusive order headed by members of the Female Illuminati, known to insiders as the "Venus Families" or "Venus Bloodline." (Here for more...)
The floor of the United Grand Lodge of England in Great Queen's Street London. An appropriate street name, to say the least. The lodge has stood on this spot since 1775.
The United Grand Lodge of England developed from the merger of two important lodges - the Grand Lodge of England and the Antient Lodge, with strong but downplayed connections to Ireland (and probably connected to the elusive Tironensian Order). The Antient Lodge was formed in 1751 to rival the Grand Lodge's brand of masonry which arose during the reign of the Hanoverian royals (the so-called "Black Nobility"). Originally, the Antients believed that Grand Lodge Masons has perverted the tenets of Freemasonry, considering themselves to have preserved the original secrets and intent of masonry in their s0-called Royal Arch Degree dating back to Irish (Antient) masonry. Royal Arch Masonry became popular, especially in America.
In 1813, the Grand Lodge of England (under the control of the Hanoverians) and the Antient Grand Lodge of England merged, forming the United Grand Lodge of England, headquartered in London.
In my opinion, Antient Masons were, like the Tironensians, a branch of the Knight Templar organization, with its emphasis on the importance of John the Baptist and its Royal Arch and Mark Masonry degrees and associated rites. As said, John the Baptist is a clever cover for the true Jesus, and his family, the Edessan Dragon Court that conceals itself behind Templarism and Masonry.
The United Grand Lodge of England developed from the merger of two important lodges - the Grand Lodge of England and the Antient Lodge, with strong but downplayed connections to Ireland (and probably connected to the elusive Tironensian Order). The Antient Lodge was formed in 1751 to rival the Grand Lodge's brand of masonry which arose during the reign of the Hanoverian royals (the so-called "Black Nobility"). Originally, the Antients believed that Grand Lodge Masons has perverted the tenets of Freemasonry, considering themselves to have preserved the original secrets and intent of masonry in their s0-called Royal Arch Degree dating back to Irish (Antient) masonry. Royal Arch Masonry became popular, especially in America.
In 1813, the Grand Lodge of England (under the control of the Hanoverians) and the Antient Grand Lodge of England merged, forming the United Grand Lodge of England, headquartered in London.
In my opinion, Antient Masons were, like the Tironensians, a branch of the Knight Templar organization, with its emphasis on the importance of John the Baptist and its Royal Arch and Mark Masonry degrees and associated rites. As said, John the Baptist is a clever cover for the true Jesus, and his family, the Edessan Dragon Court that conceals itself behind Templarism and Masonry.
…after the new Lord Derwentwater resigned from his position in this Jacobite Masonic system, Templarism (under cover of the Stuart cause) "boldly came forward and claimed to be not merely a part of Masonry but the real Masonry, possessed of superior knowledge and entitled to greater privileges and the right to rule over the ordinary, i.e., Craft Masonry" (Father Clarence Kelly quoting Nesta Webster)
Irish secret societies, such as these, preserve the more ancient Culdean system which, from behind a Christian veneer, cannibalized and repackaged the earlier Druidic or Aryan mystical traditions. The Culdean monks were the foremost tutors of the Merovingian Kings and Templar nobility. This all-important western connection is explored in depth in my books The Irish Origins of Civilization.
The single headed or double-headed eagle can be seen on emblems of the great royal houses of Europe. The double-headed eagle image was used by the Hittites and other Indo-European peoples. In all cases it represents the elite or nobility. In German, eagle is adler, with the syllable adl or ald meaning "elder." Hence Alder tree and Alderman or Mayor.
The elder race were the Atlanteans. The syllable Atl deriving from the same adl. In this sense, the eagle is the emblem of the Atlanteans and their royal descendents. Curious that it was chosen as the insignia of the United States.
Allegedly the nine tail feathers on the eagle which emblazons the Great Seal of the United States of America symbolize the nine original Templars. This is not as far-fetched as it seems, since the number thirteen - a key Templar number - appears numerous times on the one dollar note (see program). On one level we see the arrows as representative of the Templars and the olive branch of the Cistercians, the two branches of the super-secret order, military and monastic. The arrows may also represent the age-old quest for vengeance that drives the orders I speak of. Their new order of the world must replace their lost thrones in Egypt. The motto around the eagle's head - From the Many One - also iterates this methodology and denouement. (See program for a complete analysis of the Great Seal.)
The elder race were the Atlanteans. The syllable Atl deriving from the same adl. In this sense, the eagle is the emblem of the Atlanteans and their royal descendents. Curious that it was chosen as the insignia of the United States.
Allegedly the nine tail feathers on the eagle which emblazons the Great Seal of the United States of America symbolize the nine original Templars. This is not as far-fetched as it seems, since the number thirteen - a key Templar number - appears numerous times on the one dollar note (see program). On one level we see the arrows as representative of the Templars and the olive branch of the Cistercians, the two branches of the super-secret order, military and monastic. The arrows may also represent the age-old quest for vengeance that drives the orders I speak of. Their new order of the world must replace their lost thrones in Egypt. The motto around the eagle's head - From the Many One - also iterates this methodology and denouement. (See program for a complete analysis of the Great Seal.)
The Templar seal depicted the two knights riding a single horse. The reverse of the seal depicted the Dome of the Rock on Temple Mount in Jerusalem, a few hundred feet west of where the legendary Temple of Solomon allegedly once stood. Temple Mount was home to the Templars for approximately seventy years. This is one reason why mountains, mounds, hills and hillocks are used as symbols by Templars and their scions. Consider places such as Shooter's Hill, Capitol Hill and Camp David, the Grassy Knoll, as well as names such as Stormont, Claremont, Piedmont, Montferrat, Montagu, Mountbatten, Montrose, Mountjoy, Montgomery, Mountstewart, and so on.
The Templar crest shows two fair-haired female angels on either side of the shield. The shield, helmet, belt (garter) and maidens cryptically refer to the Sisterhood. The supposedly Protestant Order of Mark Masons (headed by Prince Michael of Kent) have a crest with red crosses and twin towers. The tower is another seminal female symbol. The goddess name Astarte means "High Tower." Mary Magdalene's name comes form Magdala meaning "tower" in Aramaic. At the top of the crest we see a crown, and atop the crown we see an orb and cross, the astrological symbol for the planet Venus. This symbol is known as the Sovereign's Orb. It is not a Christian symbol.
The fleur-du-li on the crown and bottom of the garter represents Mary and the Sisterhood of which she was once the head. The red cap within the crown is known as the Cap of Maintenance. This alludes to the fact that all monarchs and sovereigns are merely stewards or placeholders. They maintain dominion until the return of the banished heretic king and pope Akhenaton.
On the connection between the Templars and Mark Masons, we read:
The fleur-du-li on the crown and bottom of the garter represents Mary and the Sisterhood of which she was once the head. The red cap within the crown is known as the Cap of Maintenance. This alludes to the fact that all monarchs and sovereigns are merely stewards or placeholders. They maintain dominion until the return of the banished heretic king and pope Akhenaton.
On the connection between the Templars and Mark Masons, we read:
Templar membership is by invitation only. Candidates are required to be Master Masons, Royal Arch Masons, and to believe in the Christian Holy Trinity. Knights Templar meet in Preceptories. The Order is administrated from Mark Masons' Hall, London; members may also join the Knights of Malta - Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia
Elizabeth I holding the Scepter and Sovereign's Orb. The latter is the astrological symbol for the planet and Cult of Venus. Regardless of whether they were publicly Protestant or Catholic, their pedigree was certainly Egyptian, Parthian and Merovingian.
Jacques de Molay, the Templar Grand Master burned at the stake on Friday 13, 1314. Actually, out four thousand knights only about five hundred were caught and tried by the authorities. The majority simply vanished from the scene and went underground. Some were absorbed by the Knights Hospitaller on the island of Rhodes, others by the Order of Christ and Order of Montessa in Portugal. Some became pirates while others fought the Moors for the royals of Spain. Many went to England and Scotland where Papal injunctions against them were slow to take effect. The arrests and confiscation of their properties yielded little for the Pope and King of France. Most of it had been expertly squirreled away.
