(& their Agents)
King Midas with the ass’s ears, wearing horns, gathered together a host of womenfolk, taught them secret arts and mysteries and then began a triumphal progress over the whole of the inhabited world - Diodorus Siculus
...for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived - Revelation 18:23
Every scholar must be aware that there are two distinct styles - two schools, so to speak - plainly traceable in the Hebrew Scriptures: the Elohistic and the Jehovistic. The portions belonging to these respectively are so blended together, so completely mixed up by later hands, that often all external characteristics are lost. Yet it is known that the two schools were antagonistic - H. P. Blavatsky (The Secret Doctrine, Vol 3)
Rene de Anjou’s daughter, Margarite de Anjou married the last Lancastrian king before the War of the Roses, Henry VI of England, in 1445, and played a prominent part in the Wars of the Roses which began in 1455. It was Margarite’s daughter Iolande who became Grand Master of the Priory de Sion in 1430, and who could have organized behind the scenes, at the end of her life, the French army that would bring Henry Tudor to power. If this is so, the Priory of Sion was behind the Tudor revolution which brought a new dynasty to the English throne and new Renaissance ideas pouring into England – Nicholas Hagger
At a very early age Bacon had been head of the Order of the Knights of the Helmet, which promoted the advancement of learning. Learning was symbolized by the goddess known variously as Minerva, Pallas, Pallas Athena, Athena an Athene, who wore a helmet (which bestowed invisibility), carried a spear and had a serpent at her feet. To signify their vow of invisibility the knights each had to kiss the helmet. By 1586, when he was 25, the Order of the Knights of the Helmet had spawned Bacon’s English Order - Fra Rosi Crosse Society - which became a degree in the Knights of the Helmet – ibid
Alfred Dodd in Francis Bacon’s Personal Life-Story describes how Bacon’s Rosi-Crosse Society came out of the new Freemasonry he was creating…Bacon outlined the Freemasonic movement and what is now known as the Rosicrucian Fraternity. He and a few Continental thinkers instigated this movement. It was a reorganization of the Knights Templar Order, whose nine-degree ceremonial it took over. The new “Rosicrucian College” was to be established as an inner rite to the Freemasonic Brotherhood he planned to establish in England - ibid