Molay trusted Pope Clement and did not suspect that he and his brethren were to be arrested. He was one of only a few hundred Templars to actually undergo torture and execution. The notorious revolutionary movement known as the Jacobins was named after him. This sect of Illuminists was behind the chaos and mass-murder of the French Revolution. This event, like many others in history, was regarded by Templar-Illuminists as an act of revenge for their suppression, torture and losses, and for de Molay's sentence and execution. The De Molay International is also named after him. This order remains active today.
Molay trusted Pope Clement and did not suspect that he and his brethren were to be arrested. He was one of only a few hundred Templars to actually undergo torture and execution. The notorious revolutionary movement known as the Jacobins was named after him. This sect of Illuminists was behind the chaos and mass-murder of the French Revolution. This event, like many others in history, was regarded by Templar-Illuminists as an act of revenge for their suppression, torture and losses, and for de Molay's sentence and execution. The De Molay International is also named after him. This order remains active today.
When the Templars were attacked in the 1300s, only a few hundred of them were arrested, out of the several thousand people in their Order. The rest disappeared behind a veil of complete privacy, becoming fugitives of powerful leaders of church and state - Sanford Holst
The story is that the Templars began in poverty, but Baldwin II, King of Jerusalem, gave them a house in the vicinity of the site where Solomon’s Temple was built of old. When it was put in repair by Hugh de Payens and the rest of the first Brethren, their digging operations unearthed an iron casket which contained priceless treasures...The discovery explains also the wealth acquired by the Templars, but it led in the end to their destruction...three of the initiated Knights made their escape and after long wandering from country to country they found refuge in the caves of Mount Heredom. They were succoured by Knights of St. Andrew of the Thistle, with whom they made an alliance and on whom they conferred their knowledge. To conceal it from others and yet transmit it through the ages they created the Masonic Order in 1340 – A. E. Waite (Templar Orders in Freemasonry) |
Guess Who? Does the Shroud of Turin depict the death face of Jesus, as we've been expertly led to believe? No, this is the face of Jacques de Molay, head of the Templars, executed on Friday 13, 1314.
Queen Elizabeth II heads the Order of the Thistle, which once protected the remaining Knights Templar after their official suppression in the fourteenth century. This order, like many chivalric orders, still exists and is going strong. (Here for more...)
The queen is the present head of the so-called Black Nobility. (See Article IV for more...)
The queen is the present head of the so-called Black Nobility. (See Article IV for more...)
The crest of the De Molay International, a Templar-Masonic order named after Jacques de Molay. The masonic coffin frequently seen on emblems, friezes and tapestries in masonic lodges refers to de Molay the Templar martyr. It also doubles as a symbol of Hiram Abiff, the architect of the Temple of Solomon. Each and every masonic temple is designed to represent the Temple of Solomon, so there is no substance to masonic denials that there is no connection between Masonry and Templarism. This idiotic denial comes about because masonic traditions and agendas have been competently exposed by numerous non-masonic mavericks, causing many secrets to come to public attention, thus inciting worry and consternation among both Masons and Templars.
As said in the previous article, Masonry has been well and truly infiltrated by the Templars and their agents. Templar traditions entered English masonry in the form of the York Rite and other avenues. In America, masonry is dominated by the Templaresque Scottish Rite, de Molay, Knights of Columbus, and other fraternities.
In Europe the Templars operate behind the Jesuits, Martinists, Grand Orient Lodges, Strict Observance, Nine Sisters Lodge, Bavarian Illuminati, and other equally important chivalric orders such as the Order of Christ, Order of the Holy Sepulchre, Knights of Malta, Knight Hospitallers, Order of St. Lazarus, Order of Montessa, Rite of Memphis, etc. The complete list is much more extensive. None of these orders are to be considered Christian in the normally accepted sense.
The clandestine infiltration of masonry was suspected by astute insiders from as early as the eighteenth century, and perhaps earlier.
As said in the previous article, Masonry has been well and truly infiltrated by the Templars and their agents. Templar traditions entered English masonry in the form of the York Rite and other avenues. In America, masonry is dominated by the Templaresque Scottish Rite, de Molay, Knights of Columbus, and other fraternities.
In Europe the Templars operate behind the Jesuits, Martinists, Grand Orient Lodges, Strict Observance, Nine Sisters Lodge, Bavarian Illuminati, and other equally important chivalric orders such as the Order of Christ, Order of the Holy Sepulchre, Knights of Malta, Knight Hospitallers, Order of St. Lazarus, Order of Montessa, Rite of Memphis, etc. The complete list is much more extensive. None of these orders are to be considered Christian in the normally accepted sense.
The clandestine infiltration of masonry was suspected by astute insiders from as early as the eighteenth century, and perhaps earlier.
Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity - an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of the elect...the one visible and the other invisible. The visible society is a splendid camaraderie of 'free and accepted' men enjoined to devote themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic and humanitarian concerns. The invisible society is a secret and most august fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of an...Arcanum Arcandrum (sacred secret) - M. P. Hall
The proof for this lies in the symbolism employed by masons. As I show in Article III, the Templar suborder of Exxons was responsible for these gradual takeovers. So when we see the symbol of the drawn sword, or crossed swords motif, on masonic and quasi-masonic emblems and regalia, we understand that it signifies vengeance and acts of reprisal against rivals and betrayers.
The swords represent the revenge sought by Molay's descendants. Indeed, the infamous Jacobins were established by his descendants and followers to foment havoc and serve as the prototype of many other European revolutionary and anarchistic sects, such as Young Italy, the Carbonari. United Irishmen and later the infamous Irish Republican Brotherhood, later know as the IRA.
The helmet is actually a female symbol denoting the goddess Minerva, also known as Pallas-Athena. Note how the ring of stars on a blue background resembles the emblem of the European Union. The crescent is not Islamic and does not represent the moon. It represents the goddess Venus.
The planet Venus has two phases, appearing as the morning star and evening star. The ministers and acolytes of the Cult of Venus, or Female Illuminati, employ the crescent, horse, owl, helmet, apron, garter, belt, spear, tower, red rose, red cross, letter G, and other symbols to denote their tutelary goddess. The masonic apron, like the gloves, come directly from the Templars. Templars were forbidden to remove their aprons, even while bathing. Allegedly it symbolized their "celibacy." However I prefer to believe that it represented their ritual (or on occasion physical) castration and obsessive devotion to the secret Sisterhood and tutelary goddess Venus. Suggestively, in occult circles Mary Magdalene is known as the Lady of the Crescents, alluding to the rising and setting (morning and evening) positions of Venus.
The helmet is actually a female symbol denoting the goddess Minerva, also known as Pallas-Athena. Note how the ring of stars on a blue background resembles the emblem of the European Union. The crescent is not Islamic and does not represent the moon. It represents the goddess Venus.
The planet Venus has two phases, appearing as the morning star and evening star. The ministers and acolytes of the Cult of Venus, or Female Illuminati, employ the crescent, horse, owl, helmet, apron, garter, belt, spear, tower, red rose, red cross, letter G, and other symbols to denote their tutelary goddess. The masonic apron, like the gloves, come directly from the Templars. Templars were forbidden to remove their aprons, even while bathing. Allegedly it symbolized their "celibacy." However I prefer to believe that it represented their ritual (or on occasion physical) castration and obsessive devotion to the secret Sisterhood and tutelary goddess Venus. Suggestively, in occult circles Mary Magdalene is known as the Lady of the Crescents, alluding to the rising and setting (morning and evening) positions of Venus.
It doesn't get more blatant than this. From a frieze in the Supreme Court Building in Washington DC, we see Minerva dictating the US Constitution. (Artist William Wetmore Story). Notice that she wears the helmet. It isn't a masculine symbol as we normally conceive it. We find goddess symbols everywhere in the centers of power in the US, from the Statue of Liberty to the Oval Office. (Here and Here for more...)
The Grand Orient Masonry of Duke d'Orleans (Louis Philippe Joseph), was the child of a secretive Templar-Masonic system established in the city of Lyon, known as Chevaliers Bienfaisants (Knights Beneficent - "Generous" or "Goodly Knights"). Top heavy with elite Sabbatean Jews, Lyon is near Septimania and provinces frequented by the ancestors of the Atonist House of Orange, a dynasty traced to Mary Magdalene. Her descendants presently sit on the thrones of Holland and Britain.
The infamous Lodge Theodore is a branch of the Chevaliers Bienfaisants Lodge. Members from these lodges soon permeated Europe's many masonic enclaves, as well as the majority of state organizations and institutions. From this order comes the masonic degree known as the Knights Kadosh, which, among other things, commemorates the death of Jacques de Molay. It commemorates the oath of masonic "freethinkers" to overthrow royalty and religion, thereby avenging Molay's arrest and martyrdom. Henceforth, the world's monarchs and leaders have been selected, installed and guided by the Rosicrucian-Masons and Templars. Scottish Rite and Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati were nothing less than branches of the Templars in this guise. Weishaupt was described as the most "zealous" of the members of Lodge Theodore.
The infamous Lodge Theodore is a branch of the Chevaliers Bienfaisants Lodge. Members from these lodges soon permeated Europe's many masonic enclaves, as well as the majority of state organizations and institutions. From this order comes the masonic degree known as the Knights Kadosh, which, among other things, commemorates the death of Jacques de Molay. It commemorates the oath of masonic "freethinkers" to overthrow royalty and religion, thereby avenging Molay's arrest and martyrdom. Henceforth, the world's monarchs and leaders have been selected, installed and guided by the Rosicrucian-Masons and Templars. Scottish Rite and Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati were nothing less than branches of the Templars in this guise. Weishaupt was described as the most "zealous" of the members of Lodge Theodore.
The fact is, Weishaupt did not corrupt continental Masonry. The corruption had begun long before his Order rose to a position of power. He merely completed the corruption, organized it, and directed it - Father Clarence Kelly (Conspiracy Against God and Man)
The word Lyon connotes lion, the most important emblem of the Atonists after the solar disk. We note that the Queen Mother's surname was Bowes-Lyon, after the prestigious Scottish Clan Lyon, and that Glen Lyon in Scotland is a haunt of the powerful arch-Atonist Menzies family. More importantly, Lyon in France is known, in secret society lore, as a destination and haunt of the infamous Kolmer, none other than Habsburgian noble Charles de Lorraine, patron of the Illuminati. (Here for more...)
The Habsburgs were also members of the House of Lorraine, and therefore prime candidates for membership of the Priory of Sion - Colin Wilson (Atlantis Blueprint)
Karl Gotthelf, Baron von Hund (1722-1776) was a Templar agent active in France and Germany. His job was to seduce certain royals and members of the nobility into the new Templar-Masonic lodges and systems. He was a member of "Scottish Masonry;" a name that implies Atonism not Scotland. In any case, seniors within this order feigned support of the Stuart monarchy. Baron von Hund attempted to induct Bonny Prince Charlie (Charles Edward Stuart) into the Scottish Rite. He is also credited with the establishment of the Templarist branch of Masonry known as Strict Observance. Although some researchers deny any solid allegiance between Templar Masonry and Catholic royalty, few facts are given to substantiate their position. Although it is true that many nobles eschewed secret cabals of this kind, others were and still are top members and supporters (see below). Formally, Strict Observance is associated with Germany, whereas Scottish Rite is primarily associated with France. (Here for more...)
Inigo Jones (1573–1652) was one of England's chief architects, responsible for numerous majestic squares and buildings in London and elsewhere. He was also one of the architects of the new brand of Masonry transported to Britain from the Continent. This more sinister form of Masonry was heavily imbued with Rosicrucian and Templar elements. (Here for more...)
The Rose Cross is a female symbol referring to Venus and the Cult of Venus. Adopted as a symbol by Rosicrucians, it is found on earlier Templar edifices. The red rose (used by Rosicrucians and Templars) is also a Venusian symbol. According to myth the red color of the flower is from the spilled blood of Venus's sacrificed son-lover Adonis. Again we have the implicit motif of ritual wounding (castration) central to masonic tradition.
The ritual phallic wounding of a Mason - disguised as the Templar vow of celibacy - is connoted by his wearing of the apron, also a patently female motif. The compass appears because it is a symbol employed by Scottish Rite Masonry. This is interesting since it was the Rosicrucians (Templars) who introduced the Scottish Rite and related degrees into Masonry in the 18th and 19th centuries. The more familiar Scottish Rite emblem is the double-headed eagle, originally employed by European monarchs, particularly by the Habsburgian dynasty. It is also the emblem of the Knights of Malta, formerly the Hospitallers.
The crown at the top of the jewel represents the chief Atonist - Pharaoh Akhenaton and his descendants. The point being that although certain royals and powerful masonic individuals and families cleverly maintained the window-dressing of Christian belief, they have never relinquished more exotic private forms of worship.
Some scholars trace the rose symbol to Persian or Mithraic cults. This is acceptable, given the closes ties that existed between the original Templars and the Cilician Pirates, Assassins, Sufis, Ishmaelis, and other Middle Eastern secret societies. There can be little doubt that the Templar brotherhood was associated with pre-Islamic (and even anti-Islamic) Persian (Iranian) cults of the time, hidden behind the veil of Sufism and Islam. These Mithraic sects had been in decline for some time, and are by no means to be necessarily identified with those of a more authentic type from ages past. The latter were certainly affiliated with the high Druids of the West, dominant before the rise of Islam and Christianity. The Mithraic cult adopted the rose emblem as the universal symbol of the Goddess. Adopted by Templars, Rosicrucians, Masons, and so on, the emblem always connotes the supreme Goddess and the super-secret Sisterhood operating in her name - the Order of Sion:
in Spain, the Templars had reached such a level of accommodation with the Moors that Muslims were allowed to use Temple estates as places of worship - Hirschman and Yates (When Scotland Was Jewish)
The ritual phallic wounding of a Mason - disguised as the Templar vow of celibacy - is connoted by his wearing of the apron, also a patently female motif. The compass appears because it is a symbol employed by Scottish Rite Masonry. This is interesting since it was the Rosicrucians (Templars) who introduced the Scottish Rite and related degrees into Masonry in the 18th and 19th centuries. The more familiar Scottish Rite emblem is the double-headed eagle, originally employed by European monarchs, particularly by the Habsburgian dynasty. It is also the emblem of the Knights of Malta, formerly the Hospitallers.
The crown at the top of the jewel represents the chief Atonist - Pharaoh Akhenaton and his descendants. The point being that although certain royals and powerful masonic individuals and families cleverly maintained the window-dressing of Christian belief, they have never relinquished more exotic private forms of worship.
Some scholars trace the rose symbol to Persian or Mithraic cults. This is acceptable, given the closes ties that existed between the original Templars and the Cilician Pirates, Assassins, Sufis, Ishmaelis, and other Middle Eastern secret societies. There can be little doubt that the Templar brotherhood was associated with pre-Islamic (and even anti-Islamic) Persian (Iranian) cults of the time, hidden behind the veil of Sufism and Islam. These Mithraic sects had been in decline for some time, and are by no means to be necessarily identified with those of a more authentic type from ages past. The latter were certainly affiliated with the high Druids of the West, dominant before the rise of Islam and Christianity. The Mithraic cult adopted the rose emblem as the universal symbol of the Goddess. Adopted by Templars, Rosicrucians, Masons, and so on, the emblem always connotes the supreme Goddess and the super-secret Sisterhood operating in her name - the Order of Sion:
in Spain, the Templars had reached such a level of accommodation with the Moors that Muslims were allowed to use Temple estates as places of worship - Hirschman and Yates (When Scotland Was Jewish)
Another prominent Scottish-Rite emblem, the Cross and Crown. Note that the cross is red, revealing it as identical to that employed by the Templars. The higher chivalric or Templaresque degrees of Masonry are known by Masons as the "Red Degrees" to distinguish them from the first three "Blue Degrees." This means that the terms "red" or "reds" connotes the Templars. The crown represents Akhenaton and his solar cult descendants. The motto In Hoc Signo Vinces means "In this sign I conquer." This was allegedly the sign seen in the sky by Emperor Constantine, official founder of Roman Christianity. The double meaning is to Lucifer and his earthly lieutenants.
According to author Juri Lina, some of the wealthiest Jews in America and Canada belong to Scottish Rite lodges.
According to author Juri Lina, some of the wealthiest Jews in America and Canada belong to Scottish Rite lodges.
The Scottish rite of Freemasonry, oldest of the Masonic lodges employed
to provide shelter for the Templars, was established in the 14th century by Templars seeking refuge in Scotland. It became an example for the rest to follow. The titles of the Scottish lodges' highest ranks continue to be identical to those given to the Knights Templar centuries before - Harun Yahya (The Knights Templar) |
These "Jews" are really Sabbateans or initiates of the Luciferian sect headed by Jacob Frank and before him by Sabbatai Zevi. This sect goes back to even earlier Atonists or Setians. The Sabbateans are contemptuous enemies of normal religious Jews, who are treated as useful idiots and prey like the rest of humanity. (Here and Here for more...)
The Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (or Shriners) is a high-level branch of Scottish-Rite Masonry, with a largely Catholic membership. One of the founders of the Scottish Rite, Albert Pike, was a Catholic. Many prominent politicians, magnates and media personalities are Shriners.
Note the face of Pharaoh Akhenaton and five-pointed star. The inverted crescent alludes to the planet and Cult of Venus. The scimitar alludes to the rite of castration (symbolic and occasionally physical). The chosen servants of the Great Goddess are invariably castrati and eunuchs. As said in the previous article, there are oriental branches of Atonism as well as western branches. Many Roman soldiers and even emperors were members of quasi-masonic orders from the east, such as the Cult of Mithras (which was really the cult of the goddess Cybele), of Ammon, Dionysus, Priapus, Serapis and Sol Invictus, etc. We also have the Cilician Pirates, whose emblem just happens to be seen on Yale's university's Skull and Bones fraternity.
The Turkish scimitar doubles as a symbol of a comet, which is in turn the symbol of Set, Egyptian god of evil. (See following article for more on this...)
Within the Shriners are female orders known as The Ladies Oriental Shrine and the Daughters of the Nile. The latter name is most suggestive (see program). A related branch of the Shriners is the bizarre Quetzalcoatl Order. (Here for more...)
Note the face of Pharaoh Akhenaton and five-pointed star. The inverted crescent alludes to the planet and Cult of Venus. The scimitar alludes to the rite of castration (symbolic and occasionally physical). The chosen servants of the Great Goddess are invariably castrati and eunuchs. As said in the previous article, there are oriental branches of Atonism as well as western branches. Many Roman soldiers and even emperors were members of quasi-masonic orders from the east, such as the Cult of Mithras (which was really the cult of the goddess Cybele), of Ammon, Dionysus, Priapus, Serapis and Sol Invictus, etc. We also have the Cilician Pirates, whose emblem just happens to be seen on Yale's university's Skull and Bones fraternity.
The Turkish scimitar doubles as a symbol of a comet, which is in turn the symbol of Set, Egyptian god of evil. (See following article for more on this...)
Within the Shriners are female orders known as The Ladies Oriental Shrine and the Daughters of the Nile. The latter name is most suggestive (see program). A related branch of the Shriners is the bizarre Quetzalcoatl Order. (Here for more...)
The flag of the Templars is black and white, as seen on the floors of masonic halls. The red cross is the official emblem of England, appearing as "St. George's Cross." Suggestively, the red cross also turns up on the regalia of Britain's most prestigious chivalric orders of the Garter and order of St. Michael and St. George, the members (Knights) of which are appointed by Queen Elizabeth II. Would Protestant chivalric orders not be averse to employing the symbols of their supposed rivals? Are there not a myriad other symbols to favor? The round Templar Chapel stands right in the heart of the city of London, a city covered in Templar symbolism, a city which controls the entire world. Coincidence of course. (Here for more...)
...the Templars remained absolutely central to everything that was happening in Europe, and what is more they were partly instrumental in the formation of the Western World as we know it today. The Templar state was, and is, Switzerland - Butler and Dafoe (The Warriors and the Bankers)
It was in Geneva that the League of Nations was formed after the First World War, and it was also from Geneva that the International Red Cross sprang up in the 19th century. Earlier still, Switzerland had fostered the embryonic notion of Protestantism, which without the important bastion it found in Geneva, may never have survived to challenge the retarding and corrupt influences of the all-powerful Catholic Church in the 16th and 17th centuries - ibid |
The crest of the Knights Hospitaller. They were established around 1060 AD, about 60 years prior to the Templars. They eventually morphed into the Knights of Rhodes and finally the Knights of Malta. Still in existence today, and one of the oldest chivalric order in the world, some researchers believe they were entrusted with the bulk of the Templar treasure after the latter was threatened with extinction by Papal authorities in the fourteenth century.
Although ostensibly and officially Catholic, this order shares a great deal in common with the Protestant Order of St. John (full name The Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem). Indeed, the previous head of the Knights of Malta, Andrew Bertie, was fourth cousin twice removed to Queen Elizabeth of England who heads the Protestant Order of St. John. The full name of the Catholic Hospitallers is The Order of Knights of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem. Although this name might sound august and holy, the John referred to is John the Baptist. We see that these two orders (Catholic and Protestant) and their satellite branches are not Christian in the common sense of the term.
The Hospitallers moved from Rhodes to Cyprus to Malta and from there to different locations in Italy. Indeed the earliest group of Hospitallers was made up of super-wealthy Italian merchants dedicated to charitable works in the Holy Land. They eventually received permission from the Pope to militarize themselves. Eventually in later times, as the "Knights of Malta," the Hospitallers established themselves in Rome where they remain to this day, their HQ not far from the Vatican. Their members sit at the United Nations representing a sovereign body or nation, and are legally speaking a law unto themselves. (Here for more...)
To this day the patron saint of the Knights of Malta (the Hospitallers) is "Our Lady Philermos." Is this an oblique reference to Queen Helena, or another matriarch of the Cult of Venus?
Although ostensibly and officially Catholic, this order shares a great deal in common with the Protestant Order of St. John (full name The Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem). Indeed, the previous head of the Knights of Malta, Andrew Bertie, was fourth cousin twice removed to Queen Elizabeth of England who heads the Protestant Order of St. John. The full name of the Catholic Hospitallers is The Order of Knights of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem. Although this name might sound august and holy, the John referred to is John the Baptist. We see that these two orders (Catholic and Protestant) and their satellite branches are not Christian in the common sense of the term.
The Hospitallers moved from Rhodes to Cyprus to Malta and from there to different locations in Italy. Indeed the earliest group of Hospitallers was made up of super-wealthy Italian merchants dedicated to charitable works in the Holy Land. They eventually received permission from the Pope to militarize themselves. Eventually in later times, as the "Knights of Malta," the Hospitallers established themselves in Rome where they remain to this day, their HQ not far from the Vatican. Their members sit at the United Nations representing a sovereign body or nation, and are legally speaking a law unto themselves. (Here for more...)
To this day the patron saint of the Knights of Malta (the Hospitallers) is "Our Lady Philermos." Is this an oblique reference to Queen Helena, or another matriarch of the Cult of Venus?
According to the "Prieuré documents" every grand master, on assuming his position, has adopted the name Jean (John) - or, since there were four women, Jeanne (Joan). Sion’s grand masters are therefore alleged to have comprised a continuous succession of Jeans and Jeannes, from 1188 to the present - Baigent, Leigh, Lincoln (Holy Blood, Holy Grail)
The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta (known as the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM), Order of Malta or Knights of Malta for short) is a Catholic order based in Rome, Italy...Its two headquarters in Rome, namely the Palazzo Malta in Via dei Condotti 68 (where the Grand Master resides and Government Bodies meet), and the Villa Malta on the Aventine (which hosts the Grand Priory of Rome, the Embassy of the Order to Holy See and the Embassy of the Order to Italy), are granted extraterritoriality - (Wikipedia: Entry on the Knights of Malta) |
After the official suppression of the Templars, conflicts arose between them and the Hospitallers. This conflict occurred primarily in Britain, and did not last long.
It is my belief that the conflicts were finally settled and that over time the Hospitallers were - like the Portuguese Order of Montessa and Order of Christ - well and truly infiltrated and finally taken over completely by the Templar-Clerics.
The Knights of Malta, although historically older than the Templars, became the latter's chief lieutenants after their suppression. In other words, the Knights of Malta are, in my opinion, the main order of Clerics or Exxons, in service to the Templars. They are no more "Catholic" than their masters.
The colors of the Knights of Malta are red with white cross, identical to the flag of Switzerland, where, no doubt, the bulk of the Templar's wealth is hidden.
Before the suppression of the Templars, the colors of the Clerics were gold and green (or brown and green). Of course we see that the white cross is a simple but effective symbolic transposition or inversion of the Templar red cross. Note the many banks, credit unions, insurance agencies, property agencies, developers and other businesses employing this and similar red and white logos. (Here for more on the Clerics...)
It is my belief that the conflicts were finally settled and that over time the Hospitallers were - like the Portuguese Order of Montessa and Order of Christ - well and truly infiltrated and finally taken over completely by the Templar-Clerics.
The Knights of Malta, although historically older than the Templars, became the latter's chief lieutenants after their suppression. In other words, the Knights of Malta are, in my opinion, the main order of Clerics or Exxons, in service to the Templars. They are no more "Catholic" than their masters.
The colors of the Knights of Malta are red with white cross, identical to the flag of Switzerland, where, no doubt, the bulk of the Templar's wealth is hidden.
Before the suppression of the Templars, the colors of the Clerics were gold and green (or brown and green). Of course we see that the white cross is a simple but effective symbolic transposition or inversion of the Templar red cross. Note the many banks, credit unions, insurance agencies, property agencies, developers and other businesses employing this and similar red and white logos. (Here for more on the Clerics...)
The regalia of the most prestigious Order of the Garter, Britain's highest order of chivarly. The red cross appears. It will be said that this is simply because it is the emblem of Great Britain. But the truth is that the emblem derives from the Templars. So Catholic or Protestant as the front may be, there's a common esoteric thread running beneath the surface.
The "Garter" referred to is a blue belt that encircles the shield and red cross. This serpentine garter represents the Sisterhood. Symbolically it represents being "twice born" and bonded or tethered to a new life and mission. Most garter-belts feature a fleur-du-li representing the Order of Sion or Sisterhood. At the coronation ceremony of Queen Elizabeth II, on June 1955, Handel's majestic anthem "Zadok the Priest" was sung. Zadok is none other than Melchizedek, a cryptic reference to Pharaoh Akhenaton.
Far-fetched as it sounds, the symbolism tells us that this ostensibly Protestant order is not unconnected with the Templars and more elusive Order of Sion.
The "Garter" referred to is a blue belt that encircles the shield and red cross. This serpentine garter represents the Sisterhood. Symbolically it represents being "twice born" and bonded or tethered to a new life and mission. Most garter-belts feature a fleur-du-li representing the Order of Sion or Sisterhood. At the coronation ceremony of Queen Elizabeth II, on June 1955, Handel's majestic anthem "Zadok the Priest" was sung. Zadok is none other than Melchizedek, a cryptic reference to Pharaoh Akhenaton.
Far-fetched as it sounds, the symbolism tells us that this ostensibly Protestant order is not unconnected with the Templars and more elusive Order of Sion.
The insignia of a knight of the Order of the Garter consists of a jewelled collar composed of gold and red roses with five petals contained within tiny garters...Hanging from the collar is a representation of St. George, the patron saint of England, killing the dragon - Baigent, Leigh, Lincoln (Holy Blood, Holy Grail)
…the traditions of the Templars seems to have taken on a new guise, under the Order of the Garter, founded by Edward II’s son, Edward III King of England. Edward III’s sister, Joanna, married David II King of Scotland, the son of Robert the Bruce. While, in exile in the French court, it was David who created the The Guarde De Ecosse, derived from the Templar faction known as Scots Guard who came to the aid of Robert the Bruce. As the Scots Guard continued through the years, two of the prominent families involved in its history were the Sinclairs and the Stuarts. In France, they become the Personal Bodyguard to the French Kings - David Livingstone (Terror and the Illuminati) |
Like all secret societies, the Knights Templar had two different doctrines, one secret and exclusively for the leaders, the other for the public - Albert Pike
The Order lived on, under different names and headed by unknown masters, and revealed its existence only to those who, by passing through a series of degrees, had proved themselves worthy of being entrusted with the dangerous secret - ibid |
Above we see the memorial statue of founder and head of Scottish-Rite Masonry, the Templar-Luciferian Albert Pike, in Washington DC, near the House of the Temple. Note the female holding the standard of Scottish-Rite Masonry. Is this mere decoration or a clue in plain sight? After all, one is hard-pressed to find a single bone fide masculine symbol anywhere in Masonry. As I show in the program, the eagle is a female emblem. Note the female figure sitting at the base of the statue holding the banner with the Double-Headed Eagle. This female alludes to Meritaten herself, and the banner to the Scottish Rite of Masonry dedicated to her - Scota's Rite.
Scottish Rite Masons protected the Templars after they went underground in the fourteenth century.
We are being told that the male figureheads of masonic-type orders merely do the bidding of a more secretive order, hidden in plain sight. Only by reaching the 33rd degree or higher will the average male member be made aware of this fact, and understand the reason for the symbolic leitmotifs habitually employed by their orders.
Scottish Rite Masons protected the Templars after they went underground in the fourteenth century.
We are being told that the male figureheads of masonic-type orders merely do the bidding of a more secretive order, hidden in plain sight. Only by reaching the 33rd degree or higher will the average male member be made aware of this fact, and understand the reason for the symbolic leitmotifs habitually employed by their orders.
There is an elite group of Freemasons in England over whom the United Grand Lodge has no jurisdiction. These are the brethren of the so-called Higher Degrees, and even the majority of Freemasons have no idea of their existence - Stephen Knight (The Brotherhood)
These thirty degrees, beginning with the 4th (that of Secret Master) and culminating in the 33rd (Grand Inspector General), are controlled by a Supreme Council whose headquarters are at 10 Duke Street, St James's, London SW1...To high Masons, the house in Duke Street is known as the Grand East - ibid |
As said above, the double-headed eagle denotes the unison and collaboration between the Templars and Knights of Malta, overseen by highly-placed members of the Black Nobility.
The famous image of Baphomet as depicted by French occultist Eliphas Levi, beside a statue of George Washington in Washington DC. Attempts to play down the significance of this Templar image fail when we think of the statue. Why would it be designed to represent the icon if the icon had no significance or was just the brainchild of a crank?
Those who commissioned this prominent statue showed no doubt on the matter. The statue was designed to replicate the icon because the latter has genuine significance to occultists, and most importantly to Templars. The zoomorphic figure is clearly female, note the breasts. The flaming torch connotes Helen or Helene, a name which alludes to the Edessan matriarch of that name, mother of King Jesus.
Indeed the twin crescents represent the two "phases" of the planet Venus which appears both as the morning and evening "star." The five-pointed star also represents Venus as well as the Cult of Venus. Likewise, the flame between the horns represents the light of Lucifer or Venus.
A Templar motto mentions Mete or Ma'at, the Egyptian goddess of virtue and balance. The word Baphomet comes from Ptah and Ma'at (connoting the male creator and female creatrix), and also connotes Baph and Metis, meaning "Baptism in Wisdom." Met or Mete is also a cryptic reference to the god Mitra or Mithras, son of Cybele the Great Mother Goddess. (Papal headgear - the mitre - is also derived from this name.)
Those who commissioned this prominent statue showed no doubt on the matter. The statue was designed to replicate the icon because the latter has genuine significance to occultists, and most importantly to Templars. The zoomorphic figure is clearly female, note the breasts. The flaming torch connotes Helen or Helene, a name which alludes to the Edessan matriarch of that name, mother of King Jesus.
Indeed the twin crescents represent the two "phases" of the planet Venus which appears both as the morning and evening "star." The five-pointed star also represents Venus as well as the Cult of Venus. Likewise, the flame between the horns represents the light of Lucifer or Venus.
A Templar motto mentions Mete or Ma'at, the Egyptian goddess of virtue and balance. The word Baphomet comes from Ptah and Ma'at (connoting the male creator and female creatrix), and also connotes Baph and Metis, meaning "Baptism in Wisdom." Met or Mete is also a cryptic reference to the god Mitra or Mithras, son of Cybele the Great Mother Goddess. (Papal headgear - the mitre - is also derived from this name.)
As I show in Article III, the Templars did not disappear after their suppression in the early fourteenth century. Many Templars simply joined the Knights Hospitallers (now the Knights of Malta), while others fled the limelight, leaving their order in the hands of their anonymous Clerics.
In 1908, members of the Martinist Order of France called for the establishment of a new order based on Templar traditions. Who was the leaders of the obscure Martinist society, Martinez de Pasqually and his disciples Louis Claude de Saint-Martin and Jean-Baptiste Willermoz? Why call for and establish a neo-Templar order? In my opinion these three men were themselves little else than Templars setting about re-establishing their ancient society in public view. In other words, the Martinists were yet one more quasi-masonic cover under which descendants of authentic Templars hid themselves. The Martinists had a great effect on high degree Masonry. That their chief emblem is the Star of David, reveals their Judaic (Setian-Atonist) affiliations. (See Article III.)
In 1908, members of the Martinist Order of France called for the establishment of a new order based on Templar traditions. Who was the leaders of the obscure Martinist society, Martinez de Pasqually and his disciples Louis Claude de Saint-Martin and Jean-Baptiste Willermoz? Why call for and establish a neo-Templar order? In my opinion these three men were themselves little else than Templars setting about re-establishing their ancient society in public view. In other words, the Martinists were yet one more quasi-masonic cover under which descendants of authentic Templars hid themselves. The Martinists had a great effect on high degree Masonry. That their chief emblem is the Star of David, reveals their Judaic (Setian-Atonist) affiliations. (See Article III.)
The Templars and their bureaucratic, efficient Clerics formed numerous satellite orders through which they continue to successfully control world events. One of the most powerful of these being the Knights of Columbus. Note their use of the skull. This symbol is extremely ancient and ultimately traces back to prehistoric Ireland.
In any case, the symbol was adopted by the Templars because their chief supporters and advocates - men such as Bernard de Clairvaux and King Dagobert II - were tutored in Ireland by Culdean (Atonist) monks. Dagobert's first wife Mathilde was an Irish princess. The skull was also adopted because it cryptically recalls not only the martyrdom of Jacques de Molay and Hiram Abiff, but more importantly of Pharaoh Akhenaton.
The Templar Order also includes the Cistercian Monastic Order, the religious wing of their order. The Cistercians, created by Bernard de Clairvaux, owned hundreds of priories and abbeys and thousands of acres of land throughout Europe. Although he was endowed with finances from Hugh de Payens, where Bernard got the enormous funds to build his initial eighty eight priories remains a mystery. A great many of these structures were deliberately built over earlier pagan sites sacred to the Celts and pre-Celts. Most of the major Templar-owned structures, such as Rosslyn Chapel, stand atop leylines and vortices of the earth-grid, replicating earlier geomantic techniques first devised in the prehistoric West. In many cases they stand over sites sacred to the Great Goddess.
In any case, the symbol was adopted by the Templars because their chief supporters and advocates - men such as Bernard de Clairvaux and King Dagobert II - were tutored in Ireland by Culdean (Atonist) monks. Dagobert's first wife Mathilde was an Irish princess. The skull was also adopted because it cryptically recalls not only the martyrdom of Jacques de Molay and Hiram Abiff, but more importantly of Pharaoh Akhenaton.
The Templar Order also includes the Cistercian Monastic Order, the religious wing of their order. The Cistercians, created by Bernard de Clairvaux, owned hundreds of priories and abbeys and thousands of acres of land throughout Europe. Although he was endowed with finances from Hugh de Payens, where Bernard got the enormous funds to build his initial eighty eight priories remains a mystery. A great many of these structures were deliberately built over earlier pagan sites sacred to the Celts and pre-Celts. Most of the major Templar-owned structures, such as Rosslyn Chapel, stand atop leylines and vortices of the earth-grid, replicating earlier geomantic techniques first devised in the prehistoric West. In many cases they stand over sites sacred to the Great Goddess.
Was Protestantism created by the Order of Sion, during their brief rift with the Templars? The date of the formation of Protestantism fits perfectly with this split between the Templars and Sionists. The evidence for this lies in the connection between the Order of Sion and ancient Nazarene Sect of Queen Helena of Adiabene. Her son was King Izas of Edessa, and after their arrival in Syria the Edessan monarchs hitched themselves to Judaism and specifically to the revolutionary Nazarean Sect. This sect was from its inception opposed to what we now know as Papal Christianity. For this reason it is now possible to link the Nazareans and powerful Edessan monarchs with the rise of anti-Papal societies and organizations, one of these being Protestantism.
There was certainly a connection between Luther and secret societies. In fact, Luther's notebooks feature the rose and cross of the Rosicrucians. As shown in Article I, the Rosicrucian symbolism derives from the Templars. Scholars accept that the Puritan Sir Francis Bacon's secret order - the Fra Rosi Crosse Society - was linked to European Templar societies. So much for the Protestant-Catholic rivalry and divide. Bacon was also a member of the Knights of the Helmet, named after the goddess Minerva. (Here for more...)
In the next Article I show that many of history's leading lights, such as Luther and Calvin (real name Cohen), may have been crypto-Sabbateans hiding behind Judaism, Christianity and Islam, hating the hosts unwittingly giving them precious cover. (Here for more...)
There was certainly a connection between Luther and secret societies. In fact, Luther's notebooks feature the rose and cross of the Rosicrucians. As shown in Article I, the Rosicrucian symbolism derives from the Templars. Scholars accept that the Puritan Sir Francis Bacon's secret order - the Fra Rosi Crosse Society - was linked to European Templar societies. So much for the Protestant-Catholic rivalry and divide. Bacon was also a member of the Knights of the Helmet, named after the goddess Minerva. (Here for more...)
In the next Article I show that many of history's leading lights, such as Luther and Calvin (real name Cohen), may have been crypto-Sabbateans hiding behind Judaism, Christianity and Islam, hating the hosts unwittingly giving them precious cover. (Here for more...)
Ireland's powerful Black Preceptory or Royal Black Institution conceals itself behind the better known Orange Order. Ostensibly ardently Protestant, we find that their symbolism derives directly from the Templars. The red cross, cross and crown, skull and bones, coffin and triangle are all bone fide Templar symbols. The very term preceptory denotes a Templar dwelling. As said above, the Templars infiltrated many societies which did not thereafter become Catholic as one would expect. This anomaly has not been sufficiently addressed or explained by historians and commenters. To find a fanatically Protestant secret order drenched in Templar symbolism is therefore markedly unusual. We must not accept official reports and accounts of the origin and nature of such orders and cabals. Although the parades of the Orange Order take place in Northern Ireland on July 12, the Black Preceptory conducts its marches on the following day, July 13. Both celebration days mark the sun's highest point in the zodiacal arch. This is not a coincidence, given that fraternities of this kind are branches of ancient Atonism. Additionally, the Templar Grand Master Jacques de Molay was executed on Friday 13. Since then the number has been adopted as a cryptic sigil by the Templar Order. No wonder they smile. The joke's most definitely on us.
Charles de Lorraine (1712-1780) and his brother Francis de Lorraine (1708-1765). Francis was the Holy Roman Emperor and an outspoken Mason. Born Roman Catholic he was initiated into the largely Protestant Grand Lodge of England, founded by Protestant King George I. Charles was the true founder of the Bavarian Illuminati. Born Roman Catholic, he directed and partly financed Adam Weishaupt and the other Illuminists. He was also the head of the Order of Sion. We see from this that normal religious divisions mean little and that the Illuminati's apparent anti-royalist stance was a complete fraud. Suggestively, the Grand Lodge of England was founded on June 24, 1717, St. John the Baptist's day. St. John was patron of the Templars and Hospitallers. Both Charles and Francis wear the pendant of the Order of the Golden Fleece, traditionally an exclusively Catholic chivalric order. We have had bloody genocidal religious wars in Britain and Europe, some lasting decades and centuries, but behind lodge doors they are all pals. How are we to explain this?
The Habsburgs were also members of the House of Lorraine, and therefore prime candidates for membership of the Priory of Sion - Colin Wilson (The Atlantis Blueprint)
It seems that in Scotland and in England an organization that called itself the Freemasons came into being around 1640. The Catholic Church came to detest it, but in the early days – particularly in Scotland – there seemed to have been as many Catholics as Protestants in the organization - ibid |
Strangely, the Order of the Golden Fleece has been awarded to Protestant nobles, such as King George VII. We find this highly suggestive.
As we'll see from the following articles, individual royals and even whole dynasties were descendants of followers of the ancient Nazarean Sect headed by Queen Helena. Her son was none other than King Izas, the Jesus of the Bible. This is a powerful and illustrious pedigree, something to identify with if you are a royal. If Protestantism was established by the descendants of the Edessans, it is understandable why it appealed to so many royal personages.
As we'll see from the following articles, individual royals and even whole dynasties were descendants of followers of the ancient Nazarean Sect headed by Queen Helena. Her son was none other than King Izas, the Jesus of the Bible. This is a powerful and illustrious pedigree, something to identify with if you are a royal. If Protestantism was established by the descendants of the Edessans, it is understandable why it appealed to so many royal personages.
Napoleon Bonaparte and his pompous nephew Napoleon III. Both men were installed and guided by the European Templars, and both furthered Templar policy during their reigns. Napoleon III saw to it that rival masonic enclaves and lodges were undermined and closed. Their occult background and influence endorsed the Europe-wide revival of Templar-Rosicrucian style Masonry. Significantly, the revival received papal approval. No doubt the Pope himself was a Templar installation.
The tolerance of secret-societies during the Napoleonic dynasty led to a revival of Templarism. In March 1808 a neo-Templar Order held a public requiem for Jacques de Molay. This requiem was presided over by the Abbe Pierre Romains, the Canon of Notre Dame, who was the primate for the revival of the order - Michael Howard (Occult Conspiracy)
It is strange how Masonry, being what it is, has always managed to get a princely or noble leader for every one of its distinct onward movements against princes, property, and society. It had Egalite to lead the movement against the throne of France in the last century. It had the Duke of Brunswick, Frederick II and Joseph II to assist. In this century we see it ornamented by Louis Philippe, Napoleon III, Victor Emmanuel and others as figure-heads; Nubius and Palmerston, both won from the leaders of the Conservative nobility, were its real chiefs - Monsignor Dillon (Grand Orient Masonry Unmasked) |
The oath taken by one masonic brother to always aid another in times of distress is actually a Templar tradition. English Masonry took on a Templar complexion as from the arrival of the Sinclair family to Scotland in the fourteenth century, and overtly in the sixteenth century during the reign of James I of England (James VI of Scotland). This accounts for why the York Rite as well as the Scottish Rite, Grand Orient and Strict Observance branches of Freemasonry are replete with Templar symbols and traditions. Although the complexion of Masonry changed because of the Templar's surreptitious presence, strangely and suggestively it did not become Catholic. The majority of commenters are unable to cogently explain why this is, given that the Templars, from the time of their inception, were apparently ardent Catholics and defenders of the Church.
However, the puzzle is explained when we realize that, as Ralph Ellis shows, the Merovingians were descended directly from Queen Helena who aligned herself and her dynasty with the Nazarene Sect. (See Article IV for more on this...)
This allegiance pitted the Templars and related societies against the Papacy, which from its inception opposed the Nazarean Church. Consequently, the Papacy feared the increase of Templar-Masonic power, and attempted to limit their influence. Pope Clement's pontifical letter In eminenti was drawn up in an effort to prevent Catholics from joining masonic groups. In each century from the fourteenth warnings from the Church went out warning believers to avoid association with masonic societies.
The Templars were also closely associated with eastern sects such as the Assassins. They also had close ties to Armenian and Lebanese Christians, to the notorious Cilician Pirates (hence the Skull and Bones symbolism), and to extremely wealthy Italian merchants.
However, the puzzle is explained when we realize that, as Ralph Ellis shows, the Merovingians were descended directly from Queen Helena who aligned herself and her dynasty with the Nazarene Sect. (See Article IV for more on this...)
This allegiance pitted the Templars and related societies against the Papacy, which from its inception opposed the Nazarean Church. Consequently, the Papacy feared the increase of Templar-Masonic power, and attempted to limit their influence. Pope Clement's pontifical letter In eminenti was drawn up in an effort to prevent Catholics from joining masonic groups. In each century from the fourteenth warnings from the Church went out warning believers to avoid association with masonic societies.
The Templars were also closely associated with eastern sects such as the Assassins. They also had close ties to Armenian and Lebanese Christians, to the notorious Cilician Pirates (hence the Skull and Bones symbolism), and to extremely wealthy Italian merchants.
We have shown that Templarism has been endemic to Freemasonry from its inception, long before the formation of Grand Lodge in London - Butler and Dafoe (The Warriors and the Bankers)
Replete as it is with Christian symbolism, York Rite Freemasonry still espouses Templar beliefs - probably to a greater extent than any other branch of Freemasonry - ibid In September 2001, Barbara Frale discovered a copy of the Chinon Parchment dated 17–20 August 1308 in the Vatican Secret Archives, a document that indicated that Pope Clement V absolved the leaders of the Order in 1308. Frale published her findings in the Journal of Medieval History in 2004. In 2007, the Vatican published the Chinon Parchment as part of a limited edition of 799 copies of Processus Contra Templarios. Another Chinon parchment dated 20 August 1308 addressed to Philip IV of France, well-known to historians, stated that absolution had been granted to all those Templars that had confessed to heresy "and restored them to the Sacraments and to the unity of the Church" – Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia (Entry on the History of the Knights Templar) |
There can be little doubt that senior members of the Templar Order moved to assume control of the Vatican, and via their Clerics succeeded in doing so. The change of management probably occurred during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It accounts for the gradual turn, after the Second World War, of the Papacy toward Socialism. (Here for more on this...)
The insignia associated with the Islamic religion and Moslem countries is purely female. Mary Magdalene is known in occult circles as the "Lady of the Crescents." The crescent represents Venus, and the white star denotes Venus as the famous "Morning Star" (the esoteric Lucifer or Shekinah). The color green also pertains to the goddess. Allah was originally based on Allat, a goddess. The Kaaba at Mecca is actually her shrine.
As we'll see in the following articles, the Templars (and Shriners) are the brain behind the rise of Islamic extremism, more correctly of current the threat of Islamo-Communism. Many of the agitators from the Middle East where trained and educated in the West. (Here for more...)
As we'll see in the following articles, the Templars (and Shriners) are the brain behind the rise of Islamic extremism, more correctly of current the threat of Islamo-Communism. Many of the agitators from the Middle East where trained and educated in the West. (Here for more...)
The striking insignia of the powerful Counsel on Foreign Relations, the American branch of Chatham House or the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London.
Compare it to the Knights Templar symbol. The horse is a Venusian symbol standing for the steering enclave of the all-powerful Sisterhood (the "Whotes"). The rider's hand makes the V sign toward the heavens, saluting the rise of the planet Venus or Lucifer, as it was also known. The scroll beneath the horse features the word Ubique, meaning "Everywhere" or "In all Places."
Studying the image, we might ask whether the rider controls the direction of the steed, or vice versa? The horse symbol is also suggestively similar to that found on the flags and crests of the infamous Guelph Dynasty, the s0-called "Black Nobility" of Europe. Queen Elizabeth II of England, and the Windsor family, are related to this ancient crime family whose origins trace back to the Templar-Merovingians of France. Does this mean that the American CFR is under British control? The answer is yes. (Here for more...)
Compare it to the Knights Templar symbol. The horse is a Venusian symbol standing for the steering enclave of the all-powerful Sisterhood (the "Whotes"). The rider's hand makes the V sign toward the heavens, saluting the rise of the planet Venus or Lucifer, as it was also known. The scroll beneath the horse features the word Ubique, meaning "Everywhere" or "In all Places."
Studying the image, we might ask whether the rider controls the direction of the steed, or vice versa? The horse symbol is also suggestively similar to that found on the flags and crests of the infamous Guelph Dynasty, the s0-called "Black Nobility" of Europe. Queen Elizabeth II of England, and the Windsor family, are related to this ancient crime family whose origins trace back to the Templar-Merovingians of France. Does this mean that the American CFR is under British control? The answer is yes. (Here for more...)
Cuckoo organizations such as the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses are, given their suggestive symbolism and overall tenets, branches of the Templars, serving many clandestine purposes. Note the cross and crown and armor symbols and the tower which directly alludes to both Astarte and Mary Magdalene. Charles Taze Russell, the founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses and Zion's Watchtower Society, is commemorated by a pyramid shaped headstone clearly of masonic design. The Mormons initiate their youngsters into missionaries with the proclamation "In the name of the Melchizedek Priesthood..." These words are spoken before the name of Christ is mentioned. Melchizedek or Zadok are cryptic pseudonyms for Akhenaton and his bloodline.
Modern-day Templar-funded organizations include the bizarre and super-wealthy Scientologists. Other fronts include the Rosicrucians (AMORC) and Martinists.
The solar symbol employed by the Jesuits goes back to Atonism. Solar symbolism is both revealing and concealing. In regards the Templars, Atonists and Setians, etc, the solar symbolism appearing around their kings nobles and servants, serves to conceal their true identity. As the image above tells us, there is something beneath as well as behind the bright rays of the sun.
We see what looks like an angel and a monk either side of the fallen Satan. What are they doing? Are they worshiping the sun or the Fallen One? Does the female angel represent the Sisterhood?
In Masonry we find rituals of the resurrection of a character known as Hiram, but the ritual of his return to life actually pertains to Lucifer. Of course the story of the fall of Lucifer or Satan is merely a cryptic metaphor for the all too physical fall of Pharaoh Akhenaton, the renegade heretic king who lost his precious throne not in heaven but in Egypt. Akhenaton's name and saga have been cunningly concealed by masonic groups, behind appellations such as Zadok, Melchizedek, Moses, Aaron, Solomon, Hiram Abiff, Lazarus, etc. Images of expulsions, lost tribes, wastelands, skin-wearing prophets, fallen temples, broken columns, coffins, severed heads and skulls, etc, also pertain to Akhenaton's loss of pharaonic power.
We see what looks like an angel and a monk either side of the fallen Satan. What are they doing? Are they worshiping the sun or the Fallen One? Does the female angel represent the Sisterhood?
In Masonry we find rituals of the resurrection of a character known as Hiram, but the ritual of his return to life actually pertains to Lucifer. Of course the story of the fall of Lucifer or Satan is merely a cryptic metaphor for the all too physical fall of Pharaoh Akhenaton, the renegade heretic king who lost his precious throne not in heaven but in Egypt. Akhenaton's name and saga have been cunningly concealed by masonic groups, behind appellations such as Zadok, Melchizedek, Moses, Aaron, Solomon, Hiram Abiff, Lazarus, etc. Images of expulsions, lost tribes, wastelands, skin-wearing prophets, fallen temples, broken columns, coffins, severed heads and skulls, etc, also pertain to Akhenaton's loss of pharaonic power.
The Austro-Hungarian Empire crest, and that of the Habsburgs and related dynasties, hearkens back to the House of Edessa.
This complex symbol appears in many places. It is seen today displayed on the Knights Templar Palace in Jerusalem and on Templar architecture all over the island of Malta. It is the insignia of high degree Scottish Rite Masons who deem themselves a modern-day priesthood. Note the orb and cross atop the crown, representing the supremacy of the Cult of Venus, and bared sword representing the quest for vengeance of the Atonists.
One one level the image may represent the rivalry and eventual unification of the Fourth and Fifth Sects of Christianity, the churches and ideologies of the Nazarean-Edessans and Papacy.
The symbol may also represent the all-important strategy exploited by the Black Nobility, namely that of the two related forms of worship, public and private, or exoteric and esoteric.
In another context, it also represents the expedient alliance of Atonists and Setians, solar worship being the device by which Setians move unseen.
Dual symbolism is the hallmark of the secret societies mentioned here. We have the light and the lost light and twin crescents of Venus. We have the sun and the dark side of the sun, and we have twin riders on horseback. We have crossed swords, olive branches and arrows, black squares and white squares. We have divided compasses, double-barred crosses, and crosses and crowns. We have divide and rule, and most importantly perhaps, we have the policy of Order ab Chao.
This complex symbol appears in many places. It is seen today displayed on the Knights Templar Palace in Jerusalem and on Templar architecture all over the island of Malta. It is the insignia of high degree Scottish Rite Masons who deem themselves a modern-day priesthood. Note the orb and cross atop the crown, representing the supremacy of the Cult of Venus, and bared sword representing the quest for vengeance of the Atonists.
One one level the image may represent the rivalry and eventual unification of the Fourth and Fifth Sects of Christianity, the churches and ideologies of the Nazarean-Edessans and Papacy.
The symbol may also represent the all-important strategy exploited by the Black Nobility, namely that of the two related forms of worship, public and private, or exoteric and esoteric.
In another context, it also represents the expedient alliance of Atonists and Setians, solar worship being the device by which Setians move unseen.
Dual symbolism is the hallmark of the secret societies mentioned here. We have the light and the lost light and twin crescents of Venus. We have the sun and the dark side of the sun, and we have twin riders on horseback. We have crossed swords, olive branches and arrows, black squares and white squares. We have divided compasses, double-barred crosses, and crosses and crowns. We have divide and rule, and most importantly perhaps, we have the policy of Order ab Chao.
. . .
We must allow all the federations to continue just as they are...organized as they are at the present, but we must create a super rite, which will remain unknown, to which we will call those Masons of high degree whom we shall select. With regard to our brothers in Masonry, these men must pledge to the strictest secrecy. Through this supreme rite, we will govern all Freemasonry which will become the one international center, the more powerful because its direction will be unknown - Albert Pike
The split between the Templars and their parent, the Order of Sion, probably did occur sometime in the fourteenth century. Most experts on the Templars believe the breach was never healed and that world events took shape due to the ongoing conflict between the opposing societies.
However, recent discoveries reveal that the actual conflict was that which raged between the hardline Papacy and Nazarean Church, between the Fifth and Fourth Sects of Christianity. This rivalry gave rise to many systems and structures, one of the best known being Protestantism. Nevertheless, the rivalry came to an end in the late nineteenth century, after which a new agenda for world control was agreed upon and set in motion.
The Templar-Merovingians were either later converts to the Nazarean cause and ideology, or were/are actual bloodline descendants of the Edessan monarchy. In either case, they were servants of the servants of God, or more correctly of the Goddess. They were nothing less than the male front organization for the all-powerful Female Illuminati, also known as the Order of Sion.
Let's continue to explore their bizarre history and activities.
However, recent discoveries reveal that the actual conflict was that which raged between the hardline Papacy and Nazarean Church, between the Fifth and Fourth Sects of Christianity. This rivalry gave rise to many systems and structures, one of the best known being Protestantism. Nevertheless, the rivalry came to an end in the late nineteenth century, after which a new agenda for world control was agreed upon and set in motion.
The Templar-Merovingians were either later converts to the Nazarean cause and ideology, or were/are actual bloodline descendants of the Edessan monarchy. In either case, they were servants of the servants of God, or more correctly of the Goddess. They were nothing less than the male front organization for the all-powerful Female Illuminati, also known as the Order of Sion.
Let's continue to explore their bizarre history and activities.
Getting the job done requires not one point but two, divided but working in concert